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[Portfolio] Paul Svoboda, Environment Artist

polycounter lvl 12
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paulsvoboda polycounter lvl 12
Hello everyone,

I'm finally making it to the end of school and have a few more months until I graduate. I've been collecting my past work and building up a portfolio to begin sending out. I'm currently working on rendering out individual props, wireframes and texture sheets. [Edit] I'm also going back to the Hand Painted environment as there is still one texture that isn't mine (it's small, but I haven't yet replaced it yet).

I'd love critique on the website, the work, suggestions on what I can add, what I should take away, what I should work on, etc.

The website is: paulsvoboda.net

Here is a quick preview:




Thanks a lot.


  • EMC3D
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    EMC3D polycounter lvl 14
    Really nice, I would remove the characters though.

    Other then that top notch quality :) clean, nice environments.
  • jeroenbackx
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    jeroenbackx polycounter lvl 13
    Amazing, very atmospheric. They almost look like paintings. I also really like the mouseover day/night thing on your website.
  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    Your work looks great.

    The only feedback I have is on the resume. The font is sampled too small or something and is hard to read. it looks like you typed it larger then downsampled it. Also I would get rid of the UPS assistant part. Lastly I think putting an objective in your resume looks amateur (for some reason college professors always suggest adding this) and its totally unnecessary since people can see what you are all about from your work.
  • toren3d
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    toren3d polycounter lvl 7
    Very good site construction and portfolio pieces. Try making your the title, footer, and resume section html/text so that google can pick up on it (you'd be surprised how many people are searching for "3d artist resume").

    On your first scene, having the night-time shots show when you hover over them is a bit distracting. Instead, put them all together at the end. Lastly, have each picture clickable to a larger size and show larger previews of your textures.

    I would have to agree with the above post, and also suggest holding off on the characters for now. If you need to show more work later, you can have those as backup, but for now, sell yourself as an environment artist, because you have the talent for it. I'll spare you from my "environment guy that won' let go of character artist hopes" rant for now, but let me say that you have several very strong pieces that show excellent composition and an eye for detail, and you will be just fine in that category.
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    A very small nit-pick, but your resume objective, you use the word "grow" twice in the same sentence.

    lol, sorry.

    The art is great though! :)
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Amazing work. I love the moated grange scene.

    One thing you should do is make it so that you can view/save both the day and night versions of the images. Sometimes recruiters will want to save an image so they can pull it back up easier later and right now there's no way to save the day versions of the images that I could find.

    Also I agree a bit with Bear on removing the characters. The stylized person might fine if you give it a pedestal so it looks more like a statue. That other sculpt doesn't belong with these awesome environments in my opinion though.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    -high quality work, use high quality images too.
    -needs more breakdowns, wires, textures, shots of loose objects
    -demo reel is boring, no sound, long static shots, just one environment.
    -personally I'm not a fan of the HDR look, it's a bit much.

    -blue squares clash with mostly orange content and header
    -if there's no about yet, don't have a link for it.
    -use this method to make the images switch on hover. This way the hover works instantly and doesn't have to load a second image. It'll also work better to download images.
    -I'd also advise you to use DIV elements instead of working with a giant table, as it'll allow you to work more efficiently.

    -your moated grange texture sheet has the 2048 and 4096 in the wrong places.
    -Make the resum
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 19
    Looks great, very cool looking selective that demonstrates both imagination and technical ability. I'd dump the characters, it's not what your resume is aiming for and it muddies your specific worth... which is, I would think, your ability to create and use environment assets to make great next gen worlds.

    Your most impressive scene is of course the Fable Forest, but you are too secretive about how you are creating this stuff, show me your hipoly work and your low poly work, expose your strengths and flaws because if you don't , it leaves a big question mark above the work.

    Someone could wonder if you were managing to create the scene with really expensive meshs or something that wouldn't be feasible in a shipped game with platform limitations. If you show people how you did things, you only run the risk of getting open feedback about this work here , in time for you to fix it up before you show it to employeer's.

    It's really good to put your cards on the table with this stuff, I can tell by your texture sheets how you work in some regards, but I want to see how you generate this stuff in more detail, when was it zbrush work or max, when was it crazbump or just photoshop, when was it shader trickery, when was it raw polygon mass?

    It's not really about doing things the right way, its about demonstrating 'your' way of solving problems as its your problem solving ability that the job will test more.

    I would leave the UPS work experience. I wouldn't dress up what you did though, in particular, referring to what you did at times as being in a high stress situation might make a couple people look down on you in that ' you think THAT'S a high stress situation? ' sort of way. Sometimes professionals do that to people who are new to the industry, especially when the applicant's work might be threateningly good compared to theirs.

