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XSI Flat Shading

polycounter lvl 11
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Ark polycounter lvl 11
Looking for a alternative of Max's 'Flat Shaded' view, in XSI? Anyone know if it exists without resorting to adjusting the meshes 'discontinuity' value or applying a constant material.


  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    I'm a bit confused what you're looking for, as the surface discontinuity and the constant material give two opposite effects (the latter having no attempt at shading whatsoever).

    If you're looking for an alternative to the constant material, switching the viewport to constant or texture decal should do the trick (depending if you have a texture of not). If you're looking for the faceted look similar to this, lower the discontinuity to 0 or edit the user normals so that they are aligned to the polygons.

  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Thx cryrid, what im looking for is something similar to the 'flat' that you posted in that picture, but without touching the 'discontinuity' option as this effects the actual renderings. I just want to view it in the viewports.

    It's just a pain having to keep going to the approximation menu in between modeling and rendering, although i suppose it would be easy enough to script it to toggle the 'discontinuity angle' from 2 different values, but i nothing about scripting.
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    Open to notepad, and type in:
    SetValue "*.geomapprox.gapproxmoan", 0
    Save it as something like ''flat_shading.vbs"

    Make another one that says only:
    SetValue "*.geomapprox.gapproxmoan", 60
    Save it as something like "restore_shading.vbs"

    Switch to the Palette and Script Toolbar (the paint-palette icon on the lower left), then drag and drop the two .vbs files there. Clicking them will toggle the discontinuity angle.
  • arvinmoses
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    arvinmoses polycounter lvl 13
    cryrid wrote: »
    Open to notepad, and type in:
    SetValue "*.geomapprox.gapproxmoan", 0
    Save it as something like ''flat_shading.vbs"

    Make another one that says only:
    SetValue "*.geomapprox.gapproxmoan", 60
    Save it as something like "restore_shading.vbs"

    Switch to the Palette and Script Toolbar (the paint-palette icon on the lower left), then drag and drop the two .vbs files there. Clicking them will toggle the discontinuity angle.

    Interesting approach.
  • Ark
    Offline / Send Message
    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Thx very much cryrid! :)
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