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deus ex environment

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MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
hi guys, been working on a portfolio piece inspired on this piece of concept art for deus ex:


here's some progress so far:


and here's a closeup on a specific reflective material, using the new dx11 image-based reflection feature.
I used an ImageReflectionSceneCapture actor to capture the scene image that is then reflected on the material, resulting in a realtime environment reflection.


and here's where the problem comes in: as you can see the reflection just... stops as soon as it reaches a mesh that has been oriented differently in relation to the reflection actor, and i have no idea why. i tried to overcome this by creating another imagereflectionscenecapture actor, and orienting it accordingly to the problem meshes. i exptected to see more reflections, but it turns out this didn't do anything at all.
what i want is pretty simple (to explain): i want realtime reflections all over the scene, on every surface where i want it.


here are some captures of the setup: (the giant plane in the back is the reflection actor)



as you can see, the ground reflects just fine, but those cubes with glowing holes in them stop reflecting on their underside at some point. i have no idea why... can anyone help with this? it would really help me along :)


  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    Not sure how to fix your reflection problem(no dx11 card) but the scale of the scene seem alittle smaller than in the concept. That is the only thing that seems off to me so far.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    I walked in that area last night and yeah, yours is too small width wise. Unless of course this is just for inspiration and you're making your own twists then fine.

    Only crit so far is the normals in the second pic look a bit strong at the moment. Perhaps once lighting is finalized, it will all come together.
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
    @biofrost & Habboi: thanks, yeah i didn't notice the scale was off, i'll get that in order :) and about the normals, they do look a bit strong indeed, because i intentionally made them stronger, because they didn't come out at all before. i'll turn them back down, see if that solves it. thanks for the tips :)

    so in meantime, i think i found out the reason for my problem: the imageReflectionSceneCapture actor only captures what is right in front of him, and only projects reflections on surfaces right in front of it. that said, I don't think i'm using that thing right, so if anyone would care to enlighten me on how to get every surface i choose to reflect right? i can't seen to find it on udn or udkc...
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
    new update, fixed the reflection issue, scaled the whole thing up and started adding advertisements. (with animated materials)

  • Envart
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    Envart polycounter lvl 6
    Hey there, glad you fixed the reflection issue. Care to say how you fixed it / what the problem was? Advert looks great, maybe a bit too much bloom/emissive tho.
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
    well basically instead of using one massive reflection capture actor, i added one actor per reflection plane, so for every side of my scene there are about three to four actors: (all the white glowy things are reflection actors)

  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 13
    Not bad so far man, keep up!
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
    thanks helder :) i'm working on actually making those cubes look like in the concept, and i'm gonna re-align some brushes, so the scene comes closer to the camera angle the concept has, but those cubes are really bothering me. for one i have no idea how to achieve that kind of lighting coming from within the cubes inside UDK...
  • myles
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    myles polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah keep at it man, I'm glad to see you've already worked on the colours and particles a little, as thats what really sells this scene. I'd still say you want to go back and check your proportions of the scene a little, theres a few large differences in your scene.
    If you can't see them let me know and I'll draw over.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    You need to break up the vertical lines, it makes your scene boxy and lack depth. Especially the ones running down on each side. Where the boxy/pod window things intersect. Great progress so far though :) Looking forward to seeing more!
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8

    another update, did massive rework on the proportions of the scene, think i got it this time :) one problem though: i have no idea at all how to achieve those glows behind the windows... i can create it on one window, by putting inside the cube a massively overblown light (strength of about 500) with light shafts, but as soon as that one light turns into two lights, things start to get iffy, let alone when two lights turn into the amount of glowing windows I need.

    does anyone have a suggestion on this?
  • Xendance
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    Xendance polycounter lvl 7
    Are the windows on the pod doors translucent? Or is it a simple flat surface? If former, I'd just put bright lights in the pods and then adjust scene post processing so that they bloom like in the reference picture. If latter, just use the emissive channel in your material to make it glow.
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
    neither, the windows are empty, because UDK doesn't like partial transparancy; it's either full transparancy or no transparancy, and that's a problem...
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8

    another update, with perhaps a preliminary to a solution to my problem? i know it needs way more light, but i'm just trying to find a way to achieve that really cool look in the concept... any ideas anyone?
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Well, translucent material like glass in front, and in the back a texture with some depth and an emissive map+bloom might work :)
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
    so, two seperate materials for each cube with light? won't that affect performance?
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    MaVCArt wrote: »
    so, two seperate materials for each cube with light? won't that affect performance?

    Well a the smartest thing is not to have every cube as a separate object, since the cubes only render in one area it's not really a problem if the bounding box is big, it's being culled when you leave the area or with frustrum culling if you're not even looking at it.

