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Avatar - The Avatar Link Room (Environment project for UDK)

polycounter lvl 9
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maverickhornet polycounter lvl 9
Hey all,

First off you can find my personal blog for this project here:


This is my first major project that I am putting up on here and haven't got much experience with UDK at the minute but am eager to learn! So please be nice for the time being. :)

My project is recreating the Avatar link room which Jake Sully uses to connect to his Avatar body in the movie along side the clean room where the Na'vi body lies.

The style is very science-fiction and features lots of reflectivity, emissive lighting and flat colour textures which is where I feel I might struggle.

Currently I am texturing the assets that I have modelled to a finished standard so far. The best way I thought would be to establish a texturing basis which I can then apply to objects all around the room.

I'll post up some shots of the environment from the film and where I am so far.





Progress Shots:

(Above Image) The computer screens are just temporary at the minute. I will be building a shader soon to make them so they have animated sections. They will be a lot sharper and more detailed.



(Above image) This is all mostly blockout but gives an idea of the layout and scale

Its all coming along quite nicely but there is still quite a long way to go. Most of this is untextured still and the models need tweaking / high poly bakes and so on.

Getting a colour basis is proving rather difficult as I have a feeling that in the movie they have applied a blue filter over the top to make everything appear a little bluer than usual. So I am trying to figure out if I should texture everything metallic and then add the blue lighting / blue filter in the post processing or to give the textures a little blue tinge to them.

Trying to make the assets look interesting is proving a little a challenge as everything is rather plain and basic. I've been looking at Mass Effect 2 ( The Normandy) and looking at those textures to see if I can pull anything from them. Possibly adding reflections to a lot of the objects might help the illusion.

If anyone knows the best way to do reflections for this kind of environment I would very much appreciate it if you could advise me. I've done box maps in the past but was wondering if UDK has a better way to do reflections perhaps. I've already tried using a 2D reflection map on the central overhead canopy type thing but if proves a little difficult to get a decent reflection.

Please be brutal as I really want to make this a tasty environment!

Thanks very much!


  • ajr2764
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    ajr2764 polycounter lvl 10
    Great environment to do, sci-fi at its best. Well your blockout is off to a good start. Im not sure what approah to take with the overall blue look but am interested to find out what some would do. Right now the blue in your scene is too strong/very saturated. Look forward to seeing the progress on this.
  • Tea Monster
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    Tea Monster polycounter lvl 15
    Right now, its all BBBBLLLLLLUEEEEE!!!!! The main composition of the walls and floors has to be a blueish grey, with highlights of intense blue from viewscreens and holos and stuff.
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