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ngon master
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almighty_gir ngon master

i was just contacted by these guys, asking if i'd be interested in any of their courses. i said sure why not, send out info etc. so they said that an advisor would come by and speak to me in person. apparently they like to make sure people are right for their course and for the industry.

but more importantly, i was wondering if anyone here has had any experience with them, good or bad. i've checked out their forums and it seems they've had some people recieve placements at established studios like Rebellion (in oxford) which could be an amazing opportunity for me. but i'm also sceptical of the idea that this course will be good for me. and that mainly comes from the absolutely awful artwork on their frontpage.

their frontpage alone leads me to believe that i'll be tought "backwards" to things i already know, if that makes sense?

so yeah... what's your guys opinion on this? cheers!


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