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Need help with broken ff7 disc.

Most of you have played this game or not i don't care, anyway as you might recall it has 3 Discs for the playstation 1 right? Well this is bad for me cause my little sister stomped on it cracking a chunk off and i had to fish out what left of the first disc in the trash...
now i know the full game is copied on all 3 cds but i can't play the other two without finishing the first.

so how can i bypass this little security etched into it without having to hunt down ebay for 1 measly disc?

And as a reward ill model something for someone completely free. (please let it be reasonable)

thanks polycounters!



  • leslievdb
    Offline / Send Message
    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    Just find a new disc, the game is worth having 3 original discs.

    for the model i'll have a penis tank with facial animation please.
  • Yozora
    Offline / Send Message
    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    So you want to re-play FF7 but you want to skip playing the first disc and jump to disc 2?
    The solution to that is to download someone's FF7 save file.

    edit: It seems you think you can play disc 2 from the start of the story? Is that true? How does that work? The discs are mainly for FMVs? So disc 2 and 3 are missing all FMVs from disc 1 and vice versa?
  • praetus
    Offline / Send Message
    praetus interpolator
    buy PSP or PS3. Go to Playstation store. Purchase and download FFVII. Problem solved.

    ps. beat sister mercilessly.
  • VidGameDude
    Yozora wrote: »
    edit: It seems you think you can play disc 2 from the start of the story? Is that true? How does that work? The discs are mainly for FMVs? So disc 2 and 3 are missing all FMVs from disc 1 and vice versa?

    well you see i have proved this by putting in the first disc and then after playing for a few seconds remove it and replace it with disc 2 or 3. Plus i searched through many forums of people doing the same thing rutting through the files and discovering the similar files set of that of the first disc.

    idk why but it is possible but not anymore without the first disc to show an initial security code to prevent a 1 disc op use...

    you have squaresoft to thank...er enix =P
  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Just get it on PS3/PSP. Finding a disk in good condition will be hard.
  • Two Listen
    Offline / Send Message
    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    So you need disc 1, is that correct?
  • PolyHertz
    Offline / Send Message
    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Yea I did the disc switching trick back in the day to do a side quest that was only on disc 2 when I was on disc 3 in the story :p

    And to answer your question op, nope you cant do that. Even though all the area data is on each disc, the story segments and cinematics aren't, which you'd need to progress past the first disc.
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