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Sketchbook: Kenny Swanston

Hey all! Gonna use this thread to mostly post up 3d work and the odd drawing here and there. Any C&C welcome! :)

Atm the moment Im working on creating a low poly model of Darkstalkers Morrigan.
Here's the zbrush sculpt(the only thing that isnt sculpted btw is the hair, which is quick paintover that I did to hide the polyhair):

By spacetornado at 2011-04-13

This is a slightly older version of the base mesh, as I've made some changes to the mesh at the knees,elbows and fingers. I've cut down the tri count a little to 9848 tris.

By spacetornado at 2011-04-13

Oh and here's some renders done in marmoset toolbag with the normal map applied to the low poly mesh.

By spacetornado at 2011-04-15

By spacetornado at 2011-04-14


  • eCzety
    It is looking really good, the detail you can get with a normal map is pretty impressive. Myself was introduced to the technique, and got good results for the 1st try.
  • KingOfBavaria
    eCzety:Cheers mate!!

    Bout half the color map for Morrigan finished, Here's some renders in marmoset toolbag just the color map and normal map applied here. Atm I think the face and leather part of the body maybe needs a bit more work. Hopefully once I make the spec map and the bump map it'll bring out a bit more detail. Im also gonna smooth out the wrinkles a little on the inside of the right leg.

    By spacetornado at 2011-04-15

    By spacetornado at 2011-04-15
  • KingOfBavaria
    Some more renders in Marmoset, Ive now only got to do the wing bones texture.

    Oh and these renders are just with the Color and Normal map applied.

    Tried to add a bit more detail to the face, I smoothed out some of the wrinkles on the legs though again the right inside leg just needs a bit more work done. I also tried to make the sown patch bats on the legs pop out a little more. Plus added some variation to the leather body suit, tried to make it look a little smoother hopefully it'll look better once I add the specular map and bump map.

    I'm also going to have to redo hair texture and possibly remodel some of the poly hair as I'm having a nightmare trying to get it look right. Ive also attached the texture Ive painted for the hair, if anyone could give me any pointers. I know I need to try add little more variation in color in the hair as its basically just a range of greens atm. Two other things I need to fix is the arm stockings, as the color is still too close to the skin color and the area just around the eyeball which looks dodgy atm.

    Anyway I hope you can all spot some difference :S

    Any C&C welcome!

    By spacetornado at 2011-04-19

    By spacetornado at 2011-04-19

    By spacetornado at 2011-04-19


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    By spacetornado at 2011-04-19
  • Sandeir
    hey, great model you have there.
    I maybe have a few things:
    it could be me, but I think her knee bends in a really odd way :s
    and some things that are probably still on your to do list, never use white as a color fot the eyes, use a little bit gray.
    but i really dig your model, keep it up !!
  • KingOfBavaria
    Thanks Sandeir, I've tried reshaping the bent knee a little. I've also added a texture for the eyes.

    Here's some renders of the model fully textured with Color, Spec and Normal map in Marmoset Toolbag. Model still isn't finished, I still have to fix all the seams, which are particulary noticable on the body.

    My main concern is the hair, I totally remodelled and retextured it but again the final result is it still looks crappy. If anyone has any advice on how to fix that'd be awesome. Ive provided wires of the hair and the texture. Oh and the hair in these renders only have color map applied btw.



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  • KingOfBavaria
    Finished Morrigan model, was hoping it would turn out better but oh wellz, I want to move onto something new now. Back to drawing the last few days too, here's some stuff I done.

    By spacetornado at 2011-04-26

    By spacetornado at 2011-04-26

    By spacetornado at 2011-04-26

    By spacetornado at 2011-04-26

    I'd like to have a go at painting something in photoshop, Im fine with texture painting but with actual painting Im lacking confidence. I have Digital Character Painting by Don Seegmiller which Im tempted to go through again.
  • wake
    Offline / Send Message
    wake polycounter lvl 17
    do it. Time spent with illustration is never wasted as it helps you understand form better and makes you more flexible as an artist.

    Quick crit on the head of your last post-- as a general rule heads are as deep as they are tall. Right now your figure has a severely truncated if it's a side profile.

    Do that paint and post it man, nothing stopping you.
  • KingOfBavaria
    Thanks for the feedback Wake, especially with the head depth thing, Ive noticed Ive made the same mistake with quite a good few of the heads Ive drawn so I'll need to watch out for that.

    I'm also still working through Loomis "Figure Drawing For What Its Worth" which Im enjoying, I will post up some of the exercises and notes Ive took from it next time.

    Here's some of the figure work Ive done since my last update, done using acrylic paints which Im still trying to get used to. The rest with pencil.

    By spacetornado at 2011-05-01

    By spacetornado at 2011-05-01

    By spacetornado at 2011-05-01
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