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Game models - WIP


After my first post (What Are You Working On? 2010 Edition!), I thought of creating a new thread on the subject. Anyway, here is my latest 3d model, which I've remodeled today, and I'm pretty proud of the outcome (first pics). How ever, the main reason of my posting is to get feedback from others, so don't be shy on spilling out the (harsh) truth :). Oh, And to have some reference on how my previous models went, I'll post an image (second pics) on that matter to.



  • Sholka

    Small update on editing the model, both hands and shoulders (knees and toes, knees and toes... what a lame joke :poly122:), as previously they looked like a pile of rotting cream pies.

  • Dean
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    Dean polycounter lvl 9
    You've got quite a bit of edges that don't actually contribute to the model at all and only make it much harder to control. This also makes some places look blobby/weird. Look at each edge individually and decide whether or not it adds to the model. If not, either get rid of it or fix it. Edges have to flow and contribute:)

    By doing this, you can get the shapes down much better, keep those edges flowing.

    Keep going!:)
  • Sholka
    Dean wrote: »
    You've got quite a bit of edges that don't actually contribute to the model at all and only make it much harder to control. This also makes some places look blobby/weird. Look at each edge individually and decide whether or not it adds to the model. If not, either get rid of it or fix it. Edges have to flow and contribute:)

    By doing this, you can get the shapes down much better, keep those edges flowing.
    Dean wrote: »

    Keep going!


    firstly, thanks for replying Dean :). Actually, when I created this model and I always used a basic subdivision option, and tried to make the future high poly model (for baking) look closer to my expectations. However, as you mentioned several areas look quite odd because I've got an unanswered question: dunno what to do with the edge flow. I mean as this alien supposed to be an organic model, but keeping all the edges are pain in the ass. So I don't know whether I should keep the flow at all cost (like the ones running up from the hand, as the arm doesn't need all of them), or I should make some cuts here and there. But this will result some triangles which can mess up the high poly's topology*, when subdividing (as far as I know). So if someone can help me out a bit, that would be awesome!


    * If you look closer to the latest pics (on the left), you'll see a triangle at the forearm.


    Just finished with some major simplifications:
  • Zpanzer
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    Zpanzer polycounter lvl 8
    It's comming along nicely, a lot better then what I did when I first started out :)

    As for your question, I say it depends on what you want to do with your mesh next.

    If you're going to subdivide it as a high poly, you could add in extra loops every where in order to get rid of the triangles. You could also use theese loops to add a bit more form before the subdividing begins to smooth everything out.
  • vofff
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    vofff polycounter lvl 10
    I think you can crank down a bit of the tris under the back of the head. And maybe some of the tris of the end of the tail. But it depends if you are going to animate later to make the tail move softer.
  • Sholka

    Well Zpanzer I thought of making this as a base mesh, then copying it to make a high poly of it (for normal map), than create a texture for it, adding bones, and finally animate. This is the main reason, why I started this thread, as all (future) models will shown here, which will be included in my small mod for UDK. If everything goes well :) (And with a BIG "if")

    And for vofff, well yeah that should be the case, so I'll be editing those areas next, however I'm still concerned about the overall body (when it will get a bone structure, to make it properly skinned).

    Oh and alongside with the main character, I started to model the PV arms. As I'm willing to later add details to all parts (both PV models, and the character) at the same time, to make my life easier :)

    Again, I really appreciate your answers! Thanks.

  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    I don't know for what movie version you're going, but I strongly suggest you to look at poly density when doing xenos. especially on the thorax and neck, lots of detailing going on here (and trust me I went through 3 trial and error meshes to get it to say that :) ).
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    I will give you strong advice if you get rid of that blue font.
  • Sholka

    BeatKitano, the main idea was to recreate the original, giger like alien, from the first movie, but as the first image shows, it failed good time, as that beast got some ugly parts, which wont do any good if you want to create a frightening creature. Well and for the neck part, don't worry that won't be overlooked when creating the high poly. Oh, and could you tell me more about those errors? If so, I'll post you some ugly & hilarious older pictures of my first xenomorph attempts :D

    BlvdNights, hahahaha :) Yo got the point there :D Also disliked this blue color, its kinda "gate" like :) (if you know what I really ment) :D

  • Sholka

    After some thinking, I thought of recreating the model. So here is the new one (Hard block-out) and a human base character also. As usuall, all are WIP and the subdivision part is just for showing off... Ohh and this is my first attempt on only using quads.

  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    I suggest you to reallyy take your time, take part, sculpt it, see how the surface behave if you can get your shapes without subdividing much (should be easy to work with your mesh). if it works then do the next part and so on.

    I used this base mesh for my previous attempt (a few years ago) and the result sucked ass. My final version was done fully in voxel (no need to worry about modeling), it was liberating but if you go the modeling road, good luck cuase that's a really complex model.

