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[Portfolio] – Bradley Wascher, Environment Artist

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BradleyWascher polycounter lvl 13
Hey guys, I just updated my website and was wondering if I could get some feedback and your opinions. I really want feedback on my art as well, whats working for you what isnt working etc. Thanks www.bradleywascher.com


  • Tom Ellis
    Great stuff, your website is, in my opinion the definitive archetype for an artist portfolio; Art right there in your face, no dicking around with splash pages, thumbnails etc, no complex menus, just a stack of art.

    Art wise, I really like your stuff, I'm not really qualified to offer much feedback on the work itself, but it all looks great to me. If I was to offer any advice, it would be to add another environment, but your ability is coming through pretty clear in the work that's there already.

    Good luck with finding a job!
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I agree with creationtwentytwo. It's a simple site, art first and the rest is secondary. You do a good job of making it look like you have a bunch of work from a handful of pieces. That's awesome. That said here's a few critiques.

    The font for about - gallery - etc doesn't match the rest of the site. I'd change that.

    Take off the about page. That's what interviews are for.

    Take off your phone number man too.
  • Mark Dygert
    I really like the layout and the art is great, nice job!

    Based on the art and objects I would give them all an A, the placement needs some work and I would give it a D.
    Some of the logic in Rigged to Blow is a little wonky. The shells are kind of sloppily placed. Some look like they are defying gravity (closest to detonator is hovering)
    Others look like they're about to roll off or fall over. If they fall over I wouldn't be too worried about them going boom but rather the fuse wires being pulled out and

    Anyone who can get a detonator like that and assemble that level of destructive power, would take more care in placing elements of it, guaranteeing they would go off.

    I wouldn't remove the phone number, maybe include it in an image (if it isn't already) so its not so easily mined by bots. But having gone over portfolios and hiring a character artist and animator recently we looked for the phone number to see if the artist was local or based in a far off place.

    We also skipped emailing people and rather called them, email is kind of unreliable and slow at times.
  • Tom Ellis
    Vig wrote: »
    the placement needs some work

    I was going to mention this but was reluctant to mention it since you're a far superior artist!

    That immediately hit me as looking weird though, especially the shell closest to the camera in the second shot. It looks like it's barely balancing on an edge and would roll away at any minute.

    The bag on top of the pile doesn't look like it would stay put much longer either.

    I'm guessing you placed the assets by hand, maybe try a little dynamics sim to create a more natural pile. You're mileage with that may vary since you're using cylindrical objects and they may just roll off out the scene, so it might be a crap idea, but worth a shot!
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    If I was to offer any advice, it would be to add another environment

    Same advice. But then I looked at what role you wanted to be and felt you were going down the right route by showing 3D props. Still, I like to see some environments with said props in them, like the first pictures.

    Solid work but one issue I had was with the normal for the bomb. The foamy bit that has bumps looks a bit smudged.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    Careful with the sharpen filter on your final images. A lot of your images look quite oversharpened. This image being a case in point - You can see that all the dark lines have a super bright white outline.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Really nice stuff man. The only thing I really wanted to see was texture size of those maps. In particular that suit case. Looks really high res for an object that small. Other then that one thing I think your portfolio looks great!
  • IchII3D
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    IchII3D polycounter lvl 12
    Nice work, your high poly models are nice and clean as well as your textures. In the scene at the top of your portfolio the light source and shadows don't seem to match, leaving some areas without shadow (bombs). Might help ground them a little more to move your light source up :P

    The main scene at the top is well done, but I don't get a sense of direction or intention. The obvious ambient story telling of the bomb but the whole location doesn't really give me a location. Its more a collection of small elements not working than a big wrong, as generally the scene is nice. Just me been slightly critical.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Nice work. I like your attention to detail. But of the bat, i think this website is targeted more towards weapons and vehicle modeller. It's not really about environments. You only have one, and although the pieces you have are good, the layout lacks. Your composition as people here already noted is weak. Some of your props do indeed look like they are hovering, weight comes with your prop and where the shadows land and how hard they draw. You should check some other artists portfolios and see what it is that they use to really push that scene, your lighting looks solid, but you can still push it to accentuate areas in your composition. I agree with everyone else about getting another environment in here.

    As far as the website, I like the simple show of just work. When we look at portfolios to hire, we want to see the art right away. Nice work on all of the props tho, specially the vehicles. Keep up the good work man, and i am sure that you will be picked out of the pile in no time.
  • CJE
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    CJE polycounter lvl 13
    Great site design, nice works.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    one of the best websites i have seen in awhile great job!
  • ajr2764
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    ajr2764 polycounter lvl 10
    Really clean and simply straight forward site, love that art just pops up as soon as I clicked the link. I do agree with the others about the placement of the props in the environment. Amazing texture work, I love the vehicles especially the zombie SUV. Good luck to you.
  • BradleyWascher
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    BradleyWascher polycounter lvl 13
    creationtwentytwo: Hey thanks for the feedback, I feel like you are more qualified as an artist to give critiques, your work is ace. An My plan is to start another environment here soon. Maybe something with a little more style and not so realistic.

    Vig: Hearing feedback from your is a true honor and Ive always felt like your advice was really sound so for sure I'm going to go back and address the floating bomb issue some more and maybe try and tweak the bomb locations a bit to make it more believable.

    Habboi: Yeah the bomb asset was one of the first to be created and the normals were done super fast, I'm sure i could go back in and just touch them up even in Photoshop a little. Thanks for noticing.

    glynnsmith: The sharpen filter is something i had a small issue with, I have to say that part of it also is that i compress the heck of of these images to try and make sure they loaded fast and even worked well for iphone viewing, I currently work for a online retailer so image size is a big thing in what i do and I think i over did the compression and it made the end result look a lot worst. Thanks for the head up though.

    Cojax : The Suitcase is using a 1024map so yes it is much bigger than what it would inside a game but at the same time i feel like because it was the focus of the environment and if you were to really try to diffuse it in a game you would get right up on in and you would want the detail. I might test it with a couple differnt res textures to see the results.

    IchII3D: The light source is actually pointing from the light but i think the light map res on that ground bsp is just set to high to really capture the shadows correctly and crisp. Also i turned off the horrible default AO that udk has on start up so i lost a little more shadowing bc of that.

    glottis8: Im definitely always trying to press my scenes to look better and better, I would say to anyone that wants to make an environment dont use slated walls like I did haha it may look could but man, you cant add anything to the scene without it looking old with all this empty space that really isn't use-able lol. Thanks for the feedback.

    CJE: Thanks a lot, I really tried to figure what worked best in other peoples websites and just kind of went for it.
  • BradleyWascher
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    BradleyWascher polycounter lvl 13
    I've contacted a few studios about open positions do you guys have any advice on creating cover letters in emails? An also if anyone is hiring or feelings like sharing a contact or two with a junior artist like myself please send me a pm or send me an email. Thanks!
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    My opinion: Normally I wouldn't think it should take you too long to get a job. But in this climate it may be tricky. Looks like you got the skills though so keep applying.

    With the portfolio: Agree with the general sites presentation - great. I like the first environment, but the "glowing" cobwebs really caught my eye. They're too bright/thick. Tone them down a bit, it should only take you a minute but would make a major difference. The high poly Gladiator Vehicle is great. But the texture needs more work. More detail and more worn metal in the right places - along the lines of the Gun Rack and you're there. Good luck!
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