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The Musician of Miscreation - Environment

polycounter lvl 13
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TDub polycounter lvl 13
After speaking to some artists about my current work, It has been agreed that my current work is just too, normal. I have spent the last few days devising an idea for something unusual.

The environment will be based around a mad musician's "laboratory". I want to follow some of my favorite art styles.. Tim Burton, and the best game ever, The Neverhood. It will be somewhat dark and eerie, with a slight goofy feel.

Here are some pictures of the art styles i plan to use, if you don't know them.


Here is a sketch, done by Illka Siik aka Sixton, for an idea of the layout. He helped me push for this idea.


Lastly a quick test model of the main stain-glass window. Not by any means final. Just finding the style I want.


Let me know if you have any suggestions before I begin blocking this thing out. :)


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