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Creature Model for Internship

Hi! I'm participating in ArenaNet's call for interns and have reached a point where I'm not sure what else to do to better this model before I turn it into a game-ready model. Any feedback would be wonderful!

Concept Art:





  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • lymiller
    Bah, I tried. At least You can see thumbnails now! :(

    I had initially transferred the texture directly to the model, but I painted over everything in the end. So what is here is all my doing.

    I agree with you about the jowls -- I'm gonna fix those spikes next.

    I actually have a problem with the "crispness" of my models -- I've never been able to figure out how I can go past 6 million polys because my ZBrush basically says "no". Is that a settings thing, or a computer thing? (My MacBook Pro is from 2006.)

    Anyway, thanks for the idea. (Photobucket works much better for this!) Here's those screenshots:


    And flat colors:
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    This is in the wrong forum section, just for future reference...

    ... are you using ZBrush 2? That matcap looks like the ZBrush 2 one, brings me back...
  • Tenchi
    Lower the tongue maybe, looks like he's choking on it? But looks likes it time to make it game ready ^^
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • haikai
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    haikai polycounter lvl 8
    This might be one of the better versions I've seen of this "test" here on polycount, but you're still lacking quite a bit in the textures. I know you can do a lot more once you take it to the low poly model, but don't be afraid to use photo sourced textures of reptilian scales/skin on there, and try not to make your gradients so smooth and air-brushy. Tighten things up and really make the details read cleanly.

    The head shape is kind of odd in some angles. I'm not sure why everyone seems to like making the lower jaw so much wider than the top, but I'd reconsider that area. The legs are also a bit formless and could use more muscle definition and suggestion of underlying skeletal structure. You could probably exaggerate the size/thickness of the spikes too. It kind of just looks like hair stubble on your model instead of protective spikes. I'd consult some large reptile references and work in those things as much as you can to give it some more credibility. I know this model can be seen in some screenshots (or maybe it was in one of the trailers), so maybe it's worth hunting that down too.

    I also suggest adjusting his pose a bit too. It's nice to see it matching the concept and all, but having the front arms bent like that is just going to cause problems later.
  • lymiller
    Thanks everyone. I made a few tweeks here -- elongated the upper jaw, narrowed the area between the eyes, narrowed the jaw (especially the bottom), sculpted in a bit more detail in the legs, and added some low-opacity photo overlays into the texture -- honestly, I forgot I could do that, so I probably should've done it sooner in the process.

    If I'm at least on the right track here, I'll get into adding more detail into the legs, at least.


    I've been working on this thing all weekend -- I've just GOT to get away from it! lol I've been looking at it so long it's hard to tell when it's "ready".
  • PatrickL
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    PatrickL polycounter lvl 9
    Gorgeous man, absolutely gorgeous.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I think it's cool, but don't spend too much time on the diffuse-only Zbrush stage. Your textures will really start working well once you use AO (and even faint directional) bakes as a base, work on your spec, and so on. I think that even tho it looks cool at the moment it is still too much in the "airbrushy" territory.

    Good luck!
  • lymiller
    Is there an easy way to move this thread over to the correct section? That was my bad... if not, I'll just start a new thread over there for my updates.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Yeah normally the mods are better about moving threads, just start a new one.
  • lymiller
    Yeah.. thanks. I'll do that. :)
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