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[Portfolio] - Pontus Ryman


So my portfolio has been in my signature for a while but i have been afraid of posting it for real as a thread, mostly because im very insecure if its good enough, but i realised that to make it better, i need a proper input from the all the talanted people here at polycount.

I know the image system on the page is not the best, but im very bad at homepages and stuff so atm im trying to keep it simple for me, eventually i will make the out of oil video available for direct stream on the site aswell.

please be gentle, but fair!


  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    Wut! Your work is quite solid. Glad you decided to man-up. Other than presentation issues, the only real crit to give at this point in my opinion is simply, "more!" I'd suggest another env scene in UDK or CE2.

    Oh, and you may want to fix your link here. :poly108:
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Nice to see a fellow swede :)

    I aggree with what Zack said but I have to really hammer in the point here. The presentation is killing you right now. Like, majorly killing you.

    It's a pain in the ass that when i click a thumbnail and all i get is a slightly bigger image when there's so much free space all around your page for bigger sizes. It's even more of a pain that i have to go into fullscreen mode to get it big :(
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    That first head looks great! You have some really cool work in your portfolio but it pains me to even look at your work because of the way your website is.

    Those loading images and then having to dig around to find full screen size etc. That's just horrible. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but I think you really NEED to know this.

    I wouldn't be surprised if potential employers done even look at your work when they see the way the site is formatted. The thumbnails are too small to tell how good these models really are, and to go full screen is a pain in the arse. Then you have to deal with the loading. :(

    Do yourself a favor and just follow this format: http://www.adambromell.com/

    Again, don't mean to be a dick but I think its a shame to not showcase nice work like you have properly. Web development isn't important, your art is, so let it do the talking for you! Good Luck Man!
  • Spitfire
    Yeah, i always thought the site was annoying, and im gonna have a friend look into setting up a simpler site for me, but this is what i got to work with in the meantime
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    The images are too small to really enjoy them. It's like trying to view a masterpiece from 40 feet away. Thumbnails are fine, but I'd like to see a larger image to see your detail and all of the painstaking hours of work you put into these images.
  • StefanH
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    StefanH polycounter lvl 12
    your stuff is rocksolid but damn that website is annoying! :)

    Helmet WIP is definetly your strongest piece just the wear and tear is very uniform an a little bit over the top but mostly too uniform IMO.
  • Grey
    AAARRRrrrgh! Must have bigger PicturezZ!! Your work looks great though :D Helmet is looking sweet
  • Spitfire
    Thank you for the good comments, a real confidence boost, i will definately look into changeing my site so they can fully portray the stuff i made.
  • Spitfire
    I updated my portfolio, and made the site somewhat better to navigate, but there isnt many options in viewbook to make it any smoother, i will eventually change my site into a better one but im no good at websites.

    Please comment on my latest work, thank you!
  • vofff
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    vofff polycounter lvl 10
    page not found...
  • Spitfire
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    You're insecure about your work when you're working for Black Mesa? Besides that, the work on your portfolio is really good. Stop bashing yourself. Honestly in my head, when your site loaded up I thought "you f** moron, not good enough my ass."

    Issues though...your image previewer sucks and takes too long. I'm no good with websites either which is why I begged for help and a stranger (Surfa) coded it for me. So maybe do the same? :D
  • Spitfire
    Thank you for liking my stuff =)
    Im definately going to get a better site, im just wondering where to start.
    Right now im looking for jobs so it would be a bad idea to switch out my link, considering the applications i sent out with this link attatched.
    So ill have to live with the bad navigation a little while longer.

    Fixed the main link aswell, realised the first post was linked wrong
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