    To comment on your current model, what's really bothering me, it was better before now you have an awkward crotch area, there should be some middle part not the legs joining each others.
  • Sholka
    BeatKitano wrote: »
    I suggest you to reallyy take your time, take part, sculpt it, see how the surface behave if you can get your shapes without subdividing much (should be easy to work with your mesh). if it works then do the next part and so on.

    I used this base mesh for my previous attempt (a few years ago) and the result sucked ass. My final version was done fully in voxel (no need to worry about modeling), it was liberating but if you go the modeling road, good luck cuase that's a really complex model.

    To comment on your current model, what's really bothering me, it was better before now you have an awkward crotch area, there should be some middle part not the legs joining each others.


    Nah, I'm not that noob, but last time I got a bit angry* so I decided to recreate the whole thing, as the previous (10, or more) models didn't appealed to me. So here is another new model (redesigned a bit). Next update will have a human base character next to it.


    * heh, my comp can't handle highpoly meshes, so sculpting is out of the question. So, there won't be any higher poly models, nor normal maps. Everything will be painted in the old school way, hence that ugly image I've posted last time. That was to test out some pixel painting.
  • Sholka

    who hoo, another update, this time with two new models. Tho, all tree of them need a couple of reediting, it looks so far so good, imo. Anyways, have a look at this pics.


    ps.: maybe adding some muscle to the alien, at the upper arm wont do any bad at all.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    I'm not that much bothered with the arms, it could use a few muscles like you said, but the head and torso bulkiness are weird with this scrawny figure you have.

    I would do that (very quickly with a mouse so don't look for quality). Just my two cents:


    But that's actually starting to look like a xenomorph, you're moving fast, I will be following your progress with interest.
  • Sholka
    BeatKitano wrote: »
    I'm not that much bothered with arm, could use a feww muscles like you said, but the head and torso bulkiness is weird with this scrawny figure you have.

    I would do that (very quickly with a mouse so don't look for quality). Just my two cents:

    But that's actually starting to look like a xenomorph, you're progressing fast, I will be following your progress with interest.


    thx for the extremely fast feedback :) Tho, behind the fast progress, there are some major "cheats", as I'm using reference models (yep, 3d ones), as I don't have previously learned (aka: school) experience (only self thought), and finding good ref images are pain in the ass, so I've started to use them, as a base starting point (as my previous 3d organic models were so plain, as I'm unable no model freely, yet) . Note that all of my models are completely remodeled, so no copying was done. To prove this, I'll share you my ref models:

    As, I won't sell these new models, I think its a good practice for a beginner, imo. However, the human faces are quite bad, as its hard to keep them fairly low poly, but with all the necessary details in them.

    As for the xenomorph, well its a updated version, as this one has some extra bones at its legs & arm...

    Ps.:Quick updated alien, the head now looks kinda awkward, to previous one looks better, doesn't it?:
  • BigErn
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    BigErn polycounter lvl 11
    nice progress, but is there any reason for the bright blue background colour? just that I imagine most packages come with a neutral grey background for a good reason? If anything I would make it at least darker? maybe its personal taste but would drive me mad looking at it all day :D
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    I don't find it offensive :), here's my suggestions (images are quicker, pose tweak is just for feeling the modeling, the attitude you have in your original screenshot is more xeno-like):

    Thumbs need to be shorten too, right now it looks tentacly (no H-joke please:poly124:)

    As for the tail appart from the too thin comment, you could end it with an alpha plane and a very simple tubular structure, it woudl be much more efficent texturing wise.
    Keep going this is going to be nice if you keep tweaking it.
  • Dean
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    Dean polycounter lvl 9
    Good job man, this is real great progress. Comparing the first models with these latest one, you can easily see a massive jump in quality:D Keep it up!
  • Sholka
    Hy there,

    I'm pretty sure some of you out there will hate me, after this post :). The reason is, after BeatKitano's suggestions, the editing started. How ever, as the model was quite low poly on some critical areas, where the modifications would be done, it was a pain in the ass, the re-topologies the whole thing (right corner of the image). So, after some thinking, I've started all over again, as it would be faster to recreate the whole thing, than editing it vertex by vertex. So, here is my newest update, and note that I've returned to the original concept, the basic giger alien, but see the image for yourself:

    However, although I've got several reference photos, from the original movie's backstage, all of them are quite blurry, so there are 2-3 part of the head, which I can't decide on how to model. The jaw and the shape of the head (mostly from the top view, and the lower parts curve).

    As usual, honest critics are always welcomed :)


    ps.: this one wont rape nobody BeatKitano :poly124:, ohh and I can't figure out, how to make the tail, with a simple cylinder with alpha texturing. I mean won't there be a black area, where the player would see the other sides poly? See image below:

    Lets say, the deleted faces are the alpha textured tail.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Previous one was way better, and you're gonna have a hard time making the textures look cool with such very obvious elements sticking out the head imho.

