Hey Polycount! This is my first post of my work on the site. long time listener first time caller... I love feedback and critique so feel free to participate in either.
Working on a game character based on a brilliant concept by Devon Cady-Lee
My end goal is a completed game character for my personal portfolio. So far I have the basemesh down although the hair's a blockout (the end asset will have carded hair) I'm currently blocking out the tubing and hard surface details that will deform the fabric.
Thanks and please critique!

@Jessica Dinh: I'm going for the concept to the left with the covering and everything It's all very exciting! I've tried the larger eyes and smaller mouth like in the concept but I didn't like how the eyes effected the face in the side view and I just didn't seem to like the smaller lips at all as they always made her look like she was pursing her lips, so I went with a more naturalistic face, I'll keep messing with it and see if I can get it to work. Thanks!
Can't wait to see your next update.
As always feedback is appreciated!
wow you even liked the movie, i found it did no justice to the books, loved the orgianl books, best scifi in my experience ever.