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Art School

Somehow, amazingly, i got into art school. Im nowhere near as good as anyone here, but, i wanted to share it. This is so amazing and exciting. By the way i think the main reason why i got in is because im 13 and going into high school, and there are so few other people this age doing this sort of thing. In case you care URL="http://rogueelephantproductions.blogspot.com/p/portfolio.html"]link[/URL is the "portfolio" i gave to them. Oh, and the random head thing in there is very crappy, i know, ive gotten much better since.


  • telmac
    I guess. Its still an art school...

    Yeah, we have reg classes until noon, then after a one hour lunch 3 hours of our specialty until 4. If you have to stay there for whatever reason all of the art-related teachers are still at school for another two hours and just continue with whatever they were doing.
  • Rwolf
    Offline / Send Message
    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    thats a odd high school
  • telmac
  • Tom Ellis
    Yeah congrats! Regardless of what the school is like, your art is far better than anything I was even thinking about producing at 13, your work shows a lot of potential. Keep practicing and by the time you're out of college, you'll be phenomenal!

    Also, a little bit of advice, obviously it's only my opinion so take it how you like. I'd suggest dropping the vector stuff. Your painterly / sketch stuff is miles better and vector art is a bit of a niche market unless you want to make corporate ID's for the rest of your life.

    Good luck with your studies man, and keep posting your work up on here!
  • telmac
    Thanks a lot. Yeah, i did vectors for a while when i was just starting. Its great to hear real reinforcement that im getting into this stuff as early as i think i am. By the way, i have been working a whole lost more with anatomy and really trying to be able to draw people very well very quickly. its been a lot of fun, and im getting much better much faster than i have before.
  • bounchfx
    congrats! that's a great step and it's awesome that you're into it early, it's going to benefit you tremendously as long as you stick with it. Good luck!
  • Tom Ellis
    That's great to hear, anatomy is something you should never stop learning and if characters are your thing, then a solid knowledge of anatomy will really show in the quality of your work.

    Don't worry about how quick you're doing things, or how fast you're learning. Especially at your age, you've got plenty of time!

    What matters is how good your art is, not how quickly you produce it (of course there are exceptions, deadlines and production environments) but I always cringe a bit when I see new artists make a point of noting how much time something took. DeviantART is the worst for this, the artist will put something like 'Photoshop - 45 mins' and unless it's supposed to be a speedpaint or concept development, to me that just says 'I know it could be better but I got bored so I'll pretend I timed myself'. There's no excuse if it's a portfolio piece in my opinion.
  • telmac
    Ive also been trying to random draw, and just not care how much it sucks. I think that most of the pages on my notebooks are half full of drawings. Ill do a dump soon. Im learning a lot about painting In photoshop (and im working on an actual painting in art class). I so thankful for my tablet nowadays.
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