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Failed Art Test Need Honest Advice To Improve


  • cdevens
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    cdevens polycounter lvl 7
    Did you have a concept to work from? Also, what were the restrictions you had to work with? First thing that comes to mind is there are a lot of stretched textures and seams in the scene. The lighting could be improved, the scene looks a little flat. Looking at your wires, you could have put more detail into the high polys. There are lots of opportunities for modularity in the scene, you could have made a few really impressive high polys and pushed the details and then duped them around your scene. Overall, I think you could have pushed the details further and done more of a mix between high and low frequency detail. Did you do all of your details in the texture map? That is just my two cents, hope that helps.
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    well - material definition, texture resolution, general design, lighting all scream 90'. and not in the good way.
    also, models have tons of useless edgeloops, it takes just one glance to realize that you don't understand how realtime game art works.
    i checked your blog and your normal maps all seem to have been generated by running specular maps through crazybump without putting any though into the process. this is a really significant mistake.
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    -models are uninspired and lack interesting silhouette
    - wasted geometry specifically visible on the wall with the green door(?) in the construction shot
    -normal map detail looks like crazy bumped concrete overall lack of construction detail.
    -diffuse textures look like concrete texture on everything, very little value or color seperation.
    - specular values don't reflect materials composition
    -lack of emissive on probable emissive objects such as screens etc
    - color palette is bland
    -lighting is washed out,generic- no lights near possible light sources such as pod control panel or other digital readouts. lack of contrast and color.
    - composition lacks focus- no storytelling or where to rest eyes/adventure etc

    I hope you dont mind the bullet points I dont mean to be rude- just not much time.- Good luck
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    The models have a lot of wasted polys, and as Dan said lack interesting silhouettes. One thing that really bugged me was that it seemed like cgtextures were just slapped over the unwrap without anymore care. That also makes everything look like concrete when it looks like you are going for metal. Lighting also seems very bland.

    I would just work on optimizing you models and putting alot more time into texturing, then get it into a game engine for showing off.
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    I don't know the specs for this, but this is what i see
    • Inconsistent texel density on the textures (different resolutions)
    • Low resolution overall on the textures
    • Inefficient use of the polys
    • Highpolys in the scene
    • Low or no contrast in the textures and therefor the scene
    • The lighting seams to be the standard viewport light resulting in a very dull overall feeling

    I'm not saying this to be an arse but that is my objective view of this. All the above is extremely important to address, some more then others.

    Go back to the basics and get it right, cut no corners. If you feel that's what you've done, I'm sorry. But you should go back and learn it right.

    I say make a thread here at PC and let people help you. Suck in every bit of information you get and get awesome!
  • richwderby
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    richwderby polycounter lvl 6
    Also get your work into a game engine - UDK is free http://www.udk.com/
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    most importantly: DON'T GET DISCOURAGED!
  • Wonkey
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    Wonkey polycounter lvl 10

    Now take all that great critism, make a thread, and make the scene better for AWESOME!
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    cdevens wrote: »
    Did you have a concept to work from?

    if so can you post it please? : )
  • Saihtam
  • Bergerking42
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    Bergerking42 polycounter lvl 10
    Who was this an art test for?
  • cdevens
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    cdevens polycounter lvl 7
    Whoa, don't ever use a tutorial asset in your portfolio, especially one that takes you step by step through the process. I have talked to developers that said they will immediately dismiss a portfolio if they recognize an asset from a tutorial. They want to see what you can come up with, not go step by step as someone else makes something.
  • Orgoth02
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    Orgoth02 polycounter lvl 9
    Wow man, just wow....
  • Darkmaster
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    Darkmaster polycounter lvl 11
    Yikes man... I won't talk about the tutorial deal, but I think that first and foremost you really just need to go back to basics. Take a single prop and really go back to taking things step by step. Starting with modeling efficiently, then defining your materials and matching examples from life.

    Don't get discouraged here man, but I think that you really have a lot of work to do as an artist before you start applying for jobs. Keep posting on PC! This community has been more valuable to me than 4 years in college and $90,000 of student loan debt. If you have questions, this is the place to get some answers!
  • Animesh
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    Thank you all for your honesty. I will consider all the advice which was given.
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 13
    Well everyone else already covered a lot so... moving forward I'd say start fresh with a new environment project. Pick a piece of concept art to work from if you aren't strong on ideation and development. But don't just copy it either.

    Remember, as artists we're observers of everything, even the smallest of details. Self evaluation is key. If something doesn't look right we have to ask ourselves why, go find the reference we need to make something believable and then fix it. (of course when it comes to this process the more eyes the better :D)
  • gsokol
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    That sucks. Yea you definitely bombed it. Just use it as motivation to learn everything you need to ace your next one.

    My first art test was pitiful...I did pretty bad..didn't pass it. It was a really good boot in the ass. I used it as motivation, and now..a few years after the fact, I can look back and laugh at the whole thing.
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