This is a private security character who could fit in the Deus-Ex HR universe (he uses some augmented and bionic technology).
This is a re-work of a previous project, and this time I have focused on improving the anatomy and using a more topologicaly sound base mesh. I am also trying to become more proficient in ZBrush by using the tools more intelligently, and learning new tricks along the way.
I'd be most interessted in hearing crits concerning anatomy and proportions, and whatever else comes to your mind. I've kept the divisions reasonably low so I don't get ahead or myself like I did last time!
p.s. I'd like to thank
praetus for reccomending me that ZBrush book, its been very helpful!

Cheers for looking!
Heres a minor update, I've adjusted the proportions (wider chest & hips, higher shoulders, more muscle mass in legs), and I've also adjusted the ears to stick out more, and made him stand up properly (totaly didn't notice that weird pose I had him in!).
My brains a bit fried right now, so I'll try finish off the rest of the adjustments soon. Thanks again for your help!
Just a thought but you may want to go for 8 heads tall, or not. Generally that is accepted by most artists, plus it gives a more heroic feel to the character. Still your personal preference is fine. Hope this helps shape the forearm/hands and the shoulders a bit better. Keep in mind my paint over really adds a lot of muscle, and that may not be what youre going for but, I picture a guard to be a little bit more physically fit.
Anatomy is key!
Since my last post I've further adjusted the proportions (mostly adding muscle mass to the arms, legs and torso), I've refined the muscle definition in the arms (I found some good references courtesy of the UFC!), added more realistic creasing to the trousers, as well as lots of other tweaks.
Anyway, heres the latest...
another thing to look at is his chest. The whole front of his body is flat from the side view try bringing his pecs out a bit.
Huge progress though keep it up!
I've moved around the torso in the side view (been meaning to do that earlier, just had problems getting it to look right), I've tightened the space around the crotch and rebalanced the hips/top of legs, and bulked out the wrists.
Only a minor update, but it was the most I could do with my work eating up precious 3D time (damn them!).
I'd like to hear your oppinions on my base colours, and anything else that comes to mind!
Anyway heres the highpoly, I would like to hear your thoughts before moving on to the low poly and bake.
EDIT: my screen colour calibration is out of whack when I posted the image, so I'll try again, this should hopefully be more readable:
I've also created a gun for my character. I'm still a bit inexperienced when it comes to hardsurface modelling, so I watch a bunch of tuts on DT and learnt some new tricks. The gun is still HP but I'll try and bake it out soon. Any comments or tips concerning the gun would be appreciated, and same with the character
If anyones got any crits or suggestions before I start skinning, I'd be glad to hear them
I'm not 100% on the ground because the bonding cement between the cobles is reflecting alot of light, so let me know if you have any thoughts on this, and anything else regarding this render. Thanks!