    It's good to just remember you have no control over how many different types of people will be looking over your resume, you can only control how straightforward you are in presenting yourself.

    The modeling section is strong, you demonstrate a variety of different types of construction, different hard body forms, thats always good to see. Theres a lot of control and restraint there.

    The Demo Reel shows a lot of very subtle movement, it would help to crank up the drama a few notches,I think you are being too subtle and some folk won't notice those little swinging motions unless some of them are stronger.

    I think if you hit those things before you go off on the hunt you'd hopefully do really well, its certainly one of the best environment resume's I've seen here lately, you look like you could just walk straight into Big Blue Box already.

    Great work
  • paulsvoboda
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    paulsvoboda polycounter lvl 12
    Thank you so much for this feedback. Really helps me out and gives me a lot to do :).

    I've already removed the character section. The demo reel portion is not yet complete, I'm using an older video of the environment.

    @Snader - thanks for laying that out so meticulously. Really helps and that method for rollovers is great.

    I'll rework parts of the resume and change it to text.

    @Kevin - Thanks so much for that honest critique. I understand what you're saying and agree. I think the biggest thing I've struggled with in that area is how to present how I work, and over time I've learned new things and changed how I go about things. It's really a small problem.
    I'll be putting up more focused shots breaking apart each environment, showing props, wireframes, methods, etc.

    @Brandon - :) Thanks.
  • rasmus
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    Nice looking environments, all well composed and well laid out using a pretty modest set of props - nice work. I second the request for wires/lighting-only shots and showing some props and texture flats. Nitpicks would be the outside shot of the Bilbo house being a bit weak (it's dying for a cloud in the bg and some more grass on top); also the sky texture in the nighttime shots of the first scene could use a resolution bump.

    I would add music to the reel, and maybe add your other scenes? Branch animation there is too wobbly, I would suggest masking with vertex colors and animating it by vertex instead of distortion per pixel. The video also doesn't play in HD on your site for me, but maybe that's just the way Vimeo rolls. All very minor stuff in what is a very solid portfolio.

    Good luck with the jobhunt!
  • megalmn2000
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    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    Amazing works!
    The only critics will be about the demo reel, the shots looks incredible but I'd like to see more "in-game" recording, with wireframes and textures, not just subtle camera movement.
    Otherwise, good luck with your career! :)
  • Mike_Carlyle
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    Mike_Carlyle polycounter lvl 17
    i love the work very inspiring..
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Pointless response, maybe :P But i just gotta say that i really love your work and this inspires my to get back to my paused UDK scene i worked on this summer.

    The only crit i got is that the first night shot of the The Moated Grange have a stone or something in the water, that differs in the two shots..

  • Jonsnow
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    realy nice environments, my favourite is Bilbo's Bag End ;]
  • Serp
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    Serp polycounter lvl 17
    I'd improve the resolution of your resume, it's a bit too blurry. Also I agree with Kevin that you should have hi poly shots and models of your forest scene. I think it's a very effective portfolio method. To have the beauty shots of the scene and then to have individual renders of the models. Only the good ones of course ;)
  • Flava-Fly
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    Flava-Fly polycounter lvl 9
    Your lighting work is incredible, I am a long term fan of 'The Moated Grange' so the content side for me is great. My concern is that there is not enough breakdown to show your skills. The reel shows long drawn out static images of the grange without ever introducing me to the work behind it. Texture sheets, normal bakes and wires will let people know that you worked hard to get those scenes together!
  • Sebeuroc
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    Sebeuroc polycounter lvl 13
    Really, really beautiful work, man. Great style! I love your envisioning of Bag end. The day/night piece rollover is also really nice.

    My only crit is the outside beauty shot of Bag End looks kind of blown out.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Wicked stuff dude.

    Your first painting looks like a Thomas Kinkade painting hehe :P
  • paulsvoboda
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    paulsvoboda polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks a lot everyone for your comments and critique. It's been very helpful.

    I'm slowly adding stuff up and reworking my demo reel and hopefully I'll have more time over the weekend to finish it up.
    @ Sebeuroc - I agree, I need to rework a couple things with that environment. Thanks.
  • bbob
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    This is so awesome. Loving the lighting..
  • Darkmaster
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    Darkmaster polycounter lvl 11
    Every piece on your site is inspiring to look at. I was a HUGE fan of your version of the "Moated Grange", and I love the addition of the night lighting. Your website is clean and very readable and I have no major complaints. Incredible work, good luck getting a job!
  • Neolight
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    Neolight polycounter lvl 10
    You set a high standard for us students, man. Badass work here.
  • papagersi
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    papagersi polycounter lvl 16
    Wow...really good!!
    Is is for a movie?
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