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Undead bust

polycounter lvl 11
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MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
Inspired by the WoW cinematic. I plan to do a full character so please call out any problems you see in this bust.

Total time: 4 hours

Would this be a good portfolio piece? I mean honestly I've seen people put their worst on their portfolios but I'd like someone elses opinion.


Texture isn't too great, but I definitely think it could use alot more work




  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    personally not a fan of the glowing eyes - i feel that it knocks the quality down a peg or two

    as for the detail, the area around the mouth looks like its melting.. not sure what sort of effect you are trying to get i see that your texture map you gave those spots a white fade, so i really have no idea, its lacking any evidence of upper/lower lips and gums too

    also the crack in his head, looks too "soft" as in there isnt any sharp edges - you textured brains but left out any sign of a skull, or any skull fragments

    other then that i do like where this is heading, and please kill the glowing eyes, without them it feels so much more creepy and overall badass : )
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    This was based on an undead from WoW so I wanted the glowing eyes :P But I will remove them, it looks equally as good.

    The "melting" was supposed to be drool/saliva, but it came off looking like wax, as for the lips those weren't supposed to be there, same with the skin around the nose.

    I personally regret the hole in the top of the head, it detracts from the entire bust and draws attention that its quality can't support. Definitely won't be doing this in the second one

  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Anyone else? :P
  • MoreDread
    basically i can only repeat whats been said...
    your hi poly looks great but some of the texture looks too handpainted and hides some of the nice detail you have in the hi poly.
    thats mainly the hole in the head with its blurry outline and the blood which fails to deliver, as well as the saliva.
  • jmt
    I see three major changes you've made to human proportions: Flat brow, wrinkled up nose and the mouth. I can see what you're trying to do, but the choices don't come together as well as they could.

    Compare it to this (Iron Maiden - Killers cover art):

    The unusual way that Eddie's face is distorted gives him a very stylized, menacing, insane look. A lot of his skin is pulled away from his mouth to emphasize the evil smile and the brow comes down around his big, empty eyes. This isn't really what you're going for, but this is just one example that your piece reminded me of, especially the nose.


    The Frankenstein Monster has a similar brow, but more rounded and it fits with his other facial proportions to give him a monstrous, masculine face.

    I think that he really needs teeth.

    Why are the ears shaped like that? It looks like they've been burned off, but I don't see any evidence of burns anywhere else.

    The shape of the hole in his head, along with its color and star shape makes me think of a star fish.

    I think you need to pick the character that you're going for and push it. Stylize it in the way you want to emphasize this. Is this a frail old man, An ogre, a dead prince, a demon, a necromancer? You don't need to write a novel, but I think that this would really benefit from a more concise direction. You've got some skills, but this seems to be where its falling apart, as far as I can tell.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11

    Was the look I was going towards

    The nose is not shriveled by the way, incase you were thinking I was trying to pull off a grin, the skin has just rotted away to show parts of the cartilage.

    Flat brow, like I showed was completely taken from the cinematic :P You may not be able to see it above, but it was revealed in the making-of video on youtube

    The mouth (the shape) is supposed to be like this, but when I make the full character Ill be making teeth because I've never done teeth before and this was somewhat of a speed-sculpt/texture lol.

    The ears, they're supposed to look rotted away but I became oblivious and completely ignored the ears while I was texturing and that lead to them looking dull, or like you said melted.

    I plan on not even doing anything like the hole again, I believe theres a difference between being rotted and undead and being a zombie and I do not want to cross these two genres. And any big areas like this usually detract from surrounding areas and really dumb down everything.

    When I plan on doing the full character, im telling myself "How can I make this guy look like a warlock?" I really want the viewer to be able to look at the character and say "hey he deals with dark magic and conjuration".

    Im glad im no longer getting comments regarding anatomy for the most part (5-6 months of studying has paid off too a decent extent), and this allows me to focus more on composition rather than technical difficulties. But I do think the high poly came out a bit sloppy and I realize why this happened and I wont be doing it again.

    Thanks for the comments guys!
  • jmt
    I didn't realize that it was so heavily based on the character from that WoW cinematic.

    Here's some reference of the original model if you haven't seen this:
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Ah real cool thanks
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