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Creating Buildings and Levels With Pieces?

So I was reading this tutorial that kind of became famous thread its from a Gears of War Artist and he was talking about making environments in zbrush and than bringing them into 3Ds max. Anyway he mentioned you should use snap toggles to make levels and say make a box that is 6 segments high and wide so you can bend it. He than showed a bunch of other blocks that are the same width so you can put them together using snaps so you can make various levels n such.
My real question is wouldn't making levels and buildings this way waste polygons? I made a box and you cant bend it at any degree 90 or 180 unless you add segments a lot of them.

Anybody got any suggestions on making models for game environments and making buildings specifically. I have been told thats its best to make a building all one object but it seems people aren't doing that when I look at tutorials at least.


  • keres
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    keres polycounter lvl 12
    It may waste a negligible amount of geometry as opposed to building everything unique, however it shouldn't drop the FPS by more than 10% (any optimization that doesn't provide a 10% increase in performance is usually not worth the development time.) You may waste only a few hundred triangles and save yourself several dozen hours by using modular pieces.

    This is called modular building, by the way. From my understanding, that is the commonly accepted term for all "abstracted" pieces of art that allow them to be used over and over.
  • LateWhiteRabbit
    Yes, it's called modular building, and so far as I know, it is the standard practice for creating levels - Gears, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, etc. all do it.

    It makes things easier and allows you to change levels and designs on the fly without remodeling or retexturing anything. It also saves on texture space and ensures that you are getting the maximum resolution out of your textures.

    Any building that the player can get close to or go inside of is going to be modular. The only buildings that are all one object are going to be far in the background or distance.

    Check out this tutorial on 3DMotive - Modular Building - it is $15, but well worth it, and it explains everything you'll ever need to know about modular building techniques - planning out the pieces, making the textures, laying out the UVs, measuring the pieces and snapping them together, etc.
  • Artifice
    1magus wrote: »
    My real question is wouldn't making levels and buildings this way waste polygons? I made a box and you cant bend it at any degree 90 or 180 unless you add segments a lot of them.

    Sure, it might waste polys, but it really doesn't matter these days. The amount of polys a modern game system or PC can handle is way above what it used to be, to the point where it's not the bottleneck anymore. What does cost is drawcalls for textures. So by reusing texture sheets with modular pieces, you're actually optimizing the scene/level much more than you could by polys alone.

    Really, you should read this: Game art optimisation (do polygon counts really matter?)
    Anybody got any suggestions on making models for game environments and making buildings specifically. I have been told thats its best to make a building all one object but it seems people aren't doing that when I look at tutorials at least.

  • 1magus
    I cannot belive I went this long without knowing about this :poly118: well thanks all. :)
  • 1magus
    Well I'm still having major problems getting modular workflow to well work. I use 3Ds max and I have tried some tests with two different boxes that are the exact same size and with the 3D or even 2D grid turned on when I try to move one to perfectly snap into the other it is off by some what. Any suggestions for settings? Cause the newbie tutorial seems to be for Maya mostly.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    well in max you have to use the correct snaps type for it to work correctly. there is 2. 2.5 and 3D snap tool. for orthos i use 2.5 and for perspective view I use 3d. then there are a few options i set. right click on your snaps and go to options

    check use axis center as snaps starting point and I like. to have the rubber band display on

    I uncheck the use axis constrain. but sometimes i have it on... can't explain why i do that.

    if you want to snap to a grid point check it and I usually have vertex snaps on so i can grab the object from the corner for example. I also turn them on to snap the pivot to the corner vertex. if you want to snap to another object you might have to turn grid points snapping off.

    Depending on the version of max you have you might have a different experience, they seem to be better in max 2009 compared to earlier versions.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    also your going to want to try to stick to power of 2 numbers in 3ds and udk and it helps in photoshop to use a grid with you texture sheets that is also power of 2.

    in 3ds you should be able to set snaps and and you should make sure you meshes are a good number to work with after you create them.
  • 1magus
    Sage wrote: »
    well in max you have to use the correct snaps type for it to work correctly. there is 2. 2.5 and 3D snap tool. for orthos i use 2.5 and for perspective view I use 3d. then there are a few options i set. right click on your snaps and go to options

    check use axis center as snaps starting point and I like. to have the rubber band display on

    I uncheck the use axis constrain. but sometimes i have it on... can't explain why i do that.

    if you want to snap to a grid point check it and I usually have vertex snaps on so i can grab the object from the corner for example. I also turn them on to snap the pivot to the corner vertex. if you want to snap to another object you might have to turn grid points snapping off.

    Depending on the version of max you have you might have a different experience, they seem to be better in max 2009 compared to earlier versions.
    What about marker size numbers and snap radius? Because I think I messed with those numbers!
  • 1magus
    I tried you're suggestion and it did not help, I'm using 3Ds Max 2010. I really need some help here :(
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    I think snap radius starts at 20 by default. Are you sure you have snaps activated, just selecting the tool from the drop down menu doesn't always activate them. the snaps marker is is just a visual aid, and i think that is set to 30 by default.
  • 1magus
    Sage wrote: »
    I think snap radius starts at 20 by default. Are you sure you have snaps activated, just selecting the tool from the drop down menu doesn't always activate them. the snaps marker is is just a visual aid, and i think that is set to 30 by default.

