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[Portfolio] – Seaseme / Tanner Kalstrom - RIP IT APART!

polycounter lvl 8
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Seaseme polycounter lvl 8


  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    Well, my first reaction to it was "too much scrolling" to see all of the content. It's still loading while I type this. That's going to put people off from looking at it at all. I'd recommend thumbnails to your work if you want it up front. I also see no wire-frames. That's important to show. Prospective employers will be looking for that. Your texture maps also show no UV layout. Also something they want to see.

    Edit: I also noticed you have downloads for your resume, but nothing posted directly on you site. Some people might not want to bother downloading and are just looking for a quick scan of your skills and experience.
  • Tom Ellis
    greevar wrote: »
    Well, my first reaction to it was "too much scrolling" to see all of the content. It's still loading while I type this. That's going to put people off from looking at it at all. I'd recommend thumbnails to your work if you want it up front.

    I'm not so sure that's true. From what I've heard, 'in your face' images with a simple layout are actually far better. If you've got 10 seconds of an art directors time, would you rather have a load of big, attention grabbing stuff scrolled through, or a glance at a couple of tiny thumbnails?
    Your texture maps also show no UV layout.

    Pretty sure they're tiling textures, so that is actually the UV layout.

    I'll give my 'Yet to get my first industry job so take this with a pinch of salt' opinion;

    To me the work looks good, but the presentation, not so much.

    A couple of things that stand out. Use pics instead of video, a few well positioned shots of each scene / asset is more appealing than having to wait for a YouTube video just to see a flyaround. Whenever I look at folio's, the only time I ever want to see a video as opposed to stills, is from an animator, or if the scene in question has some very nice effects/scripting that is worth showing in motion.

    Secondly, the textures/sheets need tidying up a lot. I mean, look at that normal map at the bottom of your page and ask yourself: 'Does this need to be there'. Just shrink them down and compile them into one or two sheets for each project.

    As I said, the work looks good to me, but the presentation could do with a bit of love, just some nice screenshots, and comprehensive texture sheets.
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6

    I'm not so sure that's true. From what I've heard, 'in your face' images with a simple layout are actually far better. If you've got 10 seconds of an art directors time, would you rather have a load of big, attention grabbing stuff scrolled through, or a glance at a couple of tiny thumbnails?

    Pretty sure they're tiling textures, so that is actually the UV layout.

    I'll give my 'Yet to get my first industry job so take this with a pinch of salt' opinion;

    To me the work looks good, but the presentation, not so much.

    A couple of things that stand out. Use pics instead of video, a few well positioned shots of each scene / asset is more appealing than having to wait for a YouTube video just to see a flyaround. Whenever I look at folio's, the only time I ever want to see a video as opposed to stills, is from an animator, or if the scene in question has some very nice effects/scripting that is worth showing in motion.

    Secondly, the textures/sheets need tidying up a lot. I mean, look at that normal map at the bottom of your page and ask yourself: 'Does this need to be there'. Just shrink them down and compile them into one or two sheets for each project.

    As I said, the work looks good to me, but the presentation could do with a bit of love, just some nice screenshots, and comprehensive texture sheets.

    Good points. To further organize the maps, just condense them into a lower resolution on a single image to save time and bandwidth. Just put your color, spec, normal, and beauty shot into a 2x2 arrangement.
  • Seaseme
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    Seaseme polycounter lvl 8
    Yeah, I've been avoiding redoing the site to be less scrolling, but I guess I should finally get to it.

    As far as the UVs go, is it really necessary to show UVs? That seems strange, with the tiling textures it would be a nightmare to show them.

    I see what you mean with video vs wireframe. I should do that.

    Nice idea with the consolidation of images. I'll do that now!
  • Kiser Designs
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    Kiser Designs polycounter lvl 14
    First off, the work you have on your portfolio is pretty nice so good job there.

    Few tips:

    1. Organize your art into categories with separate pages. Having everything on one page makes it seem cluttered and lazy to me.

    2. Make sure your most impressive piece is the first thing they see when they go to your page.

    3. The text between the two videos needs more spacing between the lines, right now they almost overlap and I wont even read it.

    4. Display art info ON the art itself, polycount, map size. I was looking at your stuff and kept wondering what the map sizes were and poly counts until I scrolled down I didnt know it was there. Re-organizing the art into group may alleviate this issue.

    5. Your renders could use more than one angle, IE the rocket launcher. Also think about posting wireframes.

    Also, something you might want to consider, changing your website name. If you are to put this link on business cards on w/e, people wont want to type that whole thing out. Try something with your name to make it more direct to you as the artist
  • greevar
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    greevar polycounter lvl 6
    Seaseme wrote: »
    Yeah, I've been avoiding redoing the site to be less scrolling, but I guess I should finally get to it.

    As far as the UVs go, is it really necessary to show UVs? That seems strange, with the tiling textures it would be a nightmare to show them.

    I see what you mean with video vs wireframe. I should do that.

    Nice idea with the consolidation of images. I'll do that now!

    Not the tiling textures, but the weapons would benefit from showing off your UV skills.
  • Juzwa
    Dont want to sound like an expert in folios :D but yes.... to much scrolling....:P Some ppl might not be so patient and just skip and go to next folio.

    I prefer rather one short portfolio, than couple of movies nad stuff, coz.... ppl might get confused :)

    I think that a good folio shouldn't have all work u're pretty proud of, but things that can..... stay in sbs mind for some time....

    Its easier to say this than actually make it happen. I can remember my first demo reel from 1st term from school... when I look at it right now, it just makes me laugh :D

    gl :)
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    I like it alright.

    I don't mind that every image is all on one page. However, it places a strain on loading the page that might not work out so well for some. Using thumbnails for all of the non-main-beauty-shot would help and organize things a little better.

    Speaking of organization, the content is a bit all over the place. For example, portfolio images include the Warhammer house, and a couple guns and two lego universe videos. The demo reel has a old desert building and the warhammer house.

    It seems your demo reel should include all your main pieces, and your portfolio should show (images) of all your main pieces. It'd also be nice to see some wires.

    That's very muteable demo reel music. It may be best the music suit the style of the art. Maybe a run down desert building and a warhammer village building would look better with something slower with strings.

    Btw, I made that building in WAR. Yours looks WAY under detailed and clean, even though I think it's double the polycount. Not sure what's happening there as (see above) there's no wires.
  • Seaseme
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    Seaseme polycounter lvl 8
    I made some changes. Let me know what you think!
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