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What Books/ tutorials regarding modeling do you recommend? (For Maya)

I wouldn't be surprised if this was asked before but, do you guys know of any good books for learning 3D modeling? Preferably for Maya (and for a newbie such as myself).
I searched the web and found a book called "The Game Artist's Guide to Maya" by Michael McKinley. Do you recommend on buying it? Or should I look elsewhere?
Thanks in advance.


  • Tom Ellis
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    The problem with instructional books is a) they tend to skip steps which isn't ideal for a complete beginner, and b) they get outdated rather quickly.

    Get yourself a subscription to Digital Tutors... a couple of their Maya courses (namely Intro to Maya, and Intro to Modeling in Maya) and you'll be all set and well equipped to start your own projects which along with some crit on here will be the best learning experience you can get.

  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    Maya? If it was XSI it would've been a different story but for starters you might want to stick to the google tutorials and learn every aspect of the tool.

    Personally I wouldnt recommend you anything until you learn the basic tutorials that comes with Maya. (if you go to the help from the menu bar you would find the tutorials)

    If you are soo eager to spend money and have a lot of time in hand to learn this tool, I would suggest you should get a month subscription of www.digitaltutors.com

    EDIT: DAMN IT!!! >.<
  • ClockHavoc42
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    My bad, I should have been more specific. I have learned Maya for a year in a course so I do know the basics of Maya. Sadly, character modeling doesn't count as basic. :P
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 14
    Then you need to start downloading Models and follow their topology. Basically, and follow the rendering skills you've learned from Maya tutorial.

    You can find such modeling tutorials on:



    the one that'll cost you is:

    digital tutors as Creation 22 have stated.

    Rest assured; if you've learned Maya via Maya tutorials that comes with it. Start modeling and post here in the pimp and preview to get a good guide and critics to refine your work. But first I assume you do not know a flow of topology of modeling So the free websites will do good for you.

    There is also an SDK thread on this website:

    You can download the model from there and follow their model to model one on your own for good practice.

    There are more model sources here in pimp and preview that you can follow.

    Also try http://www.gameartisans.org/forums/index.php

    Good luck
  • MagicSugar
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    MagicSugar polycounter lvl 10
    I've prepped myself for a Maya studio by just watching free 3d Buzz maya videos. Even the old versions tutorials still worked for me. Just needed about a week of watching and using the formerly available PLE version to familiariaze myself with the basics and general workflow.

    Tip for anybody self teaching is just ignore the tools and u.i. tabs that don't deal directly with what you're planning to use more of. Like modelling versus rendering or fx brush tools, etc. Couple of weeks on the job you'll know better how much or how less you need to ramp up with the app.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Also everyone underestimates the help file. Great resourced. Used it a lot when switching from a Max studio to a Maya studio. Still dont care for Maya compared to the wonders of Max but at least its not as bad.
  • ClockHavoc42
    Offline / Send Message
    Thank you for the links Nitewalker, I appreciate it! :D
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