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Warhammer Axe

polycounter lvl 9
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Ahniketos polycounter lvl 9
Hello everyone!

I'm currently a game art student and I just want to share a model I've done for an assignment. Its actually from two warhammer weapon concepts I mashed together by Dan Scott. Any comments and crits are welcome. Hope you guys like it!

The low poly is currently being rendered using the Xoliulshader and the high poly a grab from Z brush.

Concepts by Dan Scott



  • Oiban
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    Oiban polycounter lvl 6
    Looking great buddy! great hipoly! and It backed perfectly!
  • Nistrum
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    Nistrum polycounter lvl 9
    wow Uber dude, very cool

    what i do have to say is that the concept looks like the "waves" on the axe blade look raised, i get the feeling it might have been useful to add those into the sculpt.. a little late ow I realise but still :P
  • Mgoblue412
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    Mgoblue412 polycounter lvl 5
    It would be nice to see it under 3,000 polys but it is looking pretty nice right now. I agree with Nistrum on the waves as well though.
  • SouthpawSid
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    SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
    no crits. Shit's awesome.
  • OrganizedChaos
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    OrganizedChaos polycounter lvl 17
    Definitely not bad!
    I agree with what Mgoblue412 said about cutting polys.

    Are you adding any glow to this? The mouth area of the axe kind of gets lost in the concept to model translation without it. The orb in the center could probably use some dimming down- right now it's really bright, the concept gives it a very sss feel rather than being made out of some kind of glass. The metal itself looks like it could use a little more refinement, at least something in the normals or painted in to show off the wave pattern a bit more. The spikes coming out of the chaos seem like they're angled in the concept and straight out on your model. Besides that the skulls aren't really reading as skulls right now, the ones looking off to the side kind of look more like shapes. The skull on the top looks a bit different as well.

    Overall I like this a lot :) just trying to throw out what I noticed if you were trying to match the concept exactly.
  • Ahniketos
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    Ahniketos polycounter lvl 9
    Really glad you guys like it, I appreciate your comments and crits

    OrganizedChaos: I cut down the polys by quite a bit but I started to lose a lot of the silhouette in certain areas. I will dim down the self illumination down and change it to match the concept more but i remember trying and it didn't come out looking so good, no harm in trying again =) in terms of sss the shader wont support it and I wanted to keep it a real time render. Any possible suggestions you have so i can "fake" it? possibly in the diffuse or another map? In terms of the waves in the metal part, I can work the normals and try to make them pop more. I had matched the concept at one point but my prof suggested i try a more realistic look to the skulls. Glad you liked it!

    Thanks again for the comments and crits guys! =)
  • Oiban
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    Oiban polycounter lvl 6
    Totally agree the polycount is perfect for a weapon with that amount of detail.

    For the SSS, you could try marmoset or UDK, anyway I think you could get away on your glow and difuse.

    great work!
  • Freitec
    I think you hit the mark beautifully! Wondering on your choice of subject material( I am assuming it was due to the incredible variety of texture possibilities)?Do you have other models to post? Would love to see them,perhaps a character or environment piece?

    I also would tend to agree with a previous post in that your polycount is well within acceptable limits. All in all something to be proud of!
  • line726
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    line726 polycounter lvl 7
    really follow the concept~!
    great job~!
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