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[Portfolio] Jason Gordy - Character Modeler

polycounter lvl 12
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d2king10 polycounter lvl 12
Hey guys, I am about to graduate and get my bachelors, so I figured I should get my website/demo reel up and running.


Feel free to give me C&C on anything, and let me know what you guys think.

Thanks in advance,


  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Howdy! I do have one request, the pictures are a bit small, so it would be rad that if I click on them I can get a bigger screenshot to look at all this fancy detail you got goin on
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    The work looks good but the presentation definitely doesn't help you. With the lighting and the small images it looks more like you're trying to hide work rather than show it off.
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    couple things i'm really curious about on your models. the girl for instance, why did you give her face such a small area on the texture map? spaces for faces(ha) tend to get more room than what you alloted. i understand you may be thinking bout texel density....but a good face can sell a model...so give her more pixels for detail. also, the guy dressed in the antler animal gear, there is a shot of the fur wrap around his leg.....this doesn't look pushed at all. is it supposed to be fur? and if it is, you should control the spec on it accordingly. there seems to be a waste of polies on all these guys too. i'm just sayin this stuff cause character jobs are THE most competitive out there.....like.....ULTRA!!!!
  • d2king10
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    d2king10 polycounter lvl 12
    Alright, I made it so when you click on an image, it opens up a larger image. If I knew how to install shadowbox I would

    From my understanding, triangle counts under 20k is pretty low compared to the standard these days. As for the face area, yea, I was basing it on texel density, but I can see what you mean by increasing it. I am pretty familiar with mesh optimization because I actually prefer doing lowpoly/mobile phone specs. In fact, these are my first high poly models I have ever done, so I will be doing more and hopefully getting better in the coming months :)

    Yeah I know Character Modeling is a competitive field, but it is what I enjoy the most, and hopefully I am at a pretty good position (skill wise) for somebody straight out of college.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Do you need all that empty space? No you don't. Heck, you could remove all the first images and replace them with the last images. You could also paste in the concept (add name of artist too). At any rate - use yer pixels, just like you would in a UWV map.

    Also, why are the image borders blueish grey and the text yellow?
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    sure i understand polycounts these days can go through the roof. but you should use your polies in a wiser fashion. there are a lot of polies not defining anything that could be placed somewhere else to give the silouhette a more interesting appearance.

    just C&C'in. keep it up man.
  • d2king10
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    d2king10 polycounter lvl 12
    I updated the orange colors to match the image links better. You are right, I will probably ditch the top images and move the bottom ones to the top.

    Yeah, the next model I do I will keep a closer eye on it. It is easy to go crazy with poly count when you are used to keeping things mobile spec haha
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    How about simply something like this?

    ALso, I only just now noticed you have a menu... at the bottom. If it weren't for the resum
  • d2king10
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    d2king10 polycounter lvl 12
    Alright guys, I have tried to make my website a lot better, and I also improved my demo reel with some suggestions from a convention in Austin. Let me know what you guys think!


  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    I personally think the druid or bulldog should be first, it will have a better first impression.
  • d2king10
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    d2king10 polycounter lvl 12
    Alright I changed the order up a bit.

  • nick2730
    Did you work on HOMM5? Cause that druid is straight out of it
  • d2king10
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    d2king10 polycounter lvl 12
    nick2730 wrote: »
    Did you work on HOMM5? Cause that druid is straight out of it

    No I didn't but I found the concept from google. Do you know the artist who made it, I have been trying to find it so I can credit them accordingly.

    EDIT: I updated the credits and will be updating the demo reel credit once its done rendering. Thanks for pointing it out :)
  • achillesian
    some of the lighting setups you have (especially the scifi suit girl) really don't show off your normal maps at all
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Hi man, I think the portfolio site is working nicely. Though I feel like you should take out the blind cave shark thing, I think it brings the portfolio down quite a bit. Other than that I feel like most of the work is pretty solid, that druid is kick-ass.
  • d2king10
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    d2king10 polycounter lvl 12
    @achillesian: For some reason the spec map wasn't working in the image, I re-uploaded the corrected image, hopefully that helps some.

    @itismario: I will reorganize the ordering again, thanks.

    @chrisradsby: Yeah I agree, I think I am going to take it out. It was originally done in a week for a school project and it is very rushed, I pretty much have it in there to fill up more space, but I am going to take it out now.

    Thanks for the comments guys!

    EDIT: Alright guys, I rearranged the order of the images and ditched the cave shark guy. :)
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Your sketches aren't very appealing, I would just leave them out of your portfolio. Better to have less but good work (your 3D) than try to cling on to stuff that isn't the best.

    Not trying to offend, hope it helps :)
  • d2king10
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    d2king10 polycounter lvl 12
    Highelf wrote: »
    Your sketches aren't very appealing, I would just leave them out of your portfolio. Better to have less but good work (your 3D) than try to cling on to stuff that isn't the best.

    Not trying to offend, hope it helps :)

    I originally had them off the site, but once I started applying for jobs, a few companies wanted to see them so I stuck them on there. lol
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