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Micro Uzi - Needs Texture Critiques

Hey fellas, my instructor assigned us a project to texture this "representation" of an Uzi. We could texture it however we liked and sculpt on it etc. He's mainly looking at our textures so I need some harsh critiques on my texture.

Here is what he gave us to texture.


And here is what I have. I know it is not a 100% accurate model of a micro uzi pistol, but I did not know if I should stray too far away from his given mesh.

Today is our first critique in class, so this is not at all done. I would just like to know what you all think as well.




  • Alex3d
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    Alex3d polycounter lvl 9
    Looks pretty good. Are you using any normal maps? Let them do some work on small details (Replace bump map). I don't know what level of detail are you going for and what level of optimization you wish to achieve, but you can pack textures more modularly.
  • Der Hollander
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    Hmm, I agree with Alex3d on stacking some of them UVs. Your packing and sizing could use some work, the tiny little barrel you've got takes up nearly as much on the UV sheet as the body of the gun. In all honesty, for a texturing exercise I would have stuck with the stock Uzi your instructor gave you, there's a lot more room to add in different materials and color.

    For your textures, it looks like everything is made out of the same material, your clip and stock would be made out of different materials than the gun. Clips are usually a heavy plastic/polymer, black powder-coated metal, or bare metal, depending on: type of gun and manufacturer. The stock would be likely some sort of powder-coated metal, or perhaps metal with a rubber sleeve with a plastic butt.

    Your damage is a little much, and some of it makes no sense, and the the rectangular insets in the body look like they were just tacked in for visual interest rather than to serve a purpose.

    On the positive side, the manufacturer stamp on the side is a nice touch, and the overall feel of the specularity for that particular metal material feels right. If you stick with the model you've got (It's by no means bad, just some missed opportunities for some different materials) I'd suggest reworking your pack job for a more optimized sheet (not super necessary but would be nice), and I'd make the stock, grip slabs, and clip a different material to break up the weapon visually, bare minimum. You might also try either boosting the color of your diffuse or turning down the saturation of your lighting. You've got some really nice subtle color variations on your texture sheet, but they get blown out in your render to a flat gray.
  • dpadam450
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    dpadam450 polycounter lvl 9
    Could use some high contrast noise overlayed with a very very small alpha, give each pixel a little uniqueness. Right now you only have a few shades of black in cloud like shapes, makes it look kinda hand painted.
  • Jowens
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    @Der: Thanks for the advice, just what I needed.

    I agree, my UV unwrap could use a rework. Our instructor doesn't like overlapping UV's etc. And I'm still learning that whole process.

    I do need to break up my textures by having different materials on the model. Most of the references I looked at for the uzi textures, at first glance, looked... I guess flat? Like they were all made of the same metal material, which... is what I achieved, unfortunately. But at closer inspection, the grip is definitely a different material than the rest of the metal. Seems a little more "bumpy" like it was powder coated, perhaps? Same for the stock.

    Currently this is where I am at. I changed my lighting a bit to try and bring out the details a bit more. I just cant seem to escape that flat colorless metal. Perhaps its my lighting, but I tried to overlay a little more color. Its very subtle, perhaps more? I changed the barrel a bit as you can see. And also worked on the clip. And removed a lot of the scrapes.



    Tear me a new one...
  • Jowens
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    quick screen grab. need to fix alot of things like the specular and normal still, but it is coming along.

  • explodingseashells
    that grip is looking much better, good work. I'm afraid I don't know enough about weapons so I could be wrong but as Der Hollander mentioned, I'd look at correcting those big indents on the body, they really do appear to only be there for visual interest. And just be concious of where you put the wear and tear.
  • Jowens
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    So here is an update. I've been playing around with different materials. Took out the panels. Gives more room to play, but an even bigger challenge of what to fill the space visually.

    Everything still needs alot of tweaking. But I just wanted to get some opinions as to what I could put there, and if the paint/ duct tape is going to work at all? Im planning on putting a large crack on the surface, to help explain the tape. But I just want to know if it all sucks before I commit to it and waste a shit ton of time.

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