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Austin, Tx job hunt

Im here in austin, where i grew up. Ive been visiting studios, some seemed promising. Others seemed impossible to infiltrate. I had the most luck with twisted pixel. Actually got to talk to some one. It seems most of my encounters were like talking to automated messages. I like the face to face " apply online" was a common phrase. Blizzard shot me that line. I love it here, wish i could stay, praying for a door to swing open. But, i head back to cajun country tomorrow. I have so many ideas and im itching to be involved. Arkane, Aspyr, Twisted Pixel, Bioware, Midnight, Retro, Blizzard. Tried to find Red Fly, no dice. If your an Austin game studio looking for a creative powerhouse, full of ideas then im the man your looking for.


  • Peris
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    Peris polycounter lvl 17
    I don't trust anyone who calls himself a creative powerhouse lol
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Lmfao @ 2:35
    Did he just Jedi mind trick the audience and that yellow robot at 3:08?
    LMFAO @ 4:05 to 5:00

    That was a great share skayne, good luck hshg.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    No one wants "idea" men. There are way more then enough ideas floating around already. Plus, mosts peoples ideas suck, they just think there awesome becasue they thought of them :P
  • HeatSeeking HandGrenade
    Dont get hung up on it man, i was just trying to say i have a lot to offer to break the monotony in the industry. Im not the best, there are artists and writers out there that blow me out of the water. I admit, actin like im the next big thing is foolish. There are many artists here who wow me and they just do this stuff for fun. Ideas are what set good games apart from ok games. To me games, art, storytelling etc is a labor of love and i have a lot of great ideas that I know gamers would love. It hard to get into the industry. I would mop floors if i had to, lord knows im not above it. Ill always have something to learn. But im positive if i can find my way onto a team ill be a value to any project. As for ideas, minecraft started as a lego type game, ideas made it what it is now and its still growing. Thats just one man who wanted to make a game for his daughter. Im passionate about art, characters and story. I appreciate everything thats put onto a gamestop shelf and even those that dont make it that far. It takes a pure love for this to see a project thru. Shoot if i never get hired ill keep studying, writing my fiction and getting better. All because this stuff is what i love.
  • Arkadius
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    Arkadius polycounter lvl 13
    You forgot Vigil! Anyway Austin GDC is coming up you might want to prepare for it. When I went back in Oct everyone was pretty friendly. Only Bioware refused to look at my portfolio,but it was one of the nicest refusals though... cute girl too!
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    Don't get discouraged - I think you should pick a focus: writing or art. Every studio needs artists, not every studio has writers (designers and writers are two different things).

    You don't have to give up your dream, bust your ass becoming a badass artist and once you get in you can start spending more time improving your writing.

    also, as far as I know, the Blizzard Austin office is just a customer service center.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    i have a lot to offer to break the monotony in the industry
    cool! somehow I image you can juggle and wear a jester's costume ;)

    seriously, as autocon said, there's lots of people with ideas. If your ideas are really great and you have a problem convincing studios, try smaller and work with an indie team. If you can't convince them, how will you convince people who run an actual business? Of course just being the "boss" or "the clever guy" doesn't cut it there - you have to contribute however you can. There's all kinds of indie people who're not kickass artists/coders/whatever but they managed to recruit people and make them believe in their ideas and make it all come alive. It's possible, but you have to be good at the whole idea powerhouse thing.

    Now the easier route in my opinion, just as you said yourself, is to study more, work harder and get some sort of portfolio ready - may it be art, coding or small game samples illustrating your ideas, or anything appropriate for the role you're looking for...say, what role are you actually looking for? Being passionate is all cool, but you gotta have a goal of what you want to be.
  • HeatSeeking HandGrenade
    Awww dude i did forget vigil. There were a few others i over looked. Thanks for the encouragement. I actually got to the security guard at bioware. I figured Blizzard was a support center but its a gaming titan so i had to em up.
  • HeatSeeking HandGrenade
    DEFFIANTLEY LOTS OF JUGGALING! And a unicycle and one of those flowers tgat shoots water, then everyones laughing and we discuss what height a "tall dwarfe" would be and wether or not master chief has arch support in his boots, after all that running and jumping some doctor shoals would make sense. Bet you didnt see that in the special features.
    For real though, your right. I need to do some more studying on digital painting and texturing. Was supposed ti head to full sail. Deeply considering taking that step.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    If your are indeed extreamly passionate about making art for games then you need to just do it. Going to studios with no experiance will get you no where.

    If your interested in the design side of things (mr.idea man :P) then you should learn a game engine like UDK or Unity or Flash and make a small game that people can play and test out your ideas. Talking about them will lead you know where. Ideas are a dime a dozen. People who can make these ideas a reality and into a game are a rarity.

    If your interested in games then you just have to do it. No joking about it. You will go no where in this industry half assing things. Good luck :)

    Also IDK if its just me but I dont think actually going to these places out of the blue is a very good idea. If you made an appointment sure, but there are a lot of wackos out there and I'm sure most people dont want people just stopping by. Hence why most places have security guards :)
  • HeatSeeking HandGrenade
    Oh for sure. There was a map of ATX studios from a game informer a while back. Ripped that out and bouncef between them. Then i found gamedevmap.com.
  • HeatSeeking HandGrenade
    Yeah, i realise that now. I tried to keep it inquisitive and professional. The problem with making appts is finding a number to call. I figured they must have people try what i tried on a weekly basis. I do mostly concept work and such. I have flash but ive only used it for animation. I have a portfolio. It would speak volumes if i could get it online.
  • moof
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    moof polycounter lvl 7
    First things first: no more walls of text.


    spaces are good
  • chrismaddox3d
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    chrismaddox3d polycounter lvl 17
  • Mark Dygert
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    I agree with Autocon, you need to prove that you can do the job, the best sales pitch in the world won't make anyone hire you if all it is... is talk.

    If you're going to be an idea guy you need to show that they can work and that they are good ideas. IF they do hire you to be an idea guy, they will hire you to create new ideas constantly, they won't hire you to get access to those ideas you keep locked away and won't tell anyone because you're afraid they will steal them. If they do... you'll make more that's the skill they hire you for.

    If you really are a fountain of creativity then flow... let people see what you can do!

    Either get a team together or build something simple on your own. I suggest getting team together because it would demonstrate that you can talk to the different camps and communicate your ideas effectively and clearly.

    If you're going to be an artist you need a rockin portfolio. What you have in that thread is pretty bad and you'll need to step it up.
  • Sam Hatami
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    Sam Hatami polycounter lvl 16
    I'm not a pro dev, probably will never end up doing that. Mechanical engineering industry is a bit more stable :P. But since I'm having nightmares of high poly bolts, no "one click bakes" I need to doodle this of my brain. Plus, MatLab is kicking my balls :P

    Do not misinterpret the vague term of "talent" for something that takes years of experience to get. Want to be a true "idea" guy? Listen this guy, his "ideas" are made from hard work.

  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    Art first, then personality. Both are important, but honestly if you cannot do the art, it does not matter how much of a nice guy you can be. Don't get me wrong, networking and being someone that would be easy to work with and has passion is always a benifit. But we are in a field where the job needs to get done on time, or millions can be lost, so they take it seriously that you can put pen in hand and create. I see that you are also looking into school's, I would suggest TAD ( theartdepartment.org ) as it is online, along with having a hub in Austin, check it out as well.

  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    It sounds like your stalking studios...

    Most, if not all, will not let you in the door to talk to the "team". Its all about email dude.
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    DO NOT go to full sail. Money can be better spent. A ex-coworker of mine went there, and he is in debt up to his eyeballs, and regrets it completely. He learned more from polycount than his whole education at Full sail. Also, I visited there when I was looking at schools, and every student there said don't waste your money. Go somewhere else. So I went to a 4 year state school with a great art program and learned game art her at polycount. I enjoyed every second of a 4 year college experience. It helps you grow as a person in many different ways. In the same light, avoid Art institutes and any other schools like that.

    If you want to get a job at a studio you need to decide what you want to do specifically and make a portfolio. Do you have one?
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