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[Portfolio] – pav plaha, critique

polycounter lvl 13
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brwnbread polycounter lvl 13

I made a website. I am going to be sending this around to companies in hopes for an Art Internship...

I am looking for critique on mainly the website, but crits on the content is also highly appreciated.


If anyone knows of any internships available, would be cool to let me know aswell lol



  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
    looks good man, I cant see the tribal kid for some reason.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 12
    It says "coming soon" RJBonner :).

    It looks good man, but there's not much there.
  • easterislandnick
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    easterislandnick polycounter lvl 17
    Your home page should be...


    ...Not a blank page, the recruitment process should be a one click process to see your work!

    Loose the life drawing, it's not relevant and not well executed, also loose any coming soon sections.

    What is the hiroshima vehicle? Can't work it out at all! Some textures and descriptions too, poly count etc.
  • brwnbread
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    brwnbread polycounter lvl 13
    I changed a few things, thnks for the input
  • wake
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    wake polycounter lvl 17
    I don't know if I would put in those life drawings-- from my experience (unless you've got some really amazing ones) having those just relegates you to amateur/hobbyist territory because they're just studies. In fact I'd just get rid of your 2d section entirely until you have a stronger body of work there; right now it's adding nothing to your portfolio.

    Also, I agree with easterislandnick in that your 'Hiroshima' vehicle is completely inscrutable. I have no idea what it's supposed to be or how a person would interface with it. From the tape I take that it's smaller, but then what looks like a handle is behind what looks like an engine, and then your got that big sleeve thing coming out the front...?
  • brwnbread
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    brwnbread polycounter lvl 13
    OK, more changes..

    i got rid of 2d section...

    I will keep Hiroshima until I got some more models with finished textures on it to replace it.

    I totally agree that its a pointless confusing vehicle. I kinda dislike it myself, but I think it shows some goodish texturing?

    If you were interested lol... the handle bit was the front, the tail thing was sposed to be for balance, it was AI controlled, so no people on it. its a drone that scouts around woods ¬_¬

    thanks so far everyone
  • salacious_Crumb
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    salacious_Crumb polycounter lvl 11
    Looks great. Love the Homeless Traveller guy. Makes me think of something post-apocalyptic like Fallout 3.

    I can't quite make out the 'Hiroshima' vehicle. Even after your explanation I'm still a bit confused. So how big is it compared to a human? The white rwapping/tape stuff makes it look like it would be quite small? Maybe the size of a hand gun?
    Perhaps a quick concept sketch next to a human to show the scale would help?

    Good work tho. Just get down to getting new projects on there now. :)
  • danjohncox
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    danjohncox polycounter lvl 7
    Would be really nice to see you give these characters a proper lighting job or texturing job. The Homeless guy has it but then there's a lot of just zbrush models. Try and finish those off, in my opinion its much better to see folks taking a model from beginning to end instead of a lot of zbrush models. And proper lighting could really pick these up presentation wise. Would make it feel much more professional right away.
  • makecg
    You should consider using http://indexhibit.org/
    Simple CMS
    so you don't have to make each html page.

    just suggestion i used it for awhile.
  • brwnbread
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    brwnbread polycounter lvl 13
    was sposed to be like shoulder height.. o well :/

    thansk makecg, but iv set the site up to be really easy to update.. SSIs and simple layouts, etc.

    i actualy saw that before starting to make it but assumed you had to pay for some reason. probably would have saved some time lol
  • jimmypopali
    Is it really important to put grades etc in your resume? I think the folio work should speak louder than that.
  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    Is it really important to put grades etc in your resume? I think the folio work should speak louder than that.

    Yeah I don't think anyone wants to see your grades. Also, I don't know how the grading system works but aren't those bad grades? It doesn't really matter since you shouldn't include them anyway.

    Also there is a sort of pale flateness to both your textured pieces. I think its right on the border between something people can see as personal aesthetic decisions and just looking flat.
  • Heartless
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    Heartless polycounter lvl 8
    Why no wireframes?
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    I would try to work on getting more game ready assets. Sculpts are good but show that you can get your stuff into an engine.
  • brwnbread
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    brwnbread polycounter lvl 13
    thnks for the crits

    yes. wireframes... ill put them up soon.

    The placement woman at uni advised me to put individual module grades up. I mean conidering im looking for a placement or art internship, it makes sense to put them up. at least for the ones in contact with the uni?

    70% up is A or 1st
    60-70%% is B or 2.1

    average of mine are something like 69.3% ¬_¬
  • JustinPunio
    It's just a personal preference, but I prefer thumbnails to see what I'm clicking to, when you upload even more models a long list of links wouldn't be welcoming to look at... good luck!
  • brwnbread
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    brwnbread polycounter lvl 13
    wireframes are up :D
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