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Maya 2012 icons for self buttons outside of default folder supported?

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malcolm polycount sponsor
So I have this shelf that I share with my team, there are two buttons on the shelf that would benefit from using icons. The problem is I'd like to keep the install simple so they just copy the whole folder to their scripts folder. My question is, is there any way to make a shelf that I can share with the team and also put a couple icons in the scripts folder that will hook up automatically to the buttons on the shelf? I tried just dropping the icons in the my documents/maya/scripts folder but no luck. Even tried manually chaning the shelf file in a text editor, but that didn't work either.


  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    I don't think you can do it with just copying to the scripts directory. You would keep the structure with the prefs and scripts folder which they would copy to User/docs/maya/version/. The icons go in prefs/icons and the shelf file in prefs/shelves.

    I just tried editing a shelf file in notepad++ make sure you remember to change the global_proc declaration at the top of the file for it to work ie: just changing the name of an existing shelf to shelf_MyShelf won't work.
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    add the directory to the xbmlangpath in the maya.env file

    MAYA_MALCOM_DIR = E:\Maya\scripts\malcoms
    XBMLANGPATH = %MAYA_MALCOM_DIR%\icons;%MAYA_MALCOM_DIR%\iconsOther;%CRYENGINE%\Tools\melscript\icons

    If you can simply use maya's default icons directory why not just add the icon folder to be merged in the prefs folder?

    make a folder named prefs. in that folder is a folder named scripts with your supporting scripts. a folder named icons with your supporting icons and a folder named shelves with your supporting shelves.
    Now when you drop that prefs folder in the Maya VERSION folder being used everything should be merged correctly?
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    If I understand your post correctly, you should just be able to right click on the button that you want an image for -> edit -> Shelves and then browse to your image.
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