So, during the next two weeks and a half, I am going to work on a wagon for a class in school. I am aiming for a realistic-looking wagon that is under 16 000 tris (which is the limit we got for the assigment). So far, it is around 7 500 tris, but I still got quite a bit of modelling left, so I am expecting it to come closer to the set limit.
I plan to make most of the minor details that doesn't affect the silhouette with a height field/bake. At the moment, I don't have super clear images of how the end result will look, instead I'm mixing various details from various different wagons to get the look I want.
Right now I've made a moodboard and started the modelling. The plan is to finish the modelling, and maybe even the UV-mapping, before the week ends, leaving me with about two weeks for texturing. And, if all goes as planned, I might even make a small scene for the wagon to show it off better, but that is on a rather low-priority.
Any feedback is highly appreciated!


Model so far:

I think the textures are really going to sell this. Personally I like the peeling paint photos.
Keep going!
The texturing will definitely sell this like salacious_Crumb said. I also agree with the peeling paint and worn out look, it will give more interest.
edit: Pedro beat me to the link! lol
Thanks for the awesome reference! I will be sure to use it and take inspiration from what he did! I will definitely go for a more worn out look and try to get some sort of peeling paint. Texturing isn't my strong side, but if you never practise, you never get better.
I've finished most of the modelling now, still got some optimizing left to do as well as bake some things, for example the wheels. The wagon is on 12 500 tris atm, but I am hoping to get it down to around 10 000. If you have any tips on the matter, please share
Also, I am going to start uv-mapping it tomorrow, but I am a bit unsure how to proceed. We got a texture budget on one 2048x2048 map and at the moment, I don't seem to be able to fit in that many small props as I would have hoped. Most likely I will add those extra props in later, but that will be after this course is finished.
If you got any ideas, tips or feedback, please tell me
A little update now then:
Finished the uv-mapping and packing. Re-packed it a couple of times and this one was the best packing out of them all. Still got some empty spaces here and there, but for now I will leave them, hoping that I might create a small prop later that I will be able to fill them with.
Any critique is much appreciated
UV-checker on model:
Optimized the model, making it about 9 400 tris. The tris count might go a bit higher if I decided to add something to the wagon in order to make it more interesting, but it shouldn't go over 10 000 tris.
For today, I've tried to fix some things on the AO as well as decide a color scheme. I might tweak some bits of the color scheme, but for the most part I am satisfied with it ^ ^
Any critique is much appreciated
For now, I have tried to defined the materials a bit, so it doesn't jsut have an AO and flat colors. It has a temp normal map and doesn't have that much of a specular atm.
Any feedback is appreciated ^.^
Compare work after your done, see where you can improve, and then profit from the experience.
This is my advice, the best artist is yourself, and the level of competitive quality compared to similair pieces is how much effort you put into.
I think you're off to a great start, I like the style in proportions and the base textures seem to be holding up for a start. Keep going and lets see how things go. Great work!
@Kaburan: I haven't really thought about it like that, but it makes sense. Once I get back on working with this wagon, I'll definetly keep that in mind! And thank you