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Made an iPhone Game - Marty Mongoose

Hey guys! It's been a long time since I've posted and I didn't sculpt anything in Zbrush or model anything this time around but that's because I've been working hard on this last project of mine. I've been teaching myself how to code and finally got to a point where I managed to create an iPhone game!

It's called Marty Mongoose and it just finally went up on the app store a few days ago along with a free version. I did all the code, art, music, etc. myself and I wanted to throw it up for a pimp.

Wish me luck guys! Not the best game in the world but its a fun little time waster that I feel is worth the 99 cents. (hope others do too) :) To show some love I'm throwing up 5 promo codes. (free downloads) First come first serve. you need a wifi connection to download it.

I am more than happy to finally get back to some modeling and sculpting!



If you want to find the game and support it, you can search for it on the itunes App store. I don't feel right putting the iTunes links up. Feels too much like I'm advertising and not pimping then. If you do use one of the promo codes, download the free version, or grab the full version. Please leave a review. It helps a ton! Thanks guys!

Here's some art from it....



  • buddikaman
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    buddikaman polycounter lvl 18
    Cool game..good luck!
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11

    Awesome job on learning to code man. Respec'
    The art looks amazing and im sure itll play swell aswell. Upload a youtube video plis!

    Good luck!!
  • chadabees
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    Congrats! Big achievement right there man!
  • Vadien
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    Thanks guys! Sure I'll try to put together a game play video and throw it up on you tube later today.
  • gilesruscoe
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    gilesruscoe polycounter lvl 10
    Awesome man! great art and congrats on your release, i will buy a copy later!
  • Vadien
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    Here is the game play video along with a bit of a walk through of the game itself. You can also collect a jet pack and anti grav orbs in the later levels. Thanks for the support guys!

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Swft7RG3_pk"]Game Play Video[/ame]
  • mr_ace
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    mr_ace polycounter lvl 9
    hey man, really impressive doing all that yourself, it looks really cool
  • Ihazard
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    looks like a good game, good job on doing it all yourself :) will dl it later
  • Ben Apuna
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    Congrats, that's quite an achievement!

    I wish you the best of success with your game :)

    The art looks nice and polished.

    The puzzles seem like they could be quite interesting and fun too.

    If you don't mind me asking as I've been traveling down a similar path lately. What programming language(s) and libraries or engine did you use to make your game? ObjectiveC? Cocos2D? Unity?
  • Vadien
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    Thanks a ton guys!

    @ Ben - Thanks for the kind words. I started on C# but I think it was a bit too heavy for me at the time. So I switched to Java Script. It is a very easy language to learn and there is a lot of support for it.

    I built most of the thing in Java using Unity as the Engine. There is a lot of pre-built things in Unity that are really great for a first timer. Only hard part is figuring out how to access it. But there is a large community for unity that will answer your code questions.

    Also, I actually kept a blog through out the process documenting it. It got a bit wordy towards the end but its there for help and it gives info on what I used, cost of things, exporting to itunes process and issues as well as how to get around those issues. Here it is...


    Don't mind the whole White Box part. I had to create a site for apple to link to for customers to visit. So I linked the blog to that. But the info is there.
  • Ben Apuna
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    I read though your blog. It was a good read informative, insightful, and a bit inspiring. It's great that your girlfriend is so supportive too.

    I think you've got the right idea of taking small steps to gain experience towards bigger and better things. A lot of people seem to give up after their first game(s) don't turn out well from a financial perspective. With that said I still I hope you do well with Marty Mongoose in the short term. Hang in there and keep up the great work.

    I had a similar experience while attempting to learn C#, somehow I ended up learning Java and a bit of computer science instead through some awesome resources I found online.
  • kio
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    kio polycounter lvl 16
    hey i really like your blog. im quite interessted how your sales journey turns out. sometimes im still surprised how much effort has to go into even small stuff like this. hope you have the ressources to go on and do another :)
  • Vadien
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    Ben Apuna wrote: »
    I read though your blog. It was a good read informative, insightful, and a bit inspiring. It's great that your girlfriend is so supportive too.

    I think you've got the right idea of taking small steps to gain experience towards bigger and better things. A lot of people seem to give up after their first game(s) don't turn out well from a financial perspective. With that said I still I hope you do well with Marty Mongoose in the short term. Hang in there and keep up the great work.

    I had a similar experience while attempting to learn C#, somehow I ended up learning Java and a bit of computer science instead through some awesome resources I found online.

    I think starting in Java is just the natural flow of things for people new to code. It's a more friendly set up. But towards the end I started working in C more and I think I will continue to go down that road. Once you get used to it you see that Java is a similar language. That's some great ref too!

    EDIT: It's best to figure out which language you want to go with though since C and Java do not communicate too well.

    @ Kio - Thanks! Keep checking back. I'll be updating it again tonight. I have a half written one on my machine at home that I fell asleep during. But I hope sharing my experience will save some heart ache for others. I just put two updates for the games (one for the free version and one for pay) up for review to the app store so I'll be able to comment on that process too. I really hope it's helpful to people.
  • Vadien
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    This made me really happy so I had to share it with people. My game got a review today on the iPhone App Review web site. 4 out of 5 stars! Here's a link.:poly136:

    Marty Mongoose: Making Rube Goldberg Proud on the iPhone
  • Cooljay
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    Looks like it's a fun game overall :P
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