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The Woad Queen


something i am working on for a class. she will be preparing to fight a large monster. this is WIP. feedback?


  • akillermindmeld

    i'm a stupid and tried to link to facebook. i'll do it right now.
  • Titus S
    You're using a lot of small brush strokes, go bigger and work your way down once you get further along in the painting (but not at a hairline pixel size)... Don't scratch sketch, it adds a lot more detail than you should. Use long accurate strokes, if you fuck up... ctrl + alt + z... Don't fall in love with your first line.

    I really want to do a paint over, but I'm pretty swamped with concepts as well. Send me messages if you need critiques, I rarely keep track of posts I post in.
  • akillermindmeld
    thanks! this will be painted over in color. my main concern right now is anatomy. i do the fine detail so i know what to leave out later. a method to my madness. i'm going to post progress. your input will always be appreciated.
  • akillermindmeld
    i gave up on the form for a while and blocked in the beast and environmentcolinProgress8411.jpg
  • akillermindmeld
    This is what i turned in for my midterm. still going to develop it for portfolio. any suggestions?
  • uncle
    I'm no good at drawing, but I guess you need still bigger brushes, I mean it.

    I don't want to be harsh, but you need more exercises before you take on big picture like this, there are many errors - anatomy, pose, light, composition, color scheme... But it's the way it is, before you can run you need to learn to walk man.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
    Offline / Send Message
    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 9
    Your going to have to take a different angle with this as well. It's taking all of your dynamic action and flattening it. Kill it in the progress. Great concept but the direction could be tighter.

    EDIT: you're also adding glossiness to places that it's not needed and throwing off the lighting.
  • toxic_h2o
    Offline / Send Message
    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 8
    I second what uncle said. The basics are super important. Start here and draw everyday. http://alexhays.com/loomis/

    As far as this painting, be careful with the black, it tends to flatten an image like no other. Also I would fix the lighting, choose a dominate light source/direction and go with that.

    This painting needs a bit of work before you use it as a portfolio piece. It feels very unfinished and beginner like. Just push yourself and keep drawing that's the key. :)
  • SubSpherical
    You generally have to concider the proportional differences and what stuff really looks like. Do as the other guys say - Try to work from big to smaller brushstrokes.,See the big silhuettes and shapes first. Dont be afraid to start over from scratch.

    I did a quick paintover on this. It might not be great, but i hope i give some good feedback.
    I Re-Posed the character, cause the one you made felt unnatural in some way. could just be the size of the legs or the hip angle, or because the legs we bent away from the viewer. Although none of these 2 poses is good for a sword stab. You never reach out with your sword all the way if you want to thrust it or something. This looks more like "im pointing at you with all my force - you are going down" kind of pose. Thats why i painted in a gun :)
    The Size of the head, leg lenght and the lack of visible hips made it look like a kid. And i see you corrected some in your latest picture. But i like this one better, if you correct some features. Anyways, work hard and look at how masters work on their pieces.

  • akillermindmeld
    i thank you all for your imput. this was for an illustration class and i only had a couple weeks to finish it; with work and my current college schedule it's hard to make something nice in such a short time. i do admit i need more practice drawing. although i have been drawing since i was pretty young; i defintanly need more practice especially when it comes to color. for my final piece in this class i am going to do the same illustration from a different and more exciting angle. so more to come.

    imput is always appreciated, however specifics are moreso appreciated than anything else. like the message directly above this one.
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