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New guy here, messed up bad with ambient occlusion step.

Decided I wanted to learn about the stuff people do here, so did a crash course, but, I seemed to of messed up. I was trying to make an high res model for my ambient occy map. But, realized I didn't properly unwrap my uwv map. Does this mean I have to start over for the low poly?

No big deal if I do, I only have about 30ish hours total invested in this model. This is my first model and still learning. Most of the time spent just learning about how drawing a proper texture and 3ds low rez modeling.


Are these cliff steps correct? So I don't fail again?

Build low poly
Unwrap UWV map and edit envelopes properly
Import to mudbox/zbrush, (Check in mudbox if UWV is properly edited). Coat with detail
export high poly ambient occlusion map.
Paint diffuse, and make a normal map
Import maps and use with materials
Export low model and profit?


  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    The UVs don't matter for the hi poly, so you don't have to start over.

    Unwrapping the low poly is needed for when you bake..that way it bakes to an unwrapped texture. The high poly is only used for its geometry for the bake, so no unwrap needed there. Make sense?

    good luck
  • FicWill
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    FicWill polycounter lvl 17
    You shouldn't need or worry about UVing your high-poly models.

    The typical workflow is some variation of:

    Build basemesh
    Sculpt basemesh
    (optional) polypaint basemesh
    Retop basemesh for lowpoly
    unwrap lowpoly
    set up high-to-low projection
    project normals, AO, whatever
    muck about in photoshop
    render in your engine of choice
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    An example of a workflow I use is to export my High-Poly out as an OBJ, and use a baker like Xnormal to bake the details of the high onto the Low Poly one.

    But yeah, Low Poly always needs UV's, high poly doesn't unless, unless the lowest division is something you want to keep and use.
  • PSG_Mud
    Thanks guys, really helpd alot. I think I figured it out now. I ran into a problem importing 1.8mil model, but realized I just didn't have enough ram to do it. Xnormals requires quadrangulation/triangulation it seems, so had to do that. Didn't realize I had to have 3/4 sided polygons. Anyway I got a normal out of it and I think I understand most of the core mechanics now.


    Normals are really amazing technology to me, creating the illusion of detail. This model is only 400ish verts.

    Don't you think it would be more professional though to create your texture maps from Mudbox/Zbrush though? Seeing how there are more tools it appears to pull out a quality texture map.

    Also, would it be better to make a High Poly model first, then the low poly later?
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Don't you think it would be more professional though to create your texture maps from Mudbox/Zbrush though? Seeing how there are more tools it appears to pull out a quality texture map.

    Sorry, don't understand what you mean here. Do you mean replacing Photoshop with Mudbox in the workflow?
    Also, would it be better to make a High Poly model first, then the low poly later?

    Both ways work, some people prefer the Low-Poly -> High workflow, while others prefer High -> Low. It depends since both of them have ups and downs, and it's a matter of preference.
  • PSG_Mud
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    Sorry, don't understand what you mean here. Do you mean replacing Photoshop with Mudbox in the workflow?
    No sorry, I meant, using mudbox to extracting texture maps, instead of using xnormals. Getting my normal, specular, AO, etc from mudbox itself.
    It seems to have alot going for it rather than xnormals. Low poly would be tied to the high poly though.
  • joshzaite
    Where and how you generate your normals is entirely up to you. If it works it works. I recommending playing around with the options you know you have, researching others if you want also, and finding what works best for you in what situation. There are so many tools and applications that all do more or less the same thing, finding your preferences and their strengths is part of the learning process.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Ah yes, that makes sense, as Josh said, it depends to you. I use XNormal for it's speed and standardized Tangents because it's a simple click and forget progress.

    You can bake with any app you choose however, Topogun, Maya, Max, 3DC, Blender, it all depends on which one you would prefer to use and want to use, so no, XNormal is not necessary or a "MUST".
  • PSG_Mud
    It was my mistake, I should of triangulated or quadrangulated the model from the start. I don't know why yet, but Mudbox is just easier for me to use atm. Perhaps I will pick up and learn to use Xnormals when I get better.

    Anyway, now that I know to not have N-gons. I decided to start a new model. I produced something cool so far. Just playing around with random art getting a feel. I did this without any blueprints, and took me forever because of it.



    This is just a diffuse I scribbled in a few minutes...

    I plan on attempting to understand bones next and, I was wondering if people who work with animations, actually animate manually. I've seen those things with a bunch of balls on someone in real life, and they use that them to animate with.

    I want to create a stand, walk, death, and attack.

    Animating seems difficult to do it manually for organic creatures.
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    I plan on attempting to understand bones next and, I was wondering if people who work with animations, actually animate manually. I've seen those things with a bunch of balls on someone in real life, and they use that them to animate with.
    Learn to do it manually. Even with motion capture you may have to use the knowledge in order to clean it up and apply any tweaks need to be made.
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