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polygon vertices

hey guys, its me again.

i'm trying to simply put straps or rings around an oiltank First, I create an oiltank shape. Extended Primitives, i believe.

then i tried to add vertices around the oiltank. Then i tried to join them together connect/bridge/weld. but nothing works. I googled it and there's nothing about making a shape by putting vertices together.

I've tried everything. nothing works.

seriously. i would appreciate alternative methods. but i'd also really like to know how you can connect a vertex to another vertex for those really small details.



  • daemoria
    Offline / Send Message
    I believe you are looking for the 'cut' tool, or 'slice plane' both of witch can add verticies and connecting edges. Post a picture to indicate what you want to accomplish next time, it'll help people help you.

    location of the cut and slice plane tools;

    To manualy connect individual verticies, I've set up a hot key that executes the 'connect without dialogue' function and bound it to shift+c. You can set up hotkeys (and ui) by going to the Customize menu on the top bar -> 'Customize User Interface...'

    this exposes nearly all of the functions of 3dmax to you, allowing you to bind them to various key combinations. I highly recommend going thru and setting up your hotkeys to your most commonly used actions (extrude,bridge,bevel,etc).
  • Heartless
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    Heartless polycounter lvl 8
    Google probably isn't showing any useful results because you are probably searching "How do I make a shape by putting vertices together?".

    Edges are the line between two vertices. Welding, sometimes "merging", is when you combine multiple vertices into one.

    Not trying to come off as a dick, but you should really read a book that covers the terminology. Google is only helpful if you use the right keywords.
  • Dashtoronto
    Offline / Send Message
    daemoria wrote: »
    I believe you are looking for the 'cut' tool, or 'slice plane' both of witch can add verticies and connecting edges. Post a picture to indicate what you want to accomplish next time, it'll help people help you.

    location of the cut and slice plane tools;

    To manualy connect individual verticies, I've set up a hot key that executes the 'connect without dialogue' function and bound it to shift+c. You can set up hotkeys (and ui) by going to the Customize menu on the top bar -> 'Customize User Interface...'

    this exposes nearly all of the functions of 3dmax to you, allowing you to bind them to various key combinations. I highly recommend going thru and setting up your hotkeys to your most commonly used actions (extrude,bridge,bevel,etc).

    here's the rings or straps around the oiltank that i want to make.

  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Just create a copy of your tank mesh and scale it up using the push modifier and then scale along x-axis.
  • Dashtoronto
    Offline / Send Message
    Ark wrote: »
    Just create a copy of your tank mesh and scale it up using the push modifier and then scale along x-axis.

    Thank you, sir.

    I'll give it a try.
  • Dashtoronto
    Offline / Send Message
    Ark wrote: »
    Just create a copy of your tank mesh and scale it up using the push modifier and then scale along x-axis.

    Can I get a step by step how to connect two vertices together? Even if i do accomplish it the way ark explained it. it doesn't explain how to connect two vertices together.
  • Bal
    Offline / Send Message
    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    You seriously need to press F1 and read some of the 3dsmax help files if you can't figure this kind of stuff out on your own man.

    Selecting 2 vertices that share a common face and hitting connect should create an edge between them.
  • gsokol
    Offline / Send Message
    try going through this
  • Mark Dygert
    Offline / Send Message
    I'll throw ya a bone...



    Select a vertical edge, click ring click connect (set segments to 2), click "create shape". Which will give you a spline which you can set to rectangle, turn on renderable and generate Mapping Coords.
    You will probably need to select all the spline verts, right click and set to corner.
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