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my iPhone game- Santa's Delivery

polycounter lvl 9
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VPrime polycounter lvl 9
SantaIcon.png Hey guys, just like to announce our new game Santa's Delivery. It has just launched and available on iTunes right now. Cost is 99 cents.

Santa's Delivery is a side scroller where you play as Santa Clause, and you shoot presents at houses that have christmas lights on. The game play is very simple yet addictive.
You swipe your finger up or down to deliver a present in that direction.

3D Graphics
2 different game modes
Simple gameplay - Difficult to master
Lots of replay value
Progressive difficulty (Game becomes harder as you play)
Leader Boards (Game Center)
Game Center implementation (*Supported devices only*)
Achievements (Game Center)
Fun addictive gameplay
Non-Violent gameplay -Fun for everyone!
Retina Display support
Multi Tasking (Fast app switching *supported devices only*)


You can check out the game at www.untitledd.com, we will also have some info on our other upcoming games and apps.



  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    pimp & preview?
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    I didn't know if it belonged there here.. There have been apps and games posted in both sections.
    If it is not in the correct section, Sorry :)
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Oh! One thing I forgot to mention is that we will be donating 10% of anything we make from this game to Orphans + Families that require assistance in Afghanistan.
    Our goal is to raise at least $1000, so please spread the word and help some unfortunate people this holiday season.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Sales are going slow, at this rate don't think we will make our $1000 dollar donation goal..
    But I am proud to say our game is in the top 100 Family games in the Canadian appstore.. And moving up in the US appstore!
  • eagleeyes
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    eagleeyes polycounter lvl 7
    wow. awesome.good luck buddy,hope have a good sale.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Maybe it isn't selling well because of presentation? The menu graphics instantly make me think a student made it in photoshop using some filters.

    Get word out there. I told my hairdresser about my Iphone game in the making and he was super excited and passed word around. My mother told her work friends and they're also interested.

    Hell, email Kotaku or other game sites and put the word "charity" in it and they'll have no choice but to promote it.
  • Tom Ellis
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    Habboi wrote: »
    Maybe it isn't selling well because of presentation? The menu graphics instantly make me think a student made it in photoshop using some filters.


    I was hesitant to post this since I do think it's highly respectable you actually got a published game out, which in itself is an achievement.

    Really though, you do need to work a LOT on the visuals, I mean come on man, look at what is possible on iPhone now, and some of the other offerings. You can't really expect to compete with the big guys unless your stuff is really polished.

    I think you can go one of two ways to a successful app, or both ways for an ultra successful app. Either fantastic gameplay with average visuals, but a LOT of promotion... or awesome visuals with below average gameplay. Certainly when I'm browsing the app store, if I'm not familiar with the game, I'll look at the visuals, if they look nice, chances are I'll buy it even without really reading about what the game is like.

    Whereas even with a great gameplay concept, if your game looks like crap, people are instantly gonna be turned off unless the world and his Brother are talking about how awesome it is.

    So unless you're prepared to promote it like mad, get people talking and put yourself out there, then you need to make something a lot prettier to attract the average Joe who's browsing the app store for pretty graphics.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the comments guys.
    I know the game isn't the prettiest out there. It was made by just 2 people with the budget of zero. My self and my brother had to make due with what we had.. With a big time crunch.
    We only started this game in November.

    I know we can't compete with games like Rage and infinity blade as far as graphics are concerned. We aren't even trying to. Not now at least. (Not to say I didn't work hard on the graphics! :poly139: )
    We do have another game in the works called Espionage, and are not in any rush on it right now. So we are hoping for a more polished look for that, but will still be focusing on gameplay and the user experience rather than flashy graphics.

    As for promoting, well I have been emailing every review site promo codes and mentioning the charity part as well. But none have used the codes yet. Which probably as you guys said are turned off by the look of the game :(

    The sad part is, I actually thought the menu was the nicest part of the game! hahahaha.

    Any ways thanks for the comments, really helps us go froward and try harder :)
  • Tom Ellis
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    Yeah polish polish polish on your next game.

    With regards to the promotion, don't worry too much about getting the blogs involved... it's a bit hit or miss. They probably get hundreds of invites to test apps, and even if they like it, there's no guarantee they'll feature it.

    Get on FaceBook, Twitter, forums etc and just tell everyone you can about it. Send flyers to schools, colleges etc.. also consider your local paper. Certainly where I live, the local press love to feature stuff like this because it's oh so amazing that someone from their town does something so technologically advanced as get an app published in the App Store lol.

    Good luck with your next project, don't rush it, also post some progress on here, and get some testers to give you constant feedback. That way, if it sucks, you can fix it before you release it.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the tips.
    Posted on my Facebook, didn't create a Facebook page for the app or our company though. We do have a twitter, and gave out promocodes for new followers and retweets.
    Never thought of the news paper idea, sent them off an email. Also emailed the organization we wil be donating to and see if they can possibly post on their facebook, or twitter as well.
    Also sent an email +promo code to the video pod cast "The totally rad show". Got an email back from them, but not sure if they will mention us on their show.

    I think once we get mentioned in one place more and more people will see it and the sales will jump... Hopefully jump enough to meet our goal.
    If we were not giving to charity I would be completely happy with our progress. We are currently doing 10-15 sales a day, which I am happy with. The amount we learned form this project is worth more than any money we personally make on it.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Wow, so the game is already on various pirate sites.. That was quick.
    Oh well, I will just take it as a complement :). At least people are playing the game.

    It sort of sucks.. I don't mind people downloading as long as they like it and are playing. But then on the other hand this also affects the charity we are donating to.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Wait what? People pirate Iphone games? Are they really that cheap not to pay a measley .99 pence? or whatever the price is in UK.

    What sites are they posted on? I wanna check them out when my game is done.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah, LOTS of people pirate iphone games.
    Just search google for appname.ipa and you will come across MANY sites.
    In our case it is Santas Delivery.ipa.

    I was surprised too. I mean its 99 cents, I guess it is mainly younger kids who don't have a credit card I guess. Oh well, can't be helped.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Well we tracked the pirate down. We did a promo code give away and this guy took our pomo code and cracked our app. He didn't even buy the app to rip us off!
    Here is what I have been posting on various developer forums so people stop giving this guy their apps.
    Hey guys I would just like to warn you guys about a member on on toucharcade (and probably lots of other places) who takes promo codes for your apps - then cracks them and releases them to pirate web sites!
    The member is
    We gave away 20 promo codes through twitter and He got one.
    This is his twitter @BR_veloso
    His face book
    Security Check Required | Facebook

    This guy is so despicable that he won't even buy one copy before he cracks it and spreads it on the internet!

    So just a warning to all - don't give this guy any promo codes!
  • Tom Ellis
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    Sucks to hear that, piracy is rife in iPhone apps, so many stories like this one.

    Also makes you realise just how many people download apps for the iOS platform when you hear of the big companies sales figures, and then add on to that the same number, if not more in pirated apps.

    Something you could try is just jump on www.filestube.com and search for your app. If it pops up on any of the file hosting sites, RapidShare, HotFile etc, then report the file and they should take it down pretty quick. It means checking regularly but it's better than just letting it go free.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Hey guys, Decided to make this free until tomorrow!
    Give it a try and leave a review :)
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