    If all cubes are one object, then it's 2 materials with diffuse(alpha)+ spec maybe + emissive. Which results in less draw calls, making them cheap for the GPU.

    Right now it's way way way more expensive to have point-lights in every cube when you could get a cheaper and probably better effect with emissive+bloom and if you wanna go really fancy some kind of parallax mapping.
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8

    another update, still not quite like the concept, but this time i think i'm getting there finally :) also, the scale of the scene was again adjusted, and I think i've finally hit the sweet spot on that one :)
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    that aliasing is not acceptable dude ! fix it it looks like messy uvmapping / mipmaps
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8

    another update :)

    @warby: yes, i'll turn on AA next time, sorry :p
  • nfrrtycmplx
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    nfrrtycmplx polycounter lvl 18
    lookin sweet, looks things are kinda packed in there compared to the concept. Other than that i'd say you're doing an excellent job capturing it so far.
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8

    another update, added lens flares to try and simulate the concept art lighting, need to tweak them ofcourse, and started adding more assets, as well as some tileable textures

    and before someone accuses me of stealing jordan walker's post-process chain, i am only currently using it because my scene looks better with it, and because i don't know anything about post process chains. however i am learning, and the final piece will contain a self-made post-process chain.
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
    been some time since the last update, been tweakin' a lot, learning new things :)

    at this point, the only thing in the scene that is NOT mine, is jordan walker's post process chain, with th chromatic abberation turned off. the lens flares and all the rest are all mine, but i did study jordan's lens flares and materials closely to learn how he actually did it. the actual materials though, i made myself :)


    btw, message to jordan: thanks again man for putting that scene out there! i've learned more from that scene about UDK than every tutorial i've ever seen combined :)
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
    been a while since i updated, made some progress with the scene :)


    i have noticed that the lens flare to the left of the front is much too prominent, but i'll work on that, probably will make a seperate lens flare for small lights rather than use the big one from the back, or the dirt on the lens will become too prominent...

    edit: lighting wasn't rebuilt on previous image, fixed now
  • e-freak
    Hey, not really a crit, just a pointer: I'd not focus on Lensflares right now or anything. Although it makes a lot of the Concept, the important part should be getting all and every detail in diffuse down first and then worry about lens artifacts and flares.
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
    thanks, yeah i'm doing that, been focusing mainly on creating assets for the last couple of days, haven't actually done any work on those lens flares for two days now :) the hard part about getting those assets in is that the concept is really undefined when it comes to the ground level part, and the game itself did something completely different in regards to athmosphere, so i'm gonna go with something in between, getting my inspiration for the assets themselves from the game and putting in the athmosphere based on the concept
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8

    new update, major remodeling of the basic setup of the scene, been spending a whole day matching everything up.
    thing is: the concept uses a very wide view angle, which can only be simulated by using the FOV command in the UDKGame console command, but that's really touch-and-go and quite uneasy to use... so... this is the closest I can get to the concept in terms of scene scale, setup and just general proportions.

    the booths in the front on the ground will be replaced, i need to redefine the material on them...
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
    new update, been working hard on filling everything up, been working on new textures, added tons of assets, still long way to go, but getting there. hoping to get this done this week at the latest to get started working on my cryengine3 project :)

  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    So far so good, I would stick with finishing the environment before messing with the lighting, it's not bad to place lighting in there when your working on it, but not production level, but that's just my idea, whatever floats your boat :) looks good either way.
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
    aajohnny wrote: »
    So far so good, I would stick with finishing the environment before messing with the lighting, it's not bad to place lighting in there when your working on it, but not production level, but that's just my idea, whatever floats your boat :) looks good either way.

    thanks for the compliment :)

    yeah i'm working on the lighting a bit while putting in assets, but only very gradually, i'm looking to achieve a nice high contrast look. i might eventually bring in more contrast using a post process material, but those things are erratic, so i will have to see about that.

    in any case, i've been at this for far too long... (more than a month) in my defence though, it's my first ever complete environment, and my first ever project inside UDK, so it took me a couple of weeks to get the hang of everything i'm using in this scene, from lens flares and materials to postprocesschains and particle systems :p
  • Serp
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    Serp polycounter lvl 17
    Lenf flares are cool because if something looks bad you can put a lens flare in front.

    But seriously the lights coming from those pods at the top looks great.
    There might be too much grime on those stalls. And yeah I'd concentrate on those stalls and re do them as much as you need to because probably they'll take up most of the scene.
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8

    little update just to show what the thing looks like at the moment, but i've left it be for two days now to work on something else for a bit and clear my mind to be able to look at this with a fresh eye, gonna resume work on it tomorrow, and take it on at the most basic level.
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