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Ironman wip

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Hoopla! polygon
thought i would start a thread to track my progress.

cc would be great.

this is still initial block out phase.



  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    Looks pretty neat. However, ive always found having a simple blockin mesh really helps when your working with your high resh mesh in dealings with proportions and silhouette
  • Tenchi
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    Looks like great progress, I would agree with simple blocking in so you get that overall picture. Are you basing this on the Heroes Reborn version?
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 9
    yeah, always block your models out it makes life so much easier. and the overall process faster.
  • Hoopla!
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    Hoopla! polygon
    Thanks guys.

    i should have left the blocking mesh turned on, yeah no way i could get close without it. i should also mention im using the base mesh from the wiki page for proportioning. (thanks Arshlevon)

    @Tenchi, indeed this is based on the heroes reborn or "Prometheus armor" was always a big fan of the ironman comics.

    not sure yet weather i will go for the whole body or just do a bust, this will probably be what i spend all my free time on tho. going to try to get this as my main portfolio piece, bake it down and pose. man, lots of work ahead.
  • Hoopla!
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    Hoopla! polygon
    so i need a little advice i think, im pretty unfamiliar with the layers pallet in zb, but what i want to do here is (without merging) move all the tubes on his back over at once so i can mirror most of them across to the other side.

    im not having much luck with layers and i think i may be using them wrong, reading thru the docs im a little bit confused. any advice?

    thanks in advance.
  • tda
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    tda polycounter lvl 16
    The only real option is to mirror them one at a time by using mirror and weld which will keep the subtools seperated. An alternative is to merge them all down into one, mirror and weld then groups split to bring them back to their individual subtools. A word of warning though, merging erases subD history IIRC so only do this if you don't need to step down any more. You can try to reconstruct lower subdivisions, but it often doesnt work.
  • Hoopla!
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    Hoopla! polygon
    thanks for the response tda, so layers are no help to me here? from what iv been reading it would seem they are more like a new canvas than what i want them to be..

    i had forgotten about group split, usually only use it when bringing in obj's in a group from max or w/e
  • Hoopla!
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    Hoopla! polygon
    small update. thanks for any c/c
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 9
    If you're trying to model straight from a particular reference, could you post it? Or are you kind of doing your own take kind of? A few things strike me as off.
    His chest thingy is usually pretty centered on his chest - right now it looks like it's riding on his clavicle.

    The eyes seem to be positioned too high (picture a real human head under there) and I'm not too fond of their angle. Also, I would say it would be nice to have some more depth in the eyes.
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    I can't say I would recommend modelling Ironman in ZBrush, the best part of Ironman is his super clean lines and precise geometry. It's entirely possible to do it in ZBrush but it is going to take you 2-3x as long with the clipping brushes than it is to build panels for him in whatever 3d package you use.

    I'm all for using ZBrush for everything if possible, but at your current level I feel like it's doing you more harm than good. I would take the panels that you've shadowboxed and everything and just retopo them in Max or Maya to get much cleaner bevels and geometry to work with. You'll pretty much have to do this anyways if you plan on making a good UV-able mesh or a game mesh.
  • Hoopla!
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    Hoopla! polygon
    shiniku, i am kinda doing my own thing here but it is based on the heroes reborn version of ironman, i noticed however that from issue to issue the details change quite a bit so i decided to do what i thought looked best. i think you are right about his outer most chest armor riding high, i re-sized everything and i think i neglected to move that piece down. the eyes are going to get a texture that makes them look like lcd panels or something that looks like a segmented dragonfly type of deal, its a separate poly group in there so i could def move it back tho.

    ceebee, i dont doubt it! haha, but im doing this as an exercise in zbrush so, altho i agree that hard edge is a lot easier in max or maya i plan to stay in zb for the whole project sans maybe a vray render.

    Thanks for the feedback guys, i really appreciate it.
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