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polycounter lvl 9
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Trevion3D polycounter lvl 9
Hello Everyone,
My Team is ready to come out of the closet with our game OBSTAKILL
we are really excited to get it out there finally!! we've been working on it and polishing it for a good while now and, have it playable, its a 3D sidscroller
Where its you against the world. The world is out to kill you!!!
Please Give Us Feedback.

Check it out!!!

Download and play, today!

Thank you
-Team Strawberry Shortcake






Download and play, today!



  • Eric Chadwick
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    Looks pretty! I wish you had longer segments of actual gameplay, rather than short snippets. Hard to get a good sense of it.
  • Eric Chadwick
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    I get an error when installing (WinXP 32bit SP3 with an AMD CPU):

    UDK.exe - Unable To Locate Component
    This application has failed to start because D3DCOMPILER_43.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

    Also it's a bit disconcerting having to d/l an executable. I would put some text on the d/l link, saying this is a UDK auto-installer.

    Also you're distributing it thru Google Docs where they specifically warn you that they can't scan it for viruses because it's too large. But the game does look legit. Wish I could play it!
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    mmmmm glowey bits :)

    I second Eric, moreeee gameplay videos instead of flashy text :) I want to see how this gameplays.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    Downloading now! looks nice.

    You should stick the download link in HUGE RED TEXT at the top of your post ;P
  • Pierate
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    Pierate polycounter lvl 15
    Downloading right now, will comment when I've tried it, looks pretty cool from the little I could see in the video :)
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    I tought it was quite cool, i would advise you to post some more gameplay video's, as not everyone wants to download it right away.
    Dont have any critic for you right now.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    hey, I just played it- pretty fun!

    one note: the game did not look how it was supposed to on my computer- there were these red lines all over the place (like an edge detect filter)

    I love the changing orientation of things- fun dynamic!

    the first thing I did by the way, when it said a and d to go left/right- I ran left. jumped. Died :P. A popup said 'I told you not to do that', but no-one told me not to do that! I would put a wall to the left, I can't see how dieing without notice can be a good start to the game :)

    first bit I struggled with: the 'spark platforms' where you need to trigger one to rotate the next one. Changing the camera angle for each platform you jump to might seem 'neat' but I really didn't like it.. it made the jumps harder than needed, and also the 'detect' area for your spark activation is quite small, meaning you need to be accurate where you stand to activate. since the camera is at an angle to the character, this is really difficult and turned what should have been fairly simple platform jumping into a frustrating area of gameplay. I think you should either: lock the cam angle for that bit, or, make the radius for activating the spark much bigger. Imo, if you're standing anywhere on the platform and you spark, it should trigger.

    second bit I didn't like so much- the big orb collecting rotating thing- when you get to the top of a 'leg' on the rotating cross and the whole thing increases rotation so you can go down the next leg- it feels like your jumping is constrained somehow. Like you can't jump as far as you normally could. Twice, because of this, I tried to jump into the next 'leg' of the cross, and fell into the burning wall because I slowed in mid air. I'm guessing there's some technical reason for this, but I think you should compensate with a barrier so you can just walk right from the top of one to the next, and don't have to jump.

    Apart from those small niggles, really enjoyed it! good work :)

    PS- I think I would rather the game start in fullscreen
  • 00Zero
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    so i played it for a bit. i liked it, it was actually fun. i liked the rotating fire bit.

    biggest issue for me was the controls. theyre not very intuitive. i dont want to use the mouse and keyboard at the same time. I'm right handed so i want to move around with my right hand on the arrow keys, and then have two keys with my left hand that will boost and jump.
  • Pierate
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    Pierate polycounter lvl 15
    Well, I think rooster said everything that needs to be said. Although I didn't experience the red lines, or the suicide in the beginning.
    Biggest issue was definately the camera angles at the spark platforms, otherwise I enjoyed it quite a bit, keep up the good work :)
  • Trevion3D
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    Trevion3D polycounter lvl 9
    I get an error when installing (WinXP 32bit SP3 with an AMD CPU):

    UDK.exe - Unable To Locate Component
    This application has failed to start because D3DCOMPILER_43.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

    Hey thanks Guys! sorry for those who have gotten Error's I think its an Error that we have nothing to do with us, its probably an UDK thing Epic needs to work out.

