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Model library, do you use/have one?

polycounter lvl 14
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AlexLegg polycounter lvl 14
Good morning everyone,

I've been charged at work with the task of producing an asset library. In other words collecting, producing and maintaining a library of models that we frequently use, to save time modelling them every time etc...

So I wondered if anyone else has a model library that they use and how it works?

Is there any software out there for this purpose?

Or does anyone manage models using a windows folder system or similar?




  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    yeah, i do this constantly, seems to be common. I just collect models of a particular type/theme and stick them into a single scene, arranged in some vaguely sensible order. Or not. There really is no great science to it, as long as the artists can quickly find the source file without jumping through hoops - ie its named something like 'ModelLibrary_African_Huts' and not something like 'ModelLibrary_A'. If you end up with loads and loads of source files, you'll probably want to think about breaking down directory structures (so something like Buildings>Buildings_Small) but again thats what every sensible person does on their PC anyway, as i say there's no great science to it

    if you're using source control (alienbrain, perforce, svn etc) it always seems sensible to me to add the library in if there's space on the server, that way you can control who's editing it, what files are included etc. You'll also make sure that people are loading a local copy of the file, and not opening one over the network. If you're not using source control for this, think about permissions
  • AlexLegg
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    AlexLegg polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks danr,

    Source control? hmmm, I might have to think about and look into it.

    What I need to do (as you said) is make it easy fo others to find and know what the models are.

    So I am thinking I need to show images of each model. Maybe just an image, or small rotating video or maybe a 3D rotation like web 3D, VRML.

    Now if its a folder structure, I could keep an image or whatever in the folder with the model and textures. Or maybe I create a spread sheet in Excell with details of the model and an image.

    We use Adobe Bridge at work for our texture library, so I could perhaps use that some how?!
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    well it all depends on how much time you can spend on it, versus how big the library is going to be, how many people will be using it, and how much use it's really going to get. Years back someone at work attempted a grand web-based scheme with all flashy bells and whistles, but really he just used that as an excuse to dick about for ages and considering the amount of use it got, it was a massive waste of time.

    To my mind, nice and simple and totally non-self indulgent is best, as long as it's organised clearly and directly - as you say, a simple excel doc with links may do fine for tracking and browsing. For the most simple solution though, nothing wrong with just letting people browse the files themselves to see whats in them. For smaller teams (which i'm guessing this is, if you don't already have source control in place for art assets) it won't take long for everyone to get familiar with the contents, or to let people know when there's new stuff to check out. Anyway, yeah, thats mostly me though (and luckily also the policy of the project i'm on) - i can't stand self-indulgence at work
  • AlexLegg
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    AlexLegg polycounter lvl 14
    I'm checking out Alien Brain at the moment - thanks. Seems to be what I am after, but getting my company to cough up is an issue as is getting people to use new software.

    The team is small, and most people are middle aged, stuck in their ways, resistant to change and anything new. So if its too complicated or slow they won't use it. Also if they have to do too much browsing and opening of files they probably won't use it.

    I'll have to beware the self indulgence, I could be prone!
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    you wouldn't use alienbrain just for this, it's source control for the whole of development, including code (although coders don't like it, they tend to prefer Perforce, winCVS and so on) and takes up its own distinct place within a working pipeline. Using it just for an asset library would be a huge waste of money (there's free programs out there, but not as 'visual' as alienbrain). I just thought that if you already had source control in place you could use it to help here.
  • AlexLegg
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    AlexLegg polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah looked into and I think its a bit overkill. Thinking on it version control isn't needed, just easy browsing and a preview or image.

    Bridge looks promising, it automatically produces previews (3D rotations) of OBS etc. kinda cool.
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