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Issue with 3Ds Max 2011. Mesh and context menu glitching

polycounter lvl 7
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Boyso polycounter lvl 7
Hello everybody,

I'm currently setting up my new computer. I updated my video card (AMD HD Radeon 9650) to the latest driver and updated DirectX.

I'm using 3Ds Max 2011-64 bit (Educational Version)

On my high poly, one part of my mesh "disappear" into small bits as soon as I move in the viewport. However, it "re-appears" as soon as I click on it. I don't have the issue if the mesh is selected when I move in the viewport.

Secondly, most of the time, when I right click in the viewport, the small menu won't appear completely, but gradually as I move my cursor above it. Kind of frustrating.

I hope someone has a fix for this, thanks!

1. Mesh is correct.

2. Model disappear



  • Digital_Utopia
    First off, forgive me for the 3-month bump - seeing how this is the top, relevant result on Google for this topic, I felt this would be the best spot to add additional information, if not a work-around for this issue.

    As far as the issue itself goes - this is, believe it or not, it's related to a combination of which video card port your monitor is connected to, and which monitor is set as your "main display".

    I ran across this issue myself with Max 2010. I have a dual monitor setup with my main monitor (23" LCD 1920x1080) plugged into the left port (DVI) on my video card and an old CRT (1024x768) plugged into the right (VGA). While my LCD monitor was set as my main display, the only time the viewports/context menu behaved was while the 3ds max window was on the CRT monitor. Displaying the window on the LCD monitor led to the same viewport and context menu glitching you describe.

    However, upon setting the CRT monitor as my main display - Max behaved correctly on both monitors. Now obviously this is not an ideal situation, as any full screen game/application will now choose the CRT display as opposed to the LCD, but it does at least make Max less frustrating.

    Now, you didn't mention whether you actually have dual monitors or not, and to be honest, I haven't bothered to check what happens if I plug my LCD monitor into the other port on my video card (mostly because I don't want to go digging for a DVI->VGA adapter). That being said, even if you only have a single monitor - if your main display is plugged into the Left port on your card (Looking at it from the back), that may be the cause. I suggest trying to plug that monitor into the Right port and see if this changes anything.

    Regardless, it's a pretty stupid bug - especially since it wasn't killed by the time they released 2011. Unfortunately, there's little choice but to work around it - besides switching to a different app of course (i.e. Maya/SoftImage etc.)
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