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RappaTools3 Script for 3ds Max has been Released !

RappaTools3 will make your life easier by helping you get things done easy and fast in your everyday tasks that go in 3ds Max.

Some of the Benefits you will get:
* NEW: Now with ChamferOp produce great topoplogy without pinching.
* Never struggle again with the ribbon.
* Have everything in one place for quick access.
* You will produce better results in less time.
* Many tasks will be replaced with one click of a button.
* Intuitive hotbox access for a faster workflow.
* Free Updates and Support.
* Never struggle to manually update it, it does it automatically for you.

New RappaTools3 Build 1358: (21/08/2011)
  • ChamferOp with "Uniform Mitering", QuadChamfer and UnChamfer.
  • More MacroScripts.
  • RightClick menu to +Save and Adjacent.
  • Isolation Mode.
  • Improved GeoPolygon the outline feature.
  • QuadMenu.


RappaTools3 is a commercial script.
(Works with 3ds Max 9 Sp1 + [x86 and x64])

To find out more go to: http://remusjuncu.com/rappatools/
To check out the features list see: http://remusjuncu.com/rappatools/#features


  • caubebutchi
    I cant setup it for max 2011 .you can create a video how setup it ??
  • RappyBMX
    setup what !? simply drag the mzp in the viewport and click install done :)

    or watch one of the videos on youtube [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AL2Z67zVc8[/ame]
  • caubebutchi
  • RappyBMX
    you have to buy it !
  • caubebutchi
    :| ......... I think you share free a lite ?
  • RappyBMX
    i used too... but college is expensive :(
  • caubebutchi
    T___T . oh men . I'm poor man . My salaxy 20USD/month . I can't buy it . thanks Rappy
  • caubebutchi
  • RappyBMX
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    T___T . oh men . I'm poor man . My salaxy 20USD/month . I can't buy it . thanks Rappy

    lucky max is so reasonably priced :poly124:

    rabby: is this a MSE or a MS?
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    I bet it´s mse ;)
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    SpeCter wrote: »
    I bet it´s mse ;)

    MSE makes baby jesus cry
  • caubebutchi
    what's MSE and MS ?

    I living on a poor country . This's VietNam . The rice farmers always buy rice for rich countrys with small money . They use moneys for their sons. so...it's will help their sons can go to the school.
  • RappyBMX
    It's .mse but functions can be accessed via maxscript :)

    Only the interfaces are .ms
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    guess I can now unsubscribe from any further updates on this- guess it became a pretty big project and you might have your reasons to go the mse way, good luck with it.

    caubebutchi: mse = maxscript encrypted, it means you can't look into the code or modify the source, which is what most people do that go commercial with their scripts otherwise they couldn't do buisness as people might just rip their stuff.
  • RappyBMX
    thanks i guess...

    well version2 might become open source...
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    RappyBMX wrote: »
    thanks i guess...

    well version2 might become open source...

    No ones knocking you for protecting your work, especially as its now commercial. Its just some folks prefer to be able to get down and dirty with code, encrypting it prevents that. Tools are much more valuable to power users when they can adapt them.

    I've never seen a point in encrypting free scripts. Your putting a load of work into something and then killing its development once your bored of it.
    There are a number of scripts I would like to extend and improve but I cant because the author doesnt want people to see their 'secrets'
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    Tools are much more valuable to power users when they can adapt them.

    and learn from them. :)
  • GeeDave
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    GeeDave polycounter lvl 11
    Does your "One Object" function suffer from Max's inability to attach large selections? I wrote this a while back:


    but no matter which way I went about it, it would always lag when I started trying to attach hundreds of objects together. I'm no master of Maxcript which doesn't help but the way I went about it was to just only attach "x" amount of the entire selection. I think I set it to 50 but it might be 100. I mean it works well for most scenarios but I'd like to know if it can be improved, just for curiosity's sake.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    lucky max is so reasonably priced :poly124:

    Ahah, I like it when peeps just point out pirates...
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    I would say making V2 open source woule be awesome...there are only a handful of function in RapTools which I would use, so that would be most welcome (the reset Xform, Pivot, Collapse and Center to world is one such example).
  • RappyBMX
    Note: Slow PC... AMD Athlon x64 x2 4000+ | 3GB RAM DDR2 | GTX 9800GTX+ 512MB

    people get the free script play with it and keep the result :)

    tomorrow or something like that i'll move back home from college... after that i'll try to find some time for v2...

    so let me guess rappatools3 is too expensive !?

