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[Portfolio] – Attakarn Vachiravuthichai, Character Modeler

polycounter lvl 8
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attattattack polycounter lvl 8
Hi all,

I'm from Thailand!
Just graduate from Think Tank Training Center in Vancouver Canada!
here's my portfolio


Feel free to comments and suggest fix for my website so I can improve it in the near future.

Thanks guys


  • megalmn2000
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    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    Nice work!
    I love the elephant and the lions!
    The only thing I would change is about the web page, it could be good if you can get rid of the right side (search, categories, pages...), it's a bit distracting. :)
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    Wow. just wow! I love the scene with the lions taking on the elephant. Makes me think of one of those life size motion sculptures you see in museums. Dude, THIS is a fuckin work of art. I only wish you had rendered it at a higher resolution and sized it down in photoshop. That way, you would have gotten better antialiasing.

    Also, the home page of your site is kinda ugly. Your name should be bigger and not that font. And "Character Modeler" should be way smaller. Also, the title of your page should be your name; not "Demo Reel." Here's what I am using on my WIP portfolio: http://plaza.ufl.edu/rooster/img/name.jpg

    Also, the page is too bright, and there is not enough contrast in the gradient from the menu to the page. I'd say, keep the menu bar white, but make the main page background darker. That way you'll have a more noticeable gradient.
    Get rid of the date on your page. This is your portfolio. Not your blog.
    That second bar on the right is useless and practically the same thing as the menu on the left. Also, get rid of the search bar. That's pointless too.
    Last thing, and most importantly, I think the first thing you should see is a picture of your elephant scene, or the portfolio section of the site (pictures). Then, when you scroll down, it shows the demo reel. I say this because employers may not want to wait for your youtube vid to buffer. So, show them what you have to offer immidiatly. If they like that first image, they'll be more willing to watch the video.

    For examples of amazing portfolio sites, go here:

    You have a lot of talent. Your sense of space and motion is impeccable. I envy you quite a bit. Have fun with your career!
  • tristamus
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    tristamus polycounter lvl 9
    Pardon my German, but that Elephant is especially FUCKING amazing.
  • 3DLam
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    3DLam polycounter lvl 14
    Nice work Att! You should have the fat lady singing at the end so we know it over. Good luck with the job hunt!


    ps. Yes, do work on a more put together site. Doesn't need to be more complex but more appealing. It looks like a programmer made your site not an artist. :D
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    ENODMI polycounter lvl 14
    Really nice work:) Noticed one thing, your flat diffuse render of the battle scene is linked to the wireframe render... and I really wanted to see the diffuse render:)
  • attattattack
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    attattattack polycounter lvl 8
    Hi all,
    Thanks everyone a lot for the feed back, they are really helpful.
    The list of fixes so far are:

    -get rid of all the right side
    -get rid of antialiasing (render at bigger res and size it down)
    -title of page should be my name not demoreel
    - page is too bright
    -make menu stand out from the page
    -get rid of the date
    -show pictures before demoreel

    a lot of these fix will be done when I get back to Thailand where I will learn to do proper html, right now I'm using a wordpress template and yes, as 3DLam pointed out, they are not appealing.

    @ENODMI Fixed, thank you very much for pointing that out, I'm a big fan of your work : D

    @roosterMap: Thank you!
  • megalmn2000
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    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    For your HTML stuff, to make your life a bit easier, you can use my web tool:
    This will generate the basic of your HTML base. Just try to click on some buttons and you'll get something good to start! :)
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Very impressive, great artwork.
  • Cooljay
    Only issue I have is that you shouldn't have your demo reel 3 minutes long. Not a lot of recruiters have that time to watch something that long.
  • attattattack
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    attattattack polycounter lvl 8
    megalmn2000, thanks man I will try to play around with that too.

    Cooljay, I agree, it's really too long, I tried to cut a lot of stuff and tried making things goes faster, then people told me things goes too fast, do you have anysuggestions of parts that needs trimming/improvements on the speed? Maybe faster turntables? half rotations?

    Thanks man
  • Zenful
    Impressive stuff. That is really beautiful work. The pose and the set up...look so natural and in real-time render.

    I'm Thai also, and I'm researching on which school to go to. I looked at VFS, Lost Boy and read some reviews and now I'm considering Think Tank(weighing the cost and benefit).
    How was your experience there? The instructors, the living arrangement, the day-to-day expense, can you describe them brieftly if it's not too much trouble.

    Thanks krub.
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