    Eric I think you need to update your Direct X, I was having the same issue when we tried the game out, Upgrading should fix that message.

    As for Game Play Videos We Are going to Make Some and post for those who didnt get a chance to play. if my team is down, we are going to keep working on it, this was sort of a Beta Test/ school project, but if people like the game we will keep making more levels and more gameplay and improve the controls. :D

    we always Love Feedback! We Are thinking of putting this on the IPhone since it just came out.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    Really nice game! I liked the platforming, felt like a nice 'test' level with great presentation!

    I did a second playthrough and noted down some crits because there where a couple of things that bugged me - some have been mentioned already though :P

    Title screen - There's no options, the game starts windowed in the corner of my screen and its a pain to move. Quite annoying. Also, pressing escape gives me a menu full of garbled text '[][][][][]'.

    Intro, awesome! Tutorial, Great!

    On the first set of platforms you jump on the camera moves around far to much. This makes really simple jumps hard, and not in a good way. Same with the spark jumps - if feels unfair when you fail because the camera is swinging wildly around.

    the Door: confusing. The door was jumping up and down when I got to it. I 'sparked' and it flew up, then crashed down as I ran into it. The door carried on jumping about until I just fell through it.

    The moving block section is nice, but I just jumped the first and second gaps with boost.

    Rotating Fire Boss Puzzle: Really fucking annoying. It's a nice idea, and it was fun the second time around... when I knew how to compensate for the broken design.

    This is the biggest problem IMO because its evident in other areas. When the player jumps off of ANYTHING that rotates, he seems to loose all his speed and does a pathetic half jump that you cannot control. This means the rules of physics seem to suddenly change the moment the player makes a jump, often resulting in death. This is particularly annoying in the spinning fire room as every time you cross from one 'arm' to another you are likely to preform this gimped jump and land in the fire.

    It's really irritating.

    Another part of the fire room has one of the platforms you jump from too close to the one above, meaning if you don't jump from the very edge, you hit your head and fall off. Again, feels unfair and was a source of quite a few deaths.

    Finally, the ending outro was awesome, but the actual ending of 'spark at the console' was really lame. Smacked of not having enough time. The environments start out awesomely detailed, but that last room is a flat box with a small pile of props behind it and it shows.

    So yeah, quite a few crits, but don't get me wrong, it was a really fun game and I want to play more! I think it just needs more polish, spend a little extra love on the last levels and playtest a bit more.

    Can't wait to see more of it! :)
  • Trevion3D
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    Trevion3D polycounter lvl 9
    Thank you For your Feedback!

    Don't Worry we know that the game needs a ton of work and polish, but we felt we were at a playable status with this prototype of the game and really wanted to to release it and see what peoples experiences were, so far we have gotten really positive feedback and the game is going to be 1000x's Better next release.

    Every one has their own opinion about the Rotating level and we are going to make that waayyyy better, its never been done before and we know it needs some tweaking. This is a small glimpse of what we have in store for our dynamic levels.

    Nevertheless this prototype was a lot of fun to make and we will do a better job of this in the future you can bet on that! :D

    Everyone Download, Play and Give us Feedback!!

    and to those who got errors I made this video with more of the Game's Gameplay

  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    in that video- can you hold down charge to make the spark bigger? if so I had no idea when playing
  • Trevion3D
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    Trevion3D polycounter lvl 9
    No You can not make the spark bigger, Currently we are re-working the Code and maybe we might have a charge effect where you can make it bigger in the future. We are going to Try and get a license so that we can put the game on the Iphone aswell.

    Just for shits and Jiggles Check out what I found today when I you tube Searched my Game, I Flagged and Its gone now but here it is lol I was like WTF


    One of them bots
  • JamesPittman
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    I get an error when installing (WinXP 32bit SP3 with an AMD CPU):

    UDK.exe - Unable To Locate Component
    This application has failed to start because D3DCOMPILER_43.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

    u can go to this site...this will help in case of missing or download dll's or errors in dll's..!!

    I also registered few dll's from this site...worked in my case :)
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