    I'm selling rappatools3 so i can get an pc upgrade... also because college is expensive...
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    It looks like PolyBoost lite if you will for Max 2009+...so no, it's no really expensive per say, just that 3DS Max has a long background of piracy and free stuff, so people are on the fence to buy stuff willy nilly.

    You should put up a link for V2 and rename to ' RappaTools Lite' and make a quick list of what is inside V2 and what is in V3...V2 could very well be your demo at this point, and it will help somewhat.
  • RappyBMX
    well version3 is not finished, more stuff to come... i have some ideas for some new cool features that will be pretty sweet... but that will take time to develop :)

    as for version2 will try to get that done too...
  • GeeDave
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    GeeDave polycounter lvl 11
    Cheers for that demonstration Rappy, seems very powerful indeed. Your price range does seem a bit steep. I'm certainly not saying your work isn't worth it, hell I wish we lived in a world where $45 was a steal for something so nice. At the same time however, I can't help but feel that you'd rope in a lot more customers with $20 or less. For the $40 mark... just thinking about recent purchases or things I do want... I could go get myself the Marmoset Toolbag or Wrapit. The latter being a comparable product I'd say, as it's a script.

    Just something to consider, I could be wrong though... you could be making hundreds a day and therefore have every right to tell me to shove it! :)

    Enough banter though... I'll watch your 14 minute clip and then decide. I like what you've done, I really do. If I wasn't so lame at MaxScript I'd of tried the same myself. (in fact, sorry to pimp myself again, but I did write this http://garydave.com/2011/03/daily-grind-toolset-v-10/ purely because I'm obsessed with trying to speed up the pipeline)
  • Serp
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    Serp polycounter lvl 17
    The tool is awesome. I love the reset xform, center to world and the pivot thing. Well a lot of it really. Just wondering, is there a "select every other loop" button?
  • RappyBMX
    Well I'm thinking about lowering the price... only 2 sells so far...
    if (tomorrow == no sell) then ( lower price :| )

    i saw your script... pretty cool, but from a quick look at the .mcr i get your point :)

    Also probably in the near future will post small tutorials/tips on my blog related to max and maxscript what I've learned over the years... tips and tricks...

    Also i'm not planing to do maxscript for ever... I have a few more ideas that i have to finish first and then if that's all i'll sort of stop working so much in maxscript...

    Select Every Other Loop... you mean dotLoop

    Here's how RappaTools looked in 2008 :)
    i started learning maxscript by looking at other scripts and playing with them :)
  • RappyBMX
    finally got home :D ... also price dropped... to $23... still expensive !?
  • GeeDave
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    GeeDave polycounter lvl 11
    Bit of an odd figure but it's definitely easier on the wallet! I'll make a purchase later today, I'm also more comfortable showing it to friends now the price isn't as scary! Good work man.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Shared it on my facebook, you never know.
  • GeeDave
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    GeeDave polycounter lvl 11
    I've spread the word too, it is a nifty script. Bought it myself just now, am I allowed to copy the same .mzp to my PC at work? I couldn't find any legal-notes about use on multiple machines.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hi there! Definitely a lot of very cool stuff in the toolset.

    That being said I still think you need to work on your presentation. In it's present state the Rappatools3 page on your website looks way overcrowded and it can make potential buyers think that your pack might be a bit of a clunky tool to use too.

    First off, the interface screenshots are really not inviting at all. Modelers just want to look at the animated gifs of all your tools, see if anything is of great interest, purchase the pack, and then add the corresponding few buttons or shortcuts to their existing interface. Since RappaTools is targeted at experienced modelers, such persons already have their personal UI setup. Your interface screenshots suggest that it would add more clutter to their workflow. Now obviously for your own use, it's great - you have all your tools in one place. But for all other modelers out there it is rather pointless.

