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Burning Dog Media is recruiting 3d artists/animators


Burning Dog Media is developing a working and playable mmo prototype to bring to investors/venture capitalists for funding to create a full scale mmo. The mmo will be released reguardless of funding, just on a smaller more staggered release.


First I should state that we offer you nothing moneywise. (For the prototype)
Now, (if youre still reading this ;) We aim to have this project funded, the people that helped us get there will be secured a position on our team full time and will receive a percentage share in the company based on contribution and skill level.
We are happy to answer any questions you might have about our business model.


We have licensed the powerful Hero Engine to create our world.
We use Max/Maya software.

About the game

What we're looking to create is a living breathing world with a fantasy/sci-fi/alt/comedy/jazz feel. Okay, maybe not jazz.
Though the game has a strong story background, our main focus is creating a unique sandbox-esque setting with interesting and dynamic characters and systems.

We are currently in the early stages of production.

Who we need

We are looking for 3d generalists and skilled riggers/animators that have a reasonable amount of time to contribute.

If you are interested, drop me a line at davec@burningdog.com with examples of your work.

Dave Cruikshank
Burning Dog Media


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