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French house ww2 scene

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S_ource polycounter lvl 9
This is the first actuall project and scene in UDK for me so alot to learn; its going to be a french house under ww2.

The window placement is just a quick "blockout" to see how it might look.

Im having some problem with my imported meshes as you can see on image three, I dont know if that is on the image, but now its having lightmap unwraps but still looks something like that, im also using tile in the material for it.



  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 17
    That door is very low/wide.
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    Snader wrote: »
    That door is very low/wide.

    Yeah i know, have have learnd that the make the rooms larger in some games so you wont feel cramped and i lookd at some ww2 games and they seamed to have pretty "disorted" proportions on things like this so i thought it would be the way to go.
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    Lowpoly door cleaned up baked normal and ao, also did get some ao from the normal map with NDO2.
  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    Please tell me you're using references? If so please post them.
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    Tobbo wrote: »
    Please tell me you're using references? If so please post them.
    Do you mean for the house or just the door? I have some references but im not folowing any of the for the whole house just getting insperation from them.
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    We french are small and large, that's it.
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    Some update but ofcours new errors to XD. I got same problem as on the stairs or atleast i think its same problem some lightmap problem im guessing. I also have some errors when it comes to the second floor becours the SCG subtract cubes or what to call them removes the walls and floors on the second floor and like treats the whole second floor like geometry and cut a cube like shape into it. But the first floor is fine and its made in the same way, i think thats kinda wierd.
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    A small update.

    Anyone that know why it is shading problems in some areas? especially around the windows, and also how to fix them. Im also wondering how to fix the problem with the big indoor stair, i think it have something to do with the lightmap becours the second channel looks messd upp it doesent look like in max have tryed to reimport it but it still wont change, I dont have the same problem with other models. Even tho i got some pretty ugly shading on them to dont know why udk is doing that?

  • cdevens
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    cdevens polycounter lvl 7
    Your lightmap UVs shouldn't look any different in UDK than they do in max. You should try to re-export from max and check the settings that you are using, then bring them back into UDK. Your scale still seems way off for me. The size of the windows vs the door vs the stairs doesn't look right in my opinion. Also, do you have spec maps on your materials? Nothing seems to have any specularity in your scene, could just be the lack of interior lights in the scene.

    EDIT: You don't have any overlapping UVs on your lightmap channel, do you? Do you get any error messages when you import the asset into UDK or build the lighting?
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    I dont have any overlapping UVs in max and no inverted either, and yes i do get error in the stair when importing it dont know if i get it when building the light its so many errors in the error messages ;P.

    First image is second channel in max, and second image is number one channel in UDK.

  • cdevens
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    cdevens polycounter lvl 7
    That is odd, I haven't had UVs blow up like that when importing. Are you using ASE format and do you collapse the UV modifier before importing? Also, do you remember what the actual error is with the stairs? Invalid vertex coordinates, or something like that?
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    This is how the export settings look like.

  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    Yes im collapsing it im also reseting xfrom just in case.
    This is 2 error messages i get they are in the same order as they pop upp.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    Use FBX format, the first is just saying your Vert count is high-ish? and the second is probably your 2nd set of UVs are out of bounds, just pack them in max. but FBX will work a lot better then ASE.
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    It uses the same cordinates as its in max now. Treyd FBX and it looks better but still not good, But it did dont use the collison mesh that i made in max, so now the stair dont work. Maybey need to set some setting? was alot of them.

  • cdevens
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    cdevens polycounter lvl 7
    The first vertex ratio mesage is the error message I get when I forget to add a second uv channel. Are both channels assigned to the right thing in the editor (ie. Channel 1 > diffuse, channel 2 >lightmap)? Are your diffuse channel UVs the same as your lightmap channel UVs? If so, it may not be as easy to tell if your channel 2 is being used for diffuse and your lightmap has a different channel assigned to it. Just guessing without having it in front of me. Looks like you are getting better results with the FBX format.
  • jmt
    You need to fix the proportions. I'd believe that some games make doors slightly wider than average, but no modern game would make them that wide.

    Something about the window placement looks strange, too. They're all identical and in the corners of the rooms. They're also in the center of the very deep outer wall. Would the windows open? If so, how? If not, why are there shutters on the outside?
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    jmt wrote: »
    You need to fix the proportions. I'd believe that some games make doors slightly wider than average, but no modern game would make them that wide.

    Something about the window placement looks strange, too. They're all identical and in the corners of the rooms. They're also in the center of the very deep outer wall. Would the windows open? If so, how? If not, why are there shutters on the outside?
    I did look alot on medal of honor airborne all their stuff seamed to be larger. And also i dont quite get what you mean with the windows.
  • JoshC
    The issue with portions of the house looking wide or out of place has to do with scaling and the camera. I remember one of the issues in my class was our doors looking fat or wide. How we resolved this was by changing our scaling to match up better. For instance, we wanted our character to be six feet tall and about two feet wide. The actual UDK characters are about 7/8 feet tall and three feet wide which is why you get the wide doors. If you set your Max, Maya, XSI grid to mimic the UDK grid (I know in Maya it is 512, 512, 32) the each 1 x 1 grid square can be one foot by one foot like it is in UDK.

    The other thing happening also is that the camera has a wide perspective which tends to make things look wide. That I don't know how to change, we just kind of ignored it by making our models a bid thinner (of course fixing the scaling issue fixed alot of this as well).
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