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Another way to get paid for your art

I posted a contest for game character website art if anyone's interested, ends on the 4th; it's a quick way to make a couple of hundred bucks, thought I'd share in case some of you are hungry :P


  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • Karmageddon
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    Karmageddon polycounter lvl 7
    So you want this: http://www.pixologic.com/contest/hero/ <= example

    For $200? SWEET! Sounds like a great deal bro!
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    A two page job is worth more than $200 and nobody is going to do it for free while hoping that you'll choose theirs. It seems to me, you'd be getting some free work and only pay for the best one. Hire somebody and pay them what they're worth.
  • SkyWay
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    SkyWay polycounter lvl 13
    Agreed with the rest.

    Also, seems to me that you want a website AND artwork combined done for 200$? That's...not a whole lot for a lot of work (hourly rate of a proper artist is about 100-200$)

    But hey, you could also roam around the web, find artwork you like, contact the artist asking if the artwork could be licensed for 200$, go to www.w3schools.com and make your own website.
  • makecg
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
  • glynnsmith
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
  • AnthonyPaulO
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    Ok, let me get this straight, because I want to make absolutely sure that that I understand your gripes correctly. You're saying that a 2D sketch of a female character with a drab of color thrown in, plus two very simple html pages with two divs, headers, links, and some color/texture background, are worth more than $200? I see extremely talented people in front of Central Park doing sketches, beautiful life-like renderings, in half-hour and for $30. I see teenagers on DeviantArt doing beautiful anime and cartoon sketches in 5 minutes, which is all I'm asking for. The very simple HTML I asked for is something I can put together in half-hour *at most*, and that's being extremely generous since I'm a programmer and can whip that up in minutes, but I'd rather someone else with a more artistic eye take care of all the details. Don't tell me the Zbrush Action Hero contest page layout will take anything more than 30 minutes; from the THEME header down, that's just a bunch of divs! Seriously! And the second page, another set of divs! So, $200 for one hours work is slave wages? Even if it took twice the time, am I operating a sweat-shop? I'm afraid I severely underestimated some of the artists here on polycount; I dare not insult anyone with another $200 / hour offer, especially considering some won't even turn on their computers for $200!
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
  • EzMeow
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    EzMeow polycounter lvl 10
    Oh here we go again with the :

    "what? Artist, they don't need to get paid, anyone could do their job with a box of colored pencil"
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    so you also want the artwork/website done in 1 hour?..or are you saying it should only take a competent designer 1 hour to do it?
  • PredatorGSR
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    PredatorGSR polycounter lvl 14
    Ok, let me get this straight, because I want to make absolutely sure that that I understand your gripes correctly. You say that this work is worth $200 from a skilled artist, but you don't see a problem with getting 10 artists to do it and only paying one of them?
  • EzMeow
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    EzMeow polycounter lvl 10
    Ask the same skilled artist to do 10 templates of website for you to pick up one, see how much he charge you...
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    so why make a contest out of it, why not just advertise for an artist, tell him how long it should take and pay him accordingly?

    I think you just want to choose the best one and having a bunch of people competing for it, will save you hours of art direction.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
  • AnthonyPaulO
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    Okay, I think I see where the confusion may be stemming from. I did *not* want a website done, *only two very simple* HTML pages which will serve as templates for a contest page, just like the zbrush action hero contest page. All that's involved is a few headers to put in my titles (eg. "Theme", "Prizes", "Rules", etc...) and divs to enter in text. IN addition to that I would like for the pages to look somewhat decent and have some background texture/gradient/whatever and a quick sketch of a cartoon female character. That's it. I already have a website setup, I just want two custom pages that I will integrate into my site. Clarified? Is this still too much?
  • AnthonyPaulO
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    EzMeow wrote: »
    Oh here we go again with the :

    "what? Artist, they don't need to get paid, anyone could do their job with a box of colored pencil"

