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Character Art - Homeless Traveller

polycounter lvl 13
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brwnbread polycounter lvl 13
I've recently finished a new character model and wanted to post up here for crits and advice I can use for the next one...

Th limitations were 4000 tris +/- 10% with 2048px by 2048px textures

I'm not happy with a few things myself, but I'll leave it for you guys to rip apart lol, here:







  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
    pokemon F*ck yeah!!
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    how many 2048 textures? I saw this on your folio site and even though I see you did a high sculpt in zbrush I can't see that you baked any normal maps? It looks to me like you simply put on the polypaint or something. You might have them on there but I'm just not seeing it. My main problem is on the pikachu cap, i'm assuming it's brown because he's dingy and homeless and it's just left out in the rain and such as he wears it everywhere. This is all good and well except it's uniformly brown, it needs to look splochy in a sense and still have some of that nice yellow showing through of pikachu's original color.

    The pose is really odd, I don't get what you were going for, personally I would place him in a seated position with either a homeless man type sign or his hands on his chin looking in a moment of solace or something. Perhaps on a wooden bus bench?

    Just my 2 cents :)
  • dekorkh
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    dekorkh triangle
    100% agree w/ DDuckworth
    Especially on the pose... I'm bad at that too so don't take it bad - but it's like one of the easiest things to overlook and yet it makes a HUGE difference..
    Have him just standing smokin' a cig or something.. or make a trashcan, have him leaning into it sideways with one arm and the other off to the side for balance... or have the trashcan be a trash-fire for warmth and interesting lighting. give him like a wrapped half a sandwich... i see homeless people all the time and they're often eating something totally crazy.

    Also. Give the fur another couple attempts - try and see if you can either find a way to do it through some tutorials on the internet, see how other people did it, or just experiment but try to get it nice - if you make it look awesome, it could totally sell the rest of the piece.

    Otherwise, wicked awesome style - I really love shape and proportions on everything. Awesome job!
  • viv
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    viv polycounter lvl 9
    looking good,
    Few critics : the backpack shapes looking so strange in the front, like a piece is missing between them & need some integration on the second view, ( on the attach ) maybe you could open the jacket a little bit down, and more folds coinciding with the harness.The forearm is strange in the second and the third view and baybe work a bit more the texture part on the back, this red piece looking ...lost ? :)
    Otherwise agree with the colors, fur & pose stuff ! wainting for your next one !
  • papagersi
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    papagersi polycounter lvl 16
    oh.. I just saw at the artisan.
    He looks like good fighter :)
  • Heartless
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    Heartless polycounter lvl 8
    A few things that jump out at me:

    His eyebrows are white, but the character doesn't really look to be an old man aside from that. His fingernails should be dirty. The sleeves of his jacket look a bit weird. Normally people push up the sleeves of their jacket, in which case there would be cuffs showing. Lastly, the patch on his backpack feels out of place.

    All-in-all, I think the character is very interesting and well done.
  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 12
    For a homeless man, his clothes look like they're in pretty good shape. Make the clothing dirty and worn-out. Have his clothing tell a story about what kind of character he is.

    His shoes really stand out to me. They're too clean. It might be kinda neat if he had two different shoes. As if he started out with a matching pair, but then lost or wore out one of the shoes at some point in time and had to find another. Hell, it doesn't even have to be an actual shoe--It could be makeshift. Have it be a strip of some clothing material that he wrapped around one of his feet and used a rope to keep it in place.

    You note that this homeless man is a traveler, correct? All that constant moving around is bound to wear out his shoes. After some time, his shoes would fall apart and he has to find whatever he can to provide foot support. (If you've ever walked on concrete or asphalt with your bare feet for even a short amount of time, you can really feel the impact of each step and it's really uncomfortable.)

    If he were more of a "sedentary" homeless man who would rather beg for handouts than search around for stuff, having two of the same shoes might be a bit more believable. Even then, they would still be dirty and worn-out.

    I think this character has potential. It just needs to be pushed just a bit further. :)
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    Some people are soooo picky sometimes. That's when an environment artist like me gets to come in and just say, I love it! I like the facial expression, and I really like the white eyebrows (he doesn't have to be old, he could be an albino homeless dude for all we know).

    Even though some may be picky about every pixel you have shown us here, do take their advice and push it further. Everything can be improved. If I have any advice for you, I'd say to rework the texture a bit more (add more dirt/grit) push the normal map further and even though I actually like the stance, experiment with other poses. It could push this from great, to fantastic!

    Good job though man. I liked it enough to post, and I haven't posted on here in months.
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    GOBEE wrote: »
    Some people are soooo picky sometimes. That's when an environment artist like me gets to come in and just say, I love it! I like the facial expression, and I really like the white eyebrows (he doesn't have to be old, he could be an albino homeless dude for all we know).

    Even though some may be picky about every pixel you have shown us here, do take their advice and push it further. Everything can be improved. If I have any advice for you, I'd say to rework the texture a bit more (add more dirt/grit) push the normal map further and even though I actually like the stance, experiment with other poses. It could push this from great, to fantastic!

    Good job though man. I liked it enough to post, and I haven't posted on here in months.

    I'm an enviro artist...i just like to judge people ;)

    No in all seriousness my goal is to help people create better stuffs! :D You ended up saying the same critiques as the rest of us in the end though!
  • brwnbread
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    brwnbread polycounter lvl 13

    thanks everyone for the critique, really appreciate it.

    although as I probably wont be making many more changes to this in the near future (cept for maybe a few changes on the diffuse). I will definitely take these into account on any future models I do.

    The pose...... was sposed to be a haters gona hate kinda pose. guess it failed lol. I will probably repose this guy at a bin or something some time in the future.

    did have fun doing this charcter though, if I had more time and triangles i wuda put buckles nd shit on teh bag, ripped it open, things bulging out of it.


  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    Haha awesome! I totally imagine that to be like some kind of depressing world of Pokemon. Betcha the bag is filled with stolen pokeballs or even worse, bag of pokemon.
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    DDuckworth wrote: »
    I'm an enviro artist...i just like to judge people ;)

    No in all seriousness my goal is to help people create better stuffs! :D You ended up saying the same critiques as the rest of us in the end though!

    Ha! I know right? I realized that after I typed it, like damn.. I'm kind of being picky here. Oh well! Thanks for calling me out on my hypocrisy. If we weren't picky, we wouldn't learn anything new I guess.
  • DDuckworth
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    DDuckworth polycounter lvl 6
    Couldn't have said the last sentence better Gobee!
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