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Max 2010, how to create faces correctly?

So I recently switched from Max 8 to Max 2010.

I don't know how to ask this so I'll try to explain as best I can...

-When you create a face (either in Editable Mesh or Editable poly) your mouse turns into a cross hair. You then select the vertices you wish to compose the face.

Now here's the problem; in Max 2010 when ever I create a face (in either ed. mesh or ed. poly) my mouse turns into this non-precise crosshair. It then turns into a precision crosshair when it hovers over a vertex. The non-precise crosshair allows you to create a face in thin air.

The problem is because of how it is, I can accidently create wrong faces, or faces in mid air.

In Max 8 there was a setting to turn this off and to only have the precision crosshair show up when you hovered over a vertex. In other words you couldn't create faces in mid air.

You're probably going to say "use snap to vertex". But that wasn't it.

I wish I could explain this better. I know it was a setting in Max 8, because when I first started with Max 8 it also had this same thing. I then found the setting.

Again I'd greatly appreciate the help.


  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    just work with edges, so much faster as verts for extending faces or creating faces. Like select 2 counter edges and hit 'bridge'. Or select one edge, hold down shift and drag the edge to extend it to a new face.

    If you accidently create wrong faces maybe switch to wireframe mode? - so you know better on which vert you clicked.
  • Ihazard
    yeah or if you need to make a triangle face just shift drag the edge, collapse the side that will come to a point and target weld, I've always found create face annoying :|
  • helldiver
    Did more searches for this and seems its a problem for all versions of max after max 9. This pisses me off to no end. Max support doesn't have a solution to this. Why would anyone want to create a polygon in mid air like this?

    Seems I'm gonna revert to max 8 and just use 2010 for normal map baking or what ever 8 doesn't have...
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    max != milkshape
    you just don't create polygons in mid air. Just create a plane and attach it, or select another face and shift + drag it top copy it.
  • Builder_Anthony
    Thats a neat trick by creating a plane.
  • helldiver
    Thanks for the suggestions.

    I switched back to Max 8 for now since I have so much work to do that I procrastinated. I'll then load into Max 2010 as needed.

    When I model a character's face for example I start by placing verts exactly where I want them. I then fill it all in with polys and then pull it into being. Somehow I'm able to visualize how a person's face goes by dots rather than by contour lines.

    The same goes for other complex objects. Sometimes I just prefer to start flat and just plot it out with vertices. I'll then build up the shape with polys, convert from ed.mesh to ed.poly and continue from there.

    Or sometimes I just can't solve a complex shape. For example, this all started when I was trying to do a thumb in a different way than I normally do it. I solved it by plotting out the shape with verts, filling them in with polys and going from there.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    maybe you should start using the wireframe mode? Vertex modelling sounds so dated and tiresome, there is a reason why edge flow, bridge, ... got included over the years in more and more packages because it lets you construct and modify the mesh or retopo using the edge or face level, and its much much faster.

    Just look for modelling tutorials, you will see that most of the time its all edges or face mode, but mostly edges.
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