    For the tail, I meant something like this SS-2010-09-26_20.09.43.jpg

    The plane interesecting the tubular thing is the alpha plane, that way you can make the spikey spine without bothering with it in geo, and tif you do it properly you can even make 2/3 of these planes repeated along hte tail to save texture space.
  • Sholka

    Hy there!

    Well, just to show off some work, here's what I've been working on since last time. Have a nice sneak peak at the model. What do you think?

  • Sholka

    Hy there,

    so, after painfully forced to start over again and again, I've encountered some problems, which I don't know how to overcome. You see, after failing at creating a usable alien model, I've thought it all over. Why can't I create a good alien model with the correct propositions? Well, 'cos I haven't got a clue on how its bone structure is built up. So the idea was then born: Lets make a skeleton first, then create the flesh.

    The first attempt can be found at my previous post. But, as you can see, the head's geometry is messed up like hell, as I've modeled it free handly, vertex by vertex, not bothering myself with edge loops. So I took my time to create another one, this time a human skull (as I wanted to modify later on the base skull, to match the aliens). Not much luck at all. Although it got cleaner geometry, with edge-loops here & there, its still not perfect (not to mention, I only have bad ref images; note: its hard to model, if you only have 2 sides, as the skull has dozens of small detail, which can only seen in 3d).

    So I've retried again, now with extra precautions, to make the skull as perfect as possible. Now, it looks more comic-ish, than a real skull. Not to mention the also failed alien version of it (not completed).

    So, my question would be. What to do now?*

  • Sholka
    Hy there,

    after putting things in a new perspective, some of my modeling problems where solved. So right after that, I started to move on. To prove some improvements, let me show you some extremely early WIP! Hopefully the next update will contain all three models (currently working on the second one)...

  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    making a bone stucture first will do nothing for your proportions, especially if your hyper detailing stuff out like you are now with this new approach.

    Generally when trying to nail proportion you need to start off with as basic shapes/volumes as soon as possible, once you have some base proportions your happy with, then start in on the super serious modeling- working large shapes first, medium shapes second, and details last.

    if you start in on small details right off the bat, making large changes becomes like pulling teeth.

    honestly your best bet is to start looking into anatomy. Luckily Geiger alien is very closely based on the human form, so I`m sure your studies will be heavily relevant to this project
  • Sholka
    konstruct wrote: »
    making a bone stucture first will do nothing for your proportions, especially if your hyper detailing stuff out like you are now with this new approach.

    Generally when trying to nail proportion you need to start off with as basic shapes/volumes as soon as possible, once you have some base proportions your happy with, then start in on the super serious modeling- working large shapes first, medium shapes second, and details last.

    if you start in on small details right off the bat, making large changes becomes like pulling teeth.

    honestly your best bet is to start looking into anatomy. Luckily Geiger alien is very closely based on the human form, so I`m sure your studies will be heavily relevant to this project

    Nah don't worry, this is just a "simple" under the re-topology progress, for a basic human skull. As you mentioned, its a good start to get to know the human anatomy. This is the main reason why I'm doing this. So If I would say so, that giger like alien will be born in 2100, as there is still a lot to learn.

    The concept is to learn the human anatomy (muscle+bone structure), after mastering those skills, moving on to the alien.

    So if you would ask me, what have I learned up until now? The answer is: edgeloops. IMO its a crucial point nowdays, so it has a priority over proportions.


  • achillesian
    i think we should nuke this thread from orbit, only way to be sure
  • Slaught
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    Slaught polycounter lvl 18
    That´s like saying elbows have a priority over knees when they´re both mandatory.
  • Sholka
  • Sholka

    didn't wanted to start a new thread, so here is my latest WIP. Some non-organic practice, for a vehicle.



  • raul
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    raul polycounter lvl 11
    on the tire, the last screenshot, i take it that is your control mesh. At the moment that is way too high poly. You are already floating geometry. Why not minimize the number of faces by making a 8 sided disc for the rim, and perhaps a 12 sided cylinder for the tire. Then just bevel what you need on the tire threads.

    If you are showing wires, you wanna showcase your control mesh. Not the turbo smooth version.

    Keep up the good work!
  • Sholka
    raul wrote: »
    on the tire, the last screenshot, i take it that is your control mesh. At the moment that is way too high poly. You are already floating geometry. Why not minimize the number of faces by making a 8 sided disc for the rim, and perhaps a 12 sided cylinder for the tire. Then just bevel what you need on the tire threads.

    If you are showing wires, you wanna showcase your control mesh. Not the turbo smooth version.

    Keep up the good work!

    Thanks for the reply :) No worries, there will be a low poly version of it, just wanted to show that at least I can do something worth mentioning... :)
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