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Radio - Morning shows?

Hey guys and gals,

So, I was talkin to the girlfriend about radio morning shows, and it got me wondering what everyone hear listens to. Ive heard my fair share of morning shows, and there is only one that i love, and find HILARIOUS.

The dean blundell show on the edge, 102.1. Its a toronto radio station, but you can listen to it online, steaming. I dont have a radio in my car, so I just hop on when i get to work. the show is from 6 - 10am EST. they talk about pretty much anything hilarious, constantly have a sex hypnotist on (they stream a video online when they do), lesbian lu, physic nikki (who is crazy scary good). and a bunch of other stuff, "wha happened" and "whats wrong with you", where people call in and say a funny story,or, whats wrong with you (go figure). They`ve been on the air for 10 years, and have had over 4million dollars in law suits cause of the shit they talk about, and what they say. so, you know its gonna be good! One of the guys is a blind guy, who, in the past they have gotten to drive an ATV down the middle of a BUSY street in rush hour. haha

If anyone is interested, you can listen to it at www.edge.ca ... definitely worth a listen! 6-10am EST

Anyone else got a good radio show they listen to?

(and no, i dont work there! im not plugging my own stuff!)


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