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Maya 2012: Odd texture nonsense.

quad damage
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Joopson quad damage
Hey everyone,
So, whenever using textures in Maya, I have always used the good ol' "Shading>Hardware Texturing>Unfiltered"
But in Maya 2012, it doesn't work. I mean, it turns off the default bilinear filtering, but instead splits each pixel into around 5 very short but long pixels.
I've tried, too, going into the individual material and adjusting the Hardware texturing, and setting resolution to "Highest (256X256)", and texture filter to "Nearest"
And yet it still looks wrong. Very low res, and not at all sexy.

Attached is an example. The left from Maya 2012, showing the annoyance. The right being Maya 2009, which does it right...
Thanks for any possible answers.


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