    Yes I have 3D snaps on with Grid Points and Grid Lines by Default. So I made one box that is 140 Length, 10 Width, and 100 Height. Than I make an clone box and I try to snap it side by side like I'm building a building and it is off center like it almost looks perfect but it is not :( . Does it need to be in multiples of 8 or something?
  • 1magus
    Ok now I cannot tell if it is snapping correctly or if it is making the objects look like they are in the view-port. Because when it does snap correctly on an object that I make, it makes it look un even so I can tell in the view-port that the two objects are right by each other but in a render it is snapped. How do I tell if I'm snapping stuff right or not if they work and I dont know lol. In other words some times it is snapping but I dont know cause the viewport does not show that.
  • 1magus
    Ok nevermind it only worked out that way when the boxes were the exact same size. Do boxes need to be in a power of 2 or power of 8? Like 256 x 256 and a certain width?
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    Best is power of 2 performance wise. Just stick to the dual system ;)
    2x2,4x4,8x8,16x16,32x32,64x64,128x128,256x256,512x512,1024x1024,2048x2048 and so on.
    Power of 8 would be some completely unrelated number system.

    You can use somethine like 512x256 for example,which works quite as good as 512x512 but best is to stick to the same dimensions.
  • 1magus
    Well than I have had it something is wrong with 3Ds Max either some setting is messed up or snap is just broken :( Cause I have tried like every power of 2 ever.
  • 1magus
    Should I not be using generic units?
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    You should be working on the grid, this has almost nothing to do with metric,generic or other types of units.
    Just your textures need to have a power of 2.
    Maybe you got something wrong there.
    If you work with snapping on the grid you can be almost sure that all parts you make fit together, the power of 2 is only for textures.
  • 1magus
    Ok here are my snap settings please let me know exactly what I need to get on with my game making life :poly124:


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  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    You need to turn on

    use axis center as start snap point!

    Set the grid spacing to a power 2 if you are working with udk. Check out their site for details. Just think of the grid spacing as the steps of the grid in unreal. The size you set your grid will depend on your project though so it depends. All this does is ensure that your object is the right scale for the game engine you are using. You don't have to snaps on while you model just turn them on so the bounds of your object fall on the grid.

    You need to turn on vertex snaps to drag the geometry, that's the only way it works for me. Doing this makes it behaves more like being inside unreal editor (udk). Sometimes you might have to change these though it depends. You might have to snap to edge for example, it depends how zoomed in you are to your object.

    You don't need to have grid lines snap on all the time, I guess it's a matter of preference. Having too many snap options on at the same time causes problems. You'll just have to try it and see what works best for you.
  • 1magus
    Ok I did the settings you suggested and you see these two shapes they wont snap properly :(


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  • Sage
    Offline / Send Message
    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    do you have the latest service pack installed? does it fail in orthos views as well with the 2.5 snaps activated? it matters with snap tool you have activated.
  • 1magus
    3Ds Max 2010 64 Bit 12.0 SP1
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    Are you trying to grab the object you want to snap by the vert or from the gizmo? If your vert snaps are active you should see a blue cross over the vert and be able to grab the object without using the gismo. I never use the gismo to snap because it never works for me. If you can't see the cross over the vert try zooming out or in and see if it makes a difference.
  • 1magus
    Sage wrote: »
    Are you trying to grab the object you want to snap by the vert or from the gizmo? If your vert snaps are active you should see a blue cross over the vert and be able to grab the object without using the gismo. I never use the gismo to snap because it never works for me. If you can't see the cross over the vert try zooming out or in and see if it makes a difference.

    Well I have been trying to do it with the gizmo mainly because thats how its done in game editors like UDK right? I have not tried vertex yet but wouldn't that change the shape of the object? I mean what if I make this huge piece of a house and UV map it and than want to snap it and if I drag by vertex wont that mess it up?

    Also what do u mean lol? I have never tried by vertex any examples?
  • billredd
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    billredd polycounter lvl 14
    Using the vertex snap does not change any verts it just uses them as a reference to snap to.
  • 1magus
    billredd wrote: »
    Using the vertex snap does not change any verts it just uses them as a reference to snap to.

    It finnaly worked! Any tutorials on this? Its like I'm learning modeling all over again so many steps missed it seems :shifty:
  • 1magus
    Well I figured out how to UV map, and vertex snap but now I'm having trouble making tileable textures and UV mapping them properly :(
  • billredd
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    billredd polycounter lvl 14
    One way that helps me line up very simple unwraps like walls, is when editing your UV's in the UV Layout dialog in the upper right corner you can select a different texture to be displayed on the background of the layout editor (instead of the checkers) from that dropdown choose "Pick Texture"...then Bitmap from the material list, then pick the diffuse texture for this model (hopefully created by using the other texture as a template/base :)) it will now be the background. Use that background texture to help you line things up in the UV editor.

    Also before you begin, merge the other textured model(s) if you have them into the scene and vert Align (not attach!) it (as I showed in prev post) to the untextured one and then you can see how it all lines up in realtime as you adjust the UV's.

    There are tons of tuts out there for photoshop and other 2D programs...typically you will use the "Offset" feature, if your texture is 512x512 say...you will offset by 256 either horizontally or vertically or both to tile both ways..then use the heal or clone tools and get rid of the crappy seams..in the case of a wall I usually just do horiz..unless I will stack them up directly on top of each other without any other geo or 2d break... really you can offset by whatever number you want it depends on the texture, sometimes with bricks for example just offset little by little until you see a good place for a break that offers the least amount of work to clean up and will tile nicely. Hope it all helps!
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