    Seriously, the melodramatics here is just blowing me away. I've always been sympathetic to artists, and because of this I decided to pay an artist $200 for an hours work, maybe two at most if they're a little slower or more fastidious. I could have just paid one person $20 to do me a sketch and spent an hour of my time on the rest. Instead, I thought of doing some good, I happen to be making decent money and I don't mind paying someone to do some work. The majority response I'm getting back here has been of derision and ridicule, claiming I'm paying popcorn and peanuts. It's just amazing how wanting to do the right think will get you a swift kick in the nuts. This is *exactly* the kind of response I got two years ago when I thought about giving paraplegics an opportunity to do freelance work for me since I figure life gave them a bum deal and a lot of companies don't want the hassle of hiring disabled people, so I thought I'd try to balance the scales a bit. I posted on their forums asking if anyone was interested in work (not a contest, actual paid hourly work) and the majority acted like it was an insult, because I'm treating them differently, how dare I! How dare I seek out only paraplegics artists! That was the response! And now this, here, how dare I pay $200 for an hours work! Amazing...
  • MeintevdS
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    MeintevdS keyframe
    I think if you'd put up a request asking if someone was willing to do this for you the reactions might have been more positive than making several artists compete for something.
    We spend the time but might not get the cash in which case it would be 1-2 hours for $0 and you'd get a product for $200 no matter what. So say you had 10 people competing, you'd get $2000 worth of product to pick from for the price of $200. So that's 9 artists screwed, 1 artist got paid and there is you with a 90% discount.
  • ZASkaggs
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    The real problem here is that you want multiple artists to do the work, but you only intend to pay the one you like best. I doubt that you'd go into work tomorrow if your boss said that from now on he's only going pay the person he thought worked the hardest at the end of the week. Did you visit the link that glynnsmith posted?
  • Kot_Leopold
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    Kot_Leopold polycounter lvl 10

    You still didn't answer PredatorGSR's question.

    You say that this work is worth $200 from a skilled artist, but you don't see a problem with getting 10 artists to do it and only paying one of them?

    Why not post this in the request section of Polycount and ask only 1 artist to do it? Why is this called a contest in the first place? Artists should be competing for the best piece and only one of them will get paid? Well, that's nice.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 13
    I think people are getting confused. From what I understand the website is FOR a contest, not the contest itself.
  • Tenchi
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    You should pay all entrants $200 each. Problem solved.
  • MeintevdS
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    MeintevdS keyframe
    @ LRoy: Lol no it's a contest to make 2 website pages for a contest :D
  • ericdigital
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    ericdigital polycounter lvl 13
    Man you couldn't come up with anything slightly more unique than sexiest fantasy female you can imagine :poly142:
  • AnthonyPaulO
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    ZASkaggs wrote: »
    The real problem here is that you want multiple artists to do the work, but you only intend to pay the one you like best. I doubt that you'd go into work tomorrow if your boss said that from now on he's only going pay the person he thought worked the hardest at the end of the week. Did you visit the link that glynnsmith posted?

    But that's the nature of a contest right? Only one winner? Just like the lottery, the olympics, sports, and a gazillion other things. To answer your question, no, I wouldn't do it, and from what it sounds like none of you will do it either, but the fact of the matter is that there are people already applying to the contest and working on it as we speak which means that its worth it to some people. That's what life is all about, the value of things... some people value owning a cow and milking it for their milk, others would rather pay other people to do it.

    Do you know what these two pages are for? They are for you guys! I wanted to host a contest just like your BRAWL contest, expect unlike that contest I wanted to offer a nice cash prize to the winner. Based on the response I'm getting from this simple little insignificant two page contest, however, I am seriously reconsidering my decision.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 13
    MeintevdS wrote: »
    @ LRoy: Lol no it's a contest to make 2 website pages for a contest :D

    My mistake!

    Still I don't understand why everyone's on this guys nuts. If you don't want to do it just don't do it, you don't have to post calling him a douchebag? He wants two html pages and a sketch of an anime girl with big tits. It's not like he's asking you to set up his business website.

    That said, Anthony you would probably have way more luck advertising on DeviantArt.
  • ZASkaggs
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    I don't doubt that you meant well. But I'm sure you see that if Walmart started running "shelf-stocking contests" in lieu of hiring employees, that no one would do that. Better for everyone just to hire an artist the conventional way.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Most contests also have 2nd and 3rd place prizes, that's why it comes across less like a contest, and more like getting people to provide you with a bunch of designs for your site.

    And honestly, if the pages are so easy to make, then why not just ask for the artwork? If this is for a game, don't you already have game art to use?
  • AnthonyPaulO
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    LRoy wrote: »
    My mistake!

    Still I don't understand why everyone's on this guys nuts. If you don't want to do it just don't do it, you don't have to post calling him a douchebag? He wants two html pages and a sketch of an anime girl with big tits. It's not like he's asking you to set up his business website.

    That said, Anthony you would probably have way more luck advertising on DeviantArt.

    That you Roy, this is exactly what I asked for, and I really don't understand the overwhelming negativity... if people don't want to do it then they don't have to do it, just walk on by, nothing to see here. I must have forgotten to put on my deoderant this morning.
  • Sandro
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    While it's normal for skilled artist to make a cool sketch in 25 minutes for himself, it rarely works when it comes to client work. It involves art-direction of some sort, couple of rough sketches for approval and a revision or two before final polished piece is completed. This takes more than 25 minutes.

    Contest format makes it awkward and complicated, as artist does not work directly with client and is shooting in the dark.

    Contacting artist who's style you like and working with him/her, or finding artwork on e.g. deviantart and licensing it sounds lot better to me.
  • AnthonyPaulO
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    Sandro wrote: »
    While it's normal for skilled artist to make a cool sketch in 25 minutes for himself, it rarely works when it comes to client work. It involves art-direction of some sort, couple of rough sketches for approval and a revision or two before final polished piece is completed. This takes more than 25 minutes.

    Contest format makes it awkward and complicated, as artist does not work directly with client and is shooting in the dark.

    Contacting artist who's style you like and working with him/her, or finding artwork on e.g. deviantart and licensing it sounds lot better to me.

    All true, which I've done before, but since I was interested in hosting a BRAWL type contest with a $1000+ prize (I've yet to decide the exact amount) I thought I'd get my feet wet with a smaller contest and see how that works out. From the response, it doesn't look good. I'm a laid back no stress kind of guy, and if this tiny little contest is already giving me so much grief, I don't think hosting a much bigger one is going to be any better. I don't want to give away $1000+ for more insults and ridicule.
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    The thing is, you're going to use the results of the web design contest for your own purposes. Brawl didn't take what people submitted and use it privately. You're asking people to give you a sizable amount of work on the chance that you might pay them. It's a job, not a contest, and you treating it like the latter comes off as rather disrespectful to some people. Your contest says that a couple of hours of work from however many people happen to enter is only worth $200. That's a lot of cumulative man-hours for not much money. A good deal on your behalf, but a raw deal for anyone actually in need of work.

    What about all those people that don't win? They get to do the work and get nothing in return. At least in Brawl, their art gets lots of eyes directed at them, which is good publicity for them.

    Perhaps you could have done this a bit differently? Instead of asking people to do a lot of work for potentially nothing, why not have people submit links to their portfolio and the best folio gets the job? That requires a lot less personal investment from each entrant and aligns more with what this is, a job posting.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    because you don't need a competition, you're looking for someone to do work for you.

    You don't just pay for someones time, you pay for time + years(decades) of experience.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod

    I left this open at first since I don't see anything wrong with people making small competitions, even if no-one is likely to enter.

    It's become apparent you're really wanting work done for yourelf. We have both a Requests and Freelance work forum- If you'd like to pay for an artists time or request some work, please take a look over there.

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