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Requesting a texture for a TF2 Hat

Hello! I´ve been making a Hat for Team Fortress 2. It´s a Mage-Hat.......i think it kinda Fits Medic, since german mythology has a lot of Magic and that stuff in it. And maybe Medic is a Magic Doctor? WHO KNOWS?! Well, this is the Hat.


I already unwrapped the UVW, it just needs to be textured. If you dont know what what is, i will tell you, but it does not really matter anyways, because the whole hat is supposed to be made of one Material.

You guys probably know how a Mage-Hat looks like. I dont want any Stars or something on it..... its supposed to be one Black Material. It´s really important that the Texture fits TF2´s Style! So a littlebit Cartoony but not overly Cartoon-Like. You know what i mean.

Get the UV here.


I will re-size the texture to 256x256 if you don´t do.

Thanks in Advance!

EDIT: Forgot to post my E-mail. zauberschaften@gmx.de


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