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Rectangular Texture Maya

[Deleted User]
polycounter lvl 9
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[Deleted User] polycounter lvl 9
i just got an internship at SOE and i need to brush up on my maya skills (unwrapping in particular) before i start.

My two biggest questions as of right now is how to render out a rectangular texture and how to offset overlapped uvs in maya.



  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    If you mean project a normal map or ao to a rectuangular texture, There are 2 ways-

    1.you still want to have you UVs take up the entire 0-1 in UV space. I would do it by laying out my UVs in the left half or bottom half of the 0-1 space in correct aspect ratio, and then scale it by a factor of 2 to fill up the entire UV space. An easy way is to snap (hold X) the scale pivot to 0,0 and then turn on discrete scale in the tool options to scale by exactly 2, or just copy the script output to do the same.

    2.In the transfer Maps option you can select what part of the UV you would like to render (UV Range options. I ten to do it this way so that I can keep my UVs a proper aspect ratio, and control the tiling of the maps with the texture 2d node.

    As far as offsetting select the shells you want to move, move them slightly, copy the script output, and then undo so the shell is in the original spot, and then alter the values of the script so they move by a unit of 1. There is no discrete option for the UV translate tool for some reason.
  • throttlekitty
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    For the texture, that depends on which part of maya you're using, but generally just by setting the appropriate resolution, ex 1024x512.

    polyEditUV -u -1 -v 0
    This would offset 1 unit to the left. Positive 1 would go right, similar for the v component to move up/down. I use a marking menu to cover movement/rotation.
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