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Duke Nukem Forever has gone gold

polycount lvl 666
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PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
"Some said this day would never come, what are they to say now?"


And just to recap, a list of whats happened sense DNF was announced (slightly out of date): http://duke.a-13.net/
Some highlights include:

  • Every peer to peer file sharing program including Napster was developed.
  • The entire Geforce and Radeon lines of graphics cards are newer than Duke Nukem Forever, as well as both brand's predecessors, the Nvidia TNTs and ATI's RAGE
  • The Voyager 1 spacecraft has travelled 8.8 billion miles from Earth.
  • Approximately 509,373,306 people have died and 661,373,082 have been born.
Some things that took less time then DNF:
  • The theory of General Relativity.
  • The United States' entire program to put a man on the moon, from Kennedy's challenge to the landing.
  • World War I
  • World War II and the entire Manhattan project.
  • Alexander The Great's conquest of Persia


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