    About modifier keys. It seems like most of your tools have powerful parameters trigged by alt and ctrl. Again, it might be good for you but as a modeler I would be worried to purchase a pack that seems to rely heavily on that. For instance I really like your alt-relax and ctrl-relax, but I don't feel like installing this if Iget the sensation that they would be mapped to modifier keys in a weird way. I just want your alt-relax as regular UI button, and your webpage makes me believe that it is not possible (but I cannot tell for sure).

    About the custom UI again - there is something to say about the script pack being released along a fully new kind of interface.
    As a Max user I am usually very conservative with that kind of stuff. I am fine with adding dozens of little MCRs to Max as I know that it wont slow it down once they are sourced on startup. But I experienced some odd behaviors before (slowdown and glitches) with scripts coming with a fancy interface, and that's something that I don't like.
    I'd rather have Rappatools as a simple script pack of tools, simply available through the regular Customize menu/keyboard/quads window in Max. A solid descriptive helpfile and your page of animated gifs are all I would ever need to pick what I want from it. I personally would never need to touch the custom Rappa interface, because I simply would never need it. Yet, being forced to purchase it along with the tools would be a minus for me.

    Hope this helps! I am not trying to hate on your work ; I am actually very interested in many of your tools, just not in their present "uber package" form so to speak. I would strongly suggest you to work on a barebones version of RappaTools3, with just the tools and nothing else. I think it would sell.

    Do it just like this, but with your GIFs to explain the tools further :
  • RappyBMX
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    Shared it on my facebook, you never know.
    cool, thanks :)
    GeeDave wrote: »
    I've spread the word too, it is a nifty script. Bought it myself just now, am I allowed to copy the same .mzp to my PC at work? I couldn't find any legal-notes about use on multiple machines.
    awesome... yes you can use it where ever you want... at home, at work, on your laptop, on your phone !?... as long as YOU are using it :)... i don't like licensing stuff so...

    first thank you for the review.

    agree on the presentation stuff... will work on it...
    pior wrote: »
    About modifier keys. It seems like most of your tools have powerful parameters trigged by alt and ctrl. Again, it might be good for you but as a modeler I would be worried to purchase a pack that seems to rely heavily on that. For instance I really like your alt-relax and ctrl-relax, but I don't feel like installing this if Iget the sensation that they would be mapped to modifier keys in a weird way. I just want your alt-relax as regular UI button, and your webpage makes me believe that it is not possible (but I cannot tell for sure).

    Well the parameters are so i don't triple the number of buttons...

    http://remusjuncu.com/rappatools/#modeling-relax you will see the adv.fn (advanced function) that can be use to access the Click+Alt directly...

    using: RappaTools3.Relaxfunc ctrl:false shift:false alt:true
    that means you can use it as a regular button... or incorporate it in your script... all the features are like that :)

    you can also change the interface button to that...

    As for the UI it's just so you can access the features directly... you don't need the interface to use rappatools3...

    So should i remove the interface !? and just make macros for absolutely everything !?
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    RappyBMX wrote: »

    So should i remove the interface !? and just make macros for absolutely everything !?

    Nay ! You can always map you most used functions to hotkeys without buttons (and like you said using cltr/alt/shift can be emulated in the macros so no problem), and less often used ones in a custom ui (or in rappatool rollout).
    Best of both world.

    I understand the concern of some for the site presentation but if you're an advanced user you should have figured out it's highly customisable and very easily.
    For those allergic to uis, you can always go the full hotkey/quad road...

    Just my two cents.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Well, Quads would be a viable option if 3DS Max didn't botch every nano second and forced you to close/open Max to assign new hotekeys. Hell, sometimes the Quads don't even get correctly transferd to another workstation.
  • RappyBMX
    New RappaTools3 Build 1358:
    • ChamferOp with "Uniform Mitering", QuadChamfer and UnChamfer.
    • More MacroScripts.
    • RightClick menu to +Save and Adjacent.
    • Isolation Mode.
    • Improved GeoPolygon the outline feature.
    • QuadMenu.

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