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[WIP] EBR m-21 high poly

polycounter lvl 13
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jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
The time has come for me to start another project for school. I am making a high poly gun to show my hard surface skills, and will be sculpting a mini scene for it when its done. I am looking for critiques more so about the modeling itself and not so much how accurate the gun is as I did take some artistic liberties. However if anything is glaring off, inaccurate or simply non-functioning please let me know. Forgive my sloppy presentation, not quite sure how to present/render high poly so I'll just do some screen grabs and ambient passes. Bring on the C&C! :)



  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    Finished off the bipod

  • Dragan
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    hey man, it looks great, and your geometry flows quite well. The only thing i could throw in is maybe add some more geometry to the front of your scope. I personally think it would help make your scope pop more if it was more round. Also, chamfer the front of your scope as well because the edge seems a little hard.

    Great work though, i look forward to seeing the ending product!
  • Cyph3r
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    Cyph3r polycounter lvl 9
    Dragan wrote: »
    hey man, it looks great, and your geometry flows quite well. The only thing i could throw in is maybe add some more geometry to the front of your scope. I personally think it would help make your scope pop more if it was more round. Also, chamfer the front of your scope as well because the edge seems a little hard.

    Great work though, i look forward to seeing the ending product!

    ...It is round. That's the high poly. The one where it isn't round is the unsubd mesh.
  • The Lone Penguin
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    The Lone Penguin polycounter lvl 9
    Lookin great, but you should definitely try relaxing some of your edges, they look incredibly hard. I know you're not too concerned with accuracy but I'm just going to point out the magpul rubber on the mag is a little too thick, but it also looks like you haven't really worked on it much anyway. Lookin forward to seeing this done, M14 EBR (or M-21 in this case) is one of my favorite :) good luck
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Looks like a solid start! My crit would be that you details is to tight and if you are going to bake this it's not gonna pick up very well. I'm thinking of the inside of the scope, the "knobs" for the scope and some of you indents. Some of you edges is to sharp to..
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    Thanks for all the replies :)

    Dragan: Yea you were probably looking at the low poly for the scope, as the high poly is rounded, but the lp could still use geometry.

    Penguin: As Dragan said about the hard edge on the scope, and you are saying about other edges, they are all beveled (or chamfered as its called in max?), I just did them to tight and froze my objects so I lost the ability to change the bevels, if I have time I will remove the bevels by hand and re-do them. Im also hoping my final render will show them off better than an ambient occlusion pass.

    SlrtOlsson: Yea as I said to Penguin, the bevels and details are there, just like you said too tight. On new pieces I have been doing larger details and softer edges.

    Hoping to finish the stock and shoulder rest of the arm, at least I think that's what they are called, I'm a total noob with gun terminology
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah, bevels are vicious motherf*ckers.. Hope you can fins a good solution to get it back..
  • EarthQuake
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    Skip the AO renders, they dont do anything to show of your model and hide potential errors from critique. A nice viewport screenshot with some basic lighting will be much better.

    You probably need to cap off all of these holes you have, like in the rail area, as that will not bake well as is, unless you plan to model the holes in the lowpoly as well. Remember that any holes you make in the high generally need to be matched in the low.
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    Earthquake: Ya I need to setup a scene for rendering high poly stuff, for now I'll throw it in my studio light setup. Im not worrying about baking right now as I'm not even sure if I'll be doing a lp version, and just want to focus on a nice hp.

    Here is my work that I was supposed to finish yesterday, but just had a bad day. So here is the stock all finished :)

  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    So I think I am finished the gun. Mostly happy with it, though there are a few spots I'm not (which I won't mention, see if anyone spots em). The lighting is still temporary as I'm not done with the scene. My plan now is to put it into a mini environment, sculpt some sort of ground/wall. Will probably bounce ideas around class mates tomorrow and throw so mock ups on here after. But without further adieu, here is the gun :)

  • WillMac
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    Nice! I would be interested in seeing how you tackle this on low poly mesh and bakes and textures.. there's a lot to master by taking this "all the way" now, rather than modelling the wall and ground. Just my 2p. Keep at. :thumbup:
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    So here is some work on the scene I'm doing for the gun. Here is the first 'pass' of sculpting, gonna go back and add large cracks that spread across multiple blocks, noise, etc. This was heavily inspired by Orb and his thread on 'crasher'. Let me know what you guys think so far, the idea is a middle eastern type of stone wall.

  • bonds0097
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    The wearing on your stone looks too soft for stone, more like clay. Collect some refs and look at how stone looks when it breaks and cracks. The faces of the stones are too uniformly flat and sandstone walls aren't made of uniformly sized bricks. Here are some refs I found real quick:

  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    bonds0097: Thanks for the feedback and links. I have to admit I kinda just started sculpting something I thought looked cool without any real ref. I'm a bit of a zbrush noob, is there anyway I can 'fix' what I have, and harden up all the corners and wear on it, like a brush or something? Or do I have to totally re sculpt with a different approach?
  • polygunz
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    bonds0097: Thanks for the feedback and links. I have to admit I kinda just started sculpting something I thought looked cool without any real ref. I'm a bit of a zbrush noob, is there anyway I can 'fix' what I have, and harden up all the corners and wear on it, like a brush or something? Or do I have to totally re sculpt with a different approach?

    I use high-poly and trim dynamic brushes to sharpen up the corners.
    To chip off your bricks, you can use clipping brushes in zbrush 4.
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    polygunz: Thanks for the reply, I ended up going with the high-P brush, trim dynamic is what I was doing before.

    Getting off the computer for tonight, so I thought I would post where I ended with the touch up, hope I'm not spamming my thread with a micro update, but I think this is starter to look harder, thoughts?

  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    They look good, but ur gonna have trouble making it look realistic with such wavy lines. I would chop them up a bit before baking.
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    RoosterMAP: Thanks, yea I agree right now they look more stylized than real which won't fit with the gun. I have a question for you, and anyone else who could help. I saw your rubble library thread (kudos by the way, it kicked ass!) so you may of come across this.

    So basically you know how you can set a morph target on an object, and the sculpt it, perhaps beat the pulp out of it, then use the morph brush to restore edges and such, like in creating chips in concrete? Well I VERY foolishly didn't set morph targets on stones, so is there a way to re-import each un-sculpted brick back in, then set my sculpted bricks morph target as the un-sculpted one? I hope this makes sense and is possible... I feel like I could fix my stones up with the morph brush and a square alpha.
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    Update on the wall. I tried salvaging what I had, hardening it up. Not sure how it went, definitely doesn't look like my reference. I added cracks and think it looks ok. All that's left is adding noise to the front faces of the blocks.

  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    Ok rebuilt my wall AGAIN, and worked on my render scene. Here is where I am at now...

  • bbob
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    Gun looks cool, but your picatinny rails are WAY too flat. I hate to be anal about guns, but your gun really will look better with proper, beefy, rails.


    As for your wall, you are roughing up the edges on the bricks far too much, take a look at this:

    Bricks are brittle, breaking off in flakes and chunks, leaving sharp edges. Also, most of the surface noise are from impurities in the mould.
  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    bbob: Its all good, like I said I don't mind suggestions on the gun, I just didn't want to be bombarded with nit picks on tiny things, I do agree tho, the gun looks much better with chunkier rails. Thanks a ton for the ref pic as well.

    So what do you think of this? I still need to add the surface noise, but I tried getting the breaks and chips looking right, I think it's a step in the right direction, thoughts anyone?

  • bbob
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    Looking much better :D

    Be careful though not to chip every single brick in your wall though, just warning as a precursory.
  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    magpul gucci doodad is missing the loop, makes it look really strange

  • jordan.kocon
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    jordan.kocon polycounter lvl 13
    bbob: Yea, could get a little tedious :P
    Racer445: Only some of the clips have that doodad, about half the pics of mine don't have it, like this one.

    Here's where I'm at with the wall, getting sick of it, said f**k it, moving onto the ground piece, depending on time I may comeback and redo the wall...
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