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Ctrl + Backspace - Remove not working ...

polycounter lvl 10
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reiro polycounter lvl 10
Hey there,

dunno where this belongs but i seem to not be able to get my "clean remove" to work.
When i hit "ctrl + backspace" nothing happens and if i press backspace it turns on the "selection lock toggle" down in the animation bar.

Yes i resetted my controls to "default" already restarted Max but its not doing any good.

Is there a way to customize the action of the "clean remove" or is it only available through the "backspace" button?



  • reiro
    Offline / Send Message
    reiro polycounter lvl 10
    Iam using a laptop with a german keyboard maybe thats causing problems?

    Whats the name of the "remove edge + verts" function? How can i set it to a different key. The other removes like "remove (poly)" or "remove edge (poly)" under the MainUI tab dont seem to remove verts aswell so i am kinda lost here.

    Sadly google cant help me either :)
  • reiro
    Offline / Send Message
    reiro polycounter lvl 10
    Did 1) and 2) will try 3) and hope for the best :)
  • RobotGilardi
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    I use mostly customized max hotkeys - I pulled this section out you can use.

    1) Run the macros
    2) Set rRemove under category Robot to a hotkey

    It doesn't do the exact same as the max remove -- It won't remove a vert from an edge if the angle around it is < 170 degrees. To change the degree number, change the section in red below


    macroScript rRemove
    	myPanel = ""
    	selObjects = 0
    	objectCase = case ($ as string) of
    		"undefined":selObjects = 0
    		"$selection":selObjects = $.count
    		default:selObjects = 1
    	if selObjects == 1 then(
    		myPanel = modpanel.getCurrentObject()
    	if (myPanel as string== "Editable Poly" ) then(
    		if subobjectLevel == 1 then (
    			$.EditablePoly.Remove selLevel:#Vertex
    		if subobjectLevel == 2 then (
    			macros.run "Robot" "rToVert"
    			macros.run "Robot" "rToEdge"
    			$.EditablePoly.Remove selLevel:#Edge
    			vertsToRemove = #{}
    			--After the remove:
    			for i in (($.selectedVerts as bitarray) as array) do(
    				v1 = $.verts[i].pos
    				v2 = [0,0,0]
    				v3 = [0,0,0]
    				edges = ((polyOp.getEdgesUsingVert $ i) as array)
    				if (edges.count == 2) then(
    					vGroup1 = (polyOp.getEdgeVerts $ edges[1]) as array
    					vGroup2 = (polyOp.getEdgeVerts $ edges[2]) as array
    					for j in vGroup1 do(
    						if j != i then(
    							v2 = $.verts[j].pos
    					for k in vGroup2 do(
    						if k != i then(
    							v3 = $.verts[k].pos
    					vect1 = normalize (v2-v1)
    					vect2 = normalize (v3-v1)
    					if (dot vect1 vect2)  <= [COLOR="Red"]cos(170)[/COLOR] then(
    						append vertsToRemove i
    			polyop.setVertSelection $ vertsToRemove
    			$.EditablePoly.Remove selLevel:#Vertex
    		if subobjectLevel == 3 then(	
    			$.EditablePoly.delete #Edge
    		if subobjectLevel == 4 or subobjectLevel == 5 then(	
    			$.EditablePoly.delete #Face
    macroScript rToVert
    	toolTip:"Convert Selection to Vertex"
    	myPanel = ""
    	selObjects = 0
    	objectCase = case ($ as string) of
    		"undefined":selObjects = 0
    		"$selection":selObjects = $.count
    		default:selObjects = 1
    	if selObjects == 1 then(
    		myPanel = modpanel.getCurrentObject()
    	if (myPanel as string== "Editable Poly" ) then (
    		if subobjectLevel == 2 then (
    			$.EditablePoly.ConvertSelectionToBorder #Edge #Vertex
    			subobjectLevel = 1
    		if subobjectLevel == 3 then (
    			$.EditablePoly.ConvertSelectionToBorder #Border #Vertex
    			subobjectLevel = 1
    		if subobjectLevel == 4 then (
    			$.EditablePoly.ConvertSelectionToBorder #Face #Vertex
    			subobjectLevel = 1
    		if subobjectLevel == 5 then (
    			$.EditablePoly.ConvertSelectionToBorder #Element #Vertex
    			subobjectLevel = 1
    	else if (myPanel as string=="Unwrap_UVW:Unwrap UVW")
    		myPanel = modpanel.getCurrentObject();
    		if subObjectLevel == 2 then(
    		if subObjectLevel == 3 then(
    		subobjectLevel = 1
    macroScript rToEdge
    	toolTip:"Convert Selection To Edge"
    	myPanel = ""
    	selObjects = 0
    	objectCase = case ($ as string) of
    		"undefined":selObjects = 0
    		"$selection":selObjects = $.count
    		default:selObjects = 1
    	if selObjects == 1 then(
    		myPanel = modpanel.getCurrentObject()
    	if (myPanel as string== "Editable Poly" )then (
    		if subobjectLevel == 1 then (
    			$.EditablePoly.ConvertSelectionToBorder #Vertex  #Edge
    			subobjectLevel = 2
    		if subobjectLevel == 3 then (
    			$.EditablePoly.ConvertSelectionToBorder #Border #Edge
    			subobjectLevel = 2
    		if subobjectLevel == 4 then (
    			$.EditablePoly.ConvertSelectionToBorder #Face #Edge
    			subobjectLevel = 2
    		if subobjectLevel == 5 then (
    			$.EditablePoly.ConvertSelectionToBorder #Element #Edge
    			subobjectLevel = 2
    	else if (myPanel as string=="Unwrap_UVW:Unwrap UVW") then(
    		myPanel = modpanel.getCurrentObject();
    		if subObjectLevel == 1 then(
    		if subObjectLevel == 3 then(
    		subobjectLevel = 2
  • Elyaradine
    Offline / Send Message
    Elyaradine polycounter lvl 11
    It's called "Remove Loop", as far as I know, if you're going to look at giving it a (new) shortcut.
  • Kovac
    Offline / Send Message
    Kovac polycounter lvl 18
    You might want to also double check that you don't have Edit Poly as a modifier (collapse the whole stack first). It has different hotkeys for some unknown reason so most standard Edit Poly hotkeys will have completely different functionality.
  • Mark Dygert
    Offline / Send Message
    You might need to turn on Keyboard Shortcut Override for the Edit poly sub-object shortcuts to override some main 3dsmax shortcuts that might be interfering.

    Also check out the "Step Build" tools in Graphite Modeling Tools, turn it on:
    Hold ctrl and click on polys to delete them but leave the verts.
    Hold alt and click on polys to